Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 625: The Hero of Alchemy

Yin Jiu laughed heartily, and the old man was comforted. Yin 113 made him very satisfied. Although his talent was not very high, his character was like a rock in the wind and rain, solid and firm, which was very rare.

If you want to go further on the road of cultivating immortals, the key condition is to be determined and tenacious.

With such an obvious hint, Yin 113 stood still and bowed to Wang Lu and the cultivator surnamed Zhang respectively, and said with full energy: "My nephew Huang Yuanjie greets Uncle Zhang and Senior Qiu."

"Take it, I am your master's disciple, named Zhang Cheng, and I have always been close to your master. I am also very pleased that my senior brother has a good disciple. This is a bottle of "Wu Wan" refined by me. It will be of great benefit to your current cultivation. Strive to achieve the golden elixir within three years."

As he spoke, a black and shiny jade bottle slowly moved in the air and came to Yin 113. He was surprised and happy to take it respectfully and bowed.

Wu Wan, what is this thing?

Silver 113, a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building.

To achieve the golden elixir, one must go through the two small realms of foundation building great perfection and false elixir. Back then, he tried every possible way and spent decades to advance from the late stage to the golden elixir stage.

Furthermore, if one wants to go far on the thorny road of cultivating immortals, the mana of the Qi training stage and the foundation building stage must be more and more solid, so that there is a chance to fuse into the upper elixir of the third grade golden elixir, laying a solid foundation for the future condensation of the Nascent Soul.

With only a bottle of some weird thing, the "Wu Wan" that has never been heard of, he wants to step into the golden elixir stage without any defects within three years. Isn't it a bit unrealistic to force the growth of seedlings?

According to Zhang Cheng, it is obvious that he is an alchemist. Even if you are an alchemist, you can't refine blindly and poison your nephew, right?

There are only a few kinds of elixirs that can improve the mana of the foundation building stage. Where does the "Wu Wan" come from?

However, Yin 113 seemed to know the name of "Wu Wan" and was very excited. Could it be more precious than Bing Xin Dan? Or, I have been ignorant of it for these years. When did the "Wu Wan" pill appear in the foundation-building period?

Thinking back, it was my turn.

With a wave of his hand, three half-palm-sized, white as snow with a hint of coldness floated, and the whole room suddenly fell into a tangled contradiction, cold as ice and fierce as a knife.

Ice and Snow Fierce Knife Talisman.

"Haha, I have met the junior three times. As the saying goes, three things never happen. If you accept three "Ice and Snow Fierce Knife Talismans", you can save your life three times."

Wang Lu smiled gently.

"Thank you, Senior Qiu. I will be disrespectful to refuse it."

Although Yin 113 has never owned the Ice and Snow Fierce Knife Talisman, he has heard of and seen this famous talisman.

The high-level talisman that is extremely difficult to refine among the intermediate and low-level talismans is so powerful that it can give a fatal blow to ordinary late-stage Jindan strongmen. It is indeed a rare means of saving his life at the moment.

Seeing this, Wang Lu nodded slightly. The little guy's unpretentious attitude doubled his favor for him.

Next, Yin 113 calmly brewed the "Double Line Yixiang" spiritual tea for the three of them to express his gratitude.

Feeling the two kinds of strange fragrances floating on the tip of the tongue and in the body again, Wang Lu still praised it.

It even made Zhang Cheng, who tasted this tea for the first time, drink it with sparkling eyes, and his face was full of joy, and wonderful.

"I have accepted the gift and drank the tea. Next, I would like to introduce to Fellow Daoist Qiu my father's favorite disciple, my junior brother, Zhang Cheng. The recipe for the pill that Fellow Daoist gave me more than a year ago was made by Junior Brother Zhang, isn't it?"

As soon as the words fell, Yin Jiu opened his hand, and twenty-two jade bottles with faint blue light appeared on the long table, emitting a charming blue.

Wang Lu's eyes condensed, and with a wave of his hand, a jade bottle came into his hand. In one breath, the bottle stopper popped out, and a sky-blue thumb-sized, green pill lay flat on his palm.

The rich spiritual power on the elixir was like a green rain, and it was like a priceless emerald, which made people love it.

"Drunk Green Pill, or the top-quality Drunk Green Pill!"

Wang Lu couldn't help but blurt out, stood up in shock, and took a deep look at Zhang Cheng, who was as calm as water.

If he is at his level, even with Xiaolu's help, the best pill he can make is top-grade. Without Xiaolu, it is hard to say whether he can make a pill.

Hehe, it's not hard to say, it's impossible.

This person is at least a great pill master!

He is too young. Did he start making pills in the womb?

"This pill is extremely important to me. Thank you, fellow Taoist!" Wang Lu said solemnly with a fist.

"Okay, if fellow Taoist has other pill recipes, I can also help you make them, and it's free."

Zhang Cheng stood up without a trace of arrogance, but asked a question that Wang Lu didn't expect.

"I do have the pill recipe, but I got it with great difficulty and risk of death." Wang Lu thought about it and answered honestly.

Facing the burning eyes of Zhang Cheng and his obsession with the pill recipe, he really couldn't bear to lie to him.

Besides, whether it was the Starfish Pill, the Shenhuan Pill, or the Huayun Pill, he spent a lot of money to get them.

Especially the shopkeeper's Baizhuan Guiyuan Dan, which almost cost him his life. He also got the Shenhuan Dan from Donghua Pavilion in exchange for three actions for the pavilion, but he has not used it once so far.

It gives me a headache just thinking about it.

The four kinds of Jindan middle and late Jindan elixirs pushed him from the middle Jindan all the way to the peak of the current late Jindan.

Alas, if it were someone else, he would have entered the Nascent Soul stage long ago.

"Six Talisman Secrets", you are really a vampire, your eating manner is so ugly, a lot of the magic power that I have worked hard to cultivate was swallowed by you, leaving only the leftovers.

Wang Lu once again deeply sighed at the skills he practiced.

Also, if the "Drunk Green Pill" obtained by using the four palms of the blazing bear with fierce fire had not been achieved, it might have been divided and eaten by the group of monsters.

Xinghai Dan and Huayun Dan were actually obtained by him with top-notch spiritual materials and intermediate-level blood escape talismans. It was up to him to keep them privately or give them away, and there would be no leakage.

But it was obtained by gathering all the resources, talents, and strength in his body. It was not his character to give it away so easily. He had to gain something anyway.

As for Shen Huandan, he and the old man from Donghua Pavilion had already made a promise, and they would not let it be revealed.

Zhang Cheng saw that Wang Lu was thoughtful, and his expression kept changing. He must have an ancient prescription that he treasured so much that he couldn't even ask for. He immediately felt certain in his heart. At the same time, he increased his bets and said, "If fellow Taoist still has such an ancient prescription, I will Mr. Zhang promised that as long as you condense the Nascent Soul, I will give you ten bottles of elixir that have never appeared before and will greatly improve the initial mana of the Nascent Soul. "

Hearing this, Wang Lu was shaken all over.

It’s incredible!

This person is a fucking hero of Dan Dao!

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