Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 636 Agreement

Seeing Wang Lu's shock, Zhang Cheng's eyes flashed with joy. He knew that the other party had been moved and had great potential.

Although he only had a talent of dual spiritual roots, he was born with a good understanding of various spiritual medicines, spiritual fruits, spiritual herbs, and spiritual materials.

Their properties related to cold and heat, dampness and warmth, yin and yang, and the five elements seemed to have been engraved in his mind. With his powerful divine sense that was born stronger than others, he could easily make pills.

Yin Jiu's father, his master, was a very strange and ruthless person. Whenever there was a slight mistake in making pills or learning to set up the medicine array, he would beat him and Yin Jiu to death with fists and feet. They were often torn and bruised, and could not apply ointment or take the elixir, which made them cry out in pain.

Even their senior sister Gu Ying was also killed by the poisonous hands, without mercy.

The more than 40 years of learning were like purgatory. He and his senior sister suffered horribly. Yin Jiu didn't know whether he couldn't stand such cold-blooded torture or didn't like alchemy at all. He joined Yin Luan Xuan behind his master's back and started as a low-level disciple until now.

Although he and Gu Ying suffered atrocities for a long time, they were successful in alchemy. At the same time, they also developed an extremely tough nerve. Even if the mountain collapsed in front of them, they would not change color.

They were not released until they both became real alchemists.

However, once they left the range of Yin Luan Xuan, they could never go back. They would only be allowed to return if they achieved the level of alchemy grandmaster.

After leaving the apprenticeship, everyone had their own ambitions. Senior sister Gu Ying stayed in Yin Luan Xuan, and he went out to explore.

Two hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. He enjoyed the beautiful mountains and rivers while practicing hard, madly absorbing the alchemy systems and alchemy knowledge of various schools and sects, constantly broadening his horizons, integrating and learning from others, and finally reaching the current state of a half-step alchemy master.

During this period, by chance, he got a magical pill left over from ancient times in a small secret realm, which greatly improved the magic power in the late stage of foundation building and was as big as a black dragon eye.

Based on the vast ancient books and jade slips, combined with various elixirs in the current foundation building period, he reversed and reversed, and after tens of thousands of attempts and repeated deliberations, he finally made the "Wu Wan" he named himself.

The effect is very amazing. One Wu Wan is more effective than twenty Bingxin Pills.

When it was released, it could be said that it cast a shocking thunder bead in the world of immortal cultivation, which immediately caused a storm in all directions. Many alchemy masters could not help but call it a "miracle".

However, he was a low-key person, and only released ten bottles in an inconspicuous small market, and then ran away.

Now the only two bottles left have been sold at an astonishingly high price of 50,000 high-quality spirit stones per bottle.

Traveling to Tianhai City, of course, it is inevitable to visit the senior brother who has not seen each other for more than 200 years. The two have been separated for a long time, but their friendship has become deeper. When Yin Jiu mentioned that there was a new pill formula, his eyes lit up.

He did not rush to refine, but calmed down, felt it with his heart, and experienced it carefully. When all the details were clear in his mind, it had been eight months.

This shows Zhang Cheng's iron will and his dedication and persistence in the way of alchemy.

Next, he began to work on refining, with the momentum of autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, pushing forward all the way, unimpeded, crackling, and in less than three months, 22 bottles of "Drunk Green Pill" were produced.

Thirty spiritual materials, the pill success rate is as high as more than 70%, and it is still the top "Drunk Green Pill".

Worthy, outstanding, unparalleled!

It's a long story, but it only takes a few breaths.

Wang Lu was also thinking over and over again in his heart. When Xiaolu was dying and unconscious, even if he used the top-grade Zui Lu Dan to enter the Nascent Soul stage.

Then, what about the future?

Those common elixirs can only improve his magic power a little. Moreover, the elixirs used for the practice of the Nascent Soul stage are also relatively difficult to find, and they are often in the market but not priceless, and the price is extremely high.

At present, with Zhang Cheng, the master of alchemy, it is like a gift from heaven.

Could it be that he is really a child of destiny, and his luck has reached an unstoppable point?

Is there some kind of disaster hidden in it? As the saying goes, good and bad are interdependent. Is it too coincidental that he has to be on guard.

Thinking of this, a very bad omen dispersed his joy and a chill rose.

Zhang Cheng saw that his face suddenly changed, and he was a little at a loss. Could it be that things will turn around again, or that his chips are not heavy enough?

He was too inconsistent, and he couldn't help but feel cold in his heart.

Wang Lu bowed to him, smiled bitterly, and sat down quietly.

Too smooth, it backfired.

Yin Jiu was also a little puzzled when he saw this. It was fine just now, why did the situation suddenly change to this?

He had to do something to resolve the dull situation.

His mind raced, and he laughed, "Brother, please sit down. I'm sure that Fellow Daoist Qiu has his unspeakable secrets. Let's stop here today. Besides, Fellow Daoist Qiu did not reject my request. Otherwise, you stay in Tianhai City. With this fate, we can get together. If Brother Qiu needs my help to make pills again, I can also find my brother with a thick face, right, Brother Qiu?"

"It's just as Fellow Daoist Yin said. I was abrupt just now. Please don't blame Fellow Daoist Zhang. In this way, we will agree on a deadline, 30 years short and 50 years long. If you are still in Tianhai City at that time, please take a look at the two ancient pill recipes of the middle and late stages of the golden pill!"

Wang Lu did not expect Yin Jiu to come up with a plan as soon as his eyes turned, and spoke so comprehensively. He not only took into account Zhang Cheng's face and appeased him, but also gave him a way out, and he walked down calmly.

He is really a hidden ruthless character.

I can understand the elegant meaning of the music by hearing it. I cannot refuse his kindness. I believe that Zhang Cheng, who is intoxicated by ancient prescriptions, should be able to accept it.

Sure enough, when he heard the words "two ancient recipes for the middle and late stages of the golden elixir", he didn't think twice and said, "This is a great good thing. If I can successfully enter the realm of the master of the elixir path in the future, it will be thanks to Fellow Daoist Qiu."

"It's a deal!"

Wang Lu's Zhang Cheng stood up suddenly, and a loud applause rang out in the room.

"Good, good, good!"

Yin Jiu stood up and said "good" three times in a row, which brought this meeting to a perfect end.

After Wang Lu left, only Yin Jiu and his brother were left in the room.

Zhang Cheng asked solemnly: "Brother, do you really care so much about this unknown and unidentified Daoist Qiu that you have extended the deadline for condensing the Nascent Soul by another forty or fifty years? Time is precious."

"Since you have this question, I can't hide it from you anymore. Why did you accept Yin 113 as your disciple? My family's skills and magical powers cannot be lost in my body. I have become..."

After a long time, Yin Jiu's ears echoed with Zhang Cheng's thunderous words:

"Tianyuan Theory", Brother, have you ever thought that our Yinluanxuan's skills that surpass the top level of the heavenly level are related to the mysterious Tianyuan Sect?

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