Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 65: Wild Wind Stream

In the room, Wang Lu was refining the purple gold hammer all the time, forcing two drops of blood essence from his fingers, wrapping it with mana, and pouring in various magic formulas according to the purple gold hammering method.

Three days passed by in a flash, and Wang Lu, who was a little tired both physically and mentally, looked at the two purple gold hammers floating in front of him with purple light, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Hard work pays off. The Purple Gold Hammer does not require any hammering skills. As long as you have sufficient mana and strong spiritual consciousness, you can operate it with ease.

Putting away the Purple Gold Hammer, he took out the five Yinquan Thunder Beads.

The thunder bead is cold and bone-chilling, with a trace of lightning jumping on the surface from time to time. It is refined in less than an hour according to the refining method, just waiting for the battle to give the opponent an unprepared surprise.

In the next month, he began to make a large number of talismans, and thousands of gleaming talismans filled the room.

One of the elementary and high-level defensive talismans called Bai-Layer Mountain required him to draw it repeatedly eighty-nine times before he finally succeeded.

Looking at the two Hundred-Layered Mountain Defense Talisman shining with yellow light in his hand, layers of mountain peaks seemed to emerge from the light.

Wang Lu secretly said that he was lucky. He prepared a hundred materials. Even if he drew one and accumulated a lot of experience, the next eleven materials would only be completed once.

In fact, he didn't know that even Master Qiu Huaren was unable to use the Hundred-story Mountain defensive talisman. In the Liufu Sect's more than 3,000 years of history, only a few people had successfully drawn it.

The next morning, the morning sun was rising and the mountain breeze was blowing on my face.

Under ten thousand rays of light and on the sound blade, Wang Lu looked firmly at the boundless sea. This time he was facing a demon cultivator organization named Setting Sun, and his goal was to destroy this team.

According to the information provided by the Blood Hall, the leader of the Setting Sun Organization is Meng Gang, a strong man in the early stage of the Golden Core. This man has obtained sporadic inheritance from an ancient demon cultivator sect, the Golden Crow Sect, and has dozens of mid- to late-stage foundation builders. Under his subordinates, they live in no fixed place, come and go without a trace, and are at ease in the vast sea. They hunt down the disciples or teams who go to hunt for treasures and gain experience. Their methods are cruel, and they are ranked twenty-fourth on the wanted list.

The monks and teams who went to suppress them often returned without success, and many people lost their lives.

Wang Lu also used the Golden Order to find Yin Qi again and paid a large amount of spiritual stones to learn the approximate location of this organization.

In Yefeng Stream, a thirty-foot-wide waterfall cascades down the mountainside.

Behind the waterfall, there is a large cave hidden.

The cave is large and deep. There are many small caves distributed in a circling, twisting and turning way, like a maze. Not to mention those who have not gone there will get lost, even people from the Setting Sun Organization who go deep into it will often lose their way.

In a small cave, a handsome monk in the middle stage of foundation building was persuading a beautiful woman in a light green dress: "Sister, the master of the sect is more than three hundred years older than you, but brother can see that he really cares about you. , Do you still remember that when we first arrived in Manhai, we joined a team to hunt for treasures. If it hadn't been for the sect leader's intervention, we would have become others' abandoned children and would have perished long ago. "

"Afterwards, the sect master also gave us the Foundation Building Pill, so that we could build the foundation. Every time we performed a task, the sect master took great care of us. He did not contribute much, but the resources he received were quite generous. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that, the sect master I have a deep love for you. If you don't want to give him a smile, you might as well say a few words to him. "

"Brother, please stop talking. I just can't see how he looks like that. Please go out, I want to rest."

Li Muqing said lightly.

"Oh, sister, my brother is doing this for your own good. You should think about it again."

Li Liang persuaded again.


Li Mouqing sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. She no longer knew what the purpose of cultivating immortality was. In the past, she and her brother would run around, explore ancient ruins, find secrets, and fight to the death for the resources for daily cultivation.

Now after building the foundation, she was being hunted all day long, and she was living in fear. She had never thought about Taoist companions at all, and she didn't know when she would be the first, so she could only take one step at a time.

Vaguely, deep in her heart, she hid the thought that the young boy who sold talismans in Buyunfang Market, Jade City, Liupi Mountain, had clearly let herself take advantage and was still pretending to be confused.

Thinking of this, her heart couldn't help but soften.

As the wind was flying along the way, Wang Lu saw a waterfall in the distance. He pressed the sound blade, added a death talisman to himself, and sneaked away.

Yefengjian is not a stream, but a small lake with a radius of a hundred miles. The small lake is backed by a large mountain. The water flow from all over the mountain converges to form a waterfall that falls on the mountainside.

On both sides of the small lake are small plains that are rare in the vast sea.

Dense unknown weeds grow on the plains, mixed with scattered trees. The wind is not blocked by towering trees and woods, and the wind blows freely on the plains. This is where the name Wild Wind Stream comes from.

There are very few monks who go to Yefeng Stream, because there are no spiritual materials or monsters in this area. There are only wild winds, waterfalls that flow down all the time, and a piece of wild grass that grows wildly.

As for how Yinluanxuan knew that the Setting Sun Organization was hiding in Yefengjian, he had no idea.

Looking around, apart from the waterfalls, weeds, wind, and gloomy sky, where is the trace of half a monk?

Wang Lu searched carefully and found no clues, let alone any fluctuations in the formation.

He secretly guessed, could it be that the Setting Sun Organization was hiding under the lake?

When he came to the lake, the waves were rolling, and the cool breath came from the clear mountain water, which suddenly relaxed his tense mind.

The lake was clear but the bottom was not visible. He released the medium-grade spiritual weapon, the brick, which he had bought from the Spiritual Materials Pavilion, to see if the Canyang Organization was hiding under the water.

The brick quickly grew larger and flew over the center of the lake. A spell was cast, and the brick pressed down on the lake surface with the force of thunder.

With a "splash", the lake surface seemed to be torn apart, and the surrounding lake water was forcibly drained away, forming a huge puddle.

The brick pressed into the bottom of the water like a broken bamboo, and a net of mud bubbles emerged. Seeing that there was no restriction or formation blocking the bottom of the lake, where did the Canyang Organization come from?

He removed the body-killing talisman, put away the spiritual weapon, rubbed his temples, and frowned as if he had encountered some problem.

The lake water around the center of the lake gathered quickly like a young swallow returning to its nest. Soon, except for the sound of the wind and the sound of the waterfall falling, the lake became quiet.

Behind the waterfall, more than a dozen pairs of eyes were watching Wang Lu's self-directed and self-acted performance intently, all showing incredible expressions, looking at each other, are there really such boring people in the world?

With a "puff", Li Mouqing laughed out like a blooming flower. Seeing Wang Lu's clumsy performance, she really couldn't help it.

Everyone saw the beautiful Li Mouqing's beautiful appearance of covering her mouth and laughing, and they couldn't take their eyes off.


At this time, they heard a cough from a tall and burly middle-aged man, and then they withdrew their sights in disappointment.

The man said: "Have you ever thought about the purpose of this person coming here to search for us?"

Li Liang stood out from the crowd and said: "Master, our location is extremely secret. For so many years, no one has discovered it, and no one has come to explore it. In my opinion, this person came to Yefengjian by chance."

Hearing Li Liang's thorough analysis, Meng Gang also felt the same way. Yefengjian was found by chance when he was being hunted more than a hundred years ago.

For more than a hundred years, he has used this place as a hiding place and has never made any mistakes.

Li Liang then calmly analyzed: "Besides, this person is no more than the Jindan stage of cultivation. He came alone to search for us, which is not much different from seeking death."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but laugh. Meng Gang also nodded secretly. Li Liang has some cultivation talents that others don't have. In addition, his view of the situation is far beyond that of ordinary people, and he is calm and composed. This is why he is interested in Li Liang.

At this time, he secretly glanced at Li Mouqing. Li Mouqing's two eyes like stars in the night sky were bright and shining with admiration for his brother Li Liang.

He sighed secretly. After more than three hundred years of intrigues and fighting, his state of mind was originally calmer and tougher than that of ordinary people. He didn't expect that after seeing Li Mouqing, his heart would have a ripple.

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