Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 67: Sun Xue's Power

Sun Xue's white clothes were as white as snow, and her temperament was elegant. She jumped twenty feet in one leap, and it was obvious that she had mastered a good body movement. This made the other three people try their best to barely keep up. Wang Lu pretended to be unable to do it and fell behind.

At noon on the sixth day, the sky was covered with leaden clouds and the wind was whistling. They had already gone deep into the chaotic beach, and several bare hills blocked the way ahead.

Sun Xue made a stop gesture and stared at the front.

Wang Lu and the other four stopped, and Sun Xue whispered: "There are a group of ancient corpses of varying numbers gathered on the hills ahead. The lowest level of cultivation is the foundation-building stage, called iron corpses, and the highest level of cultivation is bronze corpses, which is equivalent to the golden elixir stage strongman. According to my understanding, the number of bronze corpses is about twenty, and the number of iron corpses is no less than five hundred. I have a few body-destroying talismans here. Everyone must be extremely careful. Once you encounter one, don't get entangled and pass quickly."

Wang Lu's eyes moved slightly. He took the body-destroying talisman given by Sun Xue. With his current level, he couldn't draw it.

The pale green body-killing talisman was a low-level intermediate talisman. He had a few primary high-level body-killing talismans in his storage bag, which were ten times less effective than the intermediate ones.

The low-level intermediate body-killing talismans could evade the detection of masters in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

The five people moved forward cautiously. Several gliding corpse birds in the air made a "woooo" cry. Everything seemed calm.

A canyon with a howling wind appeared between two hills. Apart from climbing the mountain, this was the only shortcut to pass quickly.

Wang Lu finally saw the so-called ancient corpse.

There were about thirty of them, with expressionless faces, wearing tops and skirts. The two sleeves of the tops were particularly long, so the hands could not be seen at all, and the knees were covered. Except for the occasional movement of two dark black eyeballs, they were no different from normal people.

Sun Xue was in front, and Wang Lu and the other four were slightly behind. They walked side by side, holding the spiritual tools in their hands tightly to prevent accidents.

The ancient corpses were sitting, standing, standing or walking around the canyon. When the six iron corpses passed by, the five people quickly passed through the gap and walked into the canyon.

In the canyon, there were countless corpses scattered around, some of them were monks, some were monsters, and some were ancient corpses. The bones were white and eerie, which was very creepy.

Sun Xue frowned slightly, and the five people moved forward slowly, not daring to breathe. After two hours, they came to the middle of the canyon.

The middle of the canyon was very open, about 500 feet in radius. Two ancient corpses that were obviously a circle larger sat in the center, with their eyes closed, and they stood still despite the howling wind in their ears.

Seeing the two ancient corpses, Sun Xue's delicate body trembled slightly, and the five people slowed down their pace, trying not to bring even a trace of mockery to this quiet but roaring environment.

The five people took a detour and successfully passed the two ancient corpses. When they were ten feet away from the ancient corpses, one of the ancient corpses suddenly opened his eyes.

Its eyes were pale yellow, and they quickly swept around, and a burst of yellow light swept every inch of the canyon.

Where the yellow light passed, there was no abnormality in the front and left and right.

His head suddenly turned 180 degrees, and a yellow light spread out. Sun Xue's whole body tensed up. At the same time, the five people were frantically pouring magic power into the body-destroying talisman.

The yellow light covered his body, and Wang Lu's body suddenly lost consciousness. His mind was in chaos, and he secretly shouted "not good".

In a flash, Sun Xue shouted: "Go quickly."

The five people raised their magic power, exerted their full strength, and ran quickly towards the exit.



The two ancient corpses looked at the direction where the five people fled, as if grinding their teeth, and let out a low and biting laugh from their mouths.

"Giggle, giggle..."

As if responding to them, the screams of the ancient corpses all over the mountains and plains came into their ears.

After hearing this, the five people were all shocked, and their magic power was poured wildly, and their speed was three times faster.

Sun Xue, needless to say, jumped thirty feet.

Hua Hu, Zeng Yilu and Kong Bai also showed their best skills and jumped more than twenty feet, which was quite amazing in the foundation-building period.

Wang Lu pretended to use all his strength and fell behind slightly.

The five people disappeared in the eyes of the two bronze corpses in a blink of an eye. The two looked at each other, leaned slightly, and kicked the ground with their feet as fast as lightning. With a flash of their figures, the dust on the ground was stirred, and the canyon was shaken. The two corpses were already forty feet away in front.

The two corpses threw at them like cannonballs, as fast as thunder.

The five people felt that the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. Except for Sun Xue who felt a little more at ease, even Wang Lu felt that the situation was critical, not to mention the other three.

The endless ancient corpses kept jumping on the tops of the two hills, making harsh and loud calls, and large groups of ancient corpses ran to the front of the canyon to intercept them.

In front of the five people, a dozen iron corpses roared and rushed towards them excitedly. As long as they were blocked by the iron corpses for ten breaths, they would be caught up by the bronze corpses behind them.

Ten feet away from the iron corpses, a red spiritual gauze suddenly appeared in Sun Xue's hand. After pinching the formula, the red gauze broke through the air and appeared above the iron corpses in an instant. In less than a breath, a light red smoke fell, and the iron corpses fell like harvested wheat.

Seeing the iron corpses fall, the four people were greatly inspired and followed Sun Xue closely, without delaying for a moment because of the iron corpses.

The two bronze corpses behind saw that the iron corpses had no effect at all, and they shouted angrily.

With a shout, the ancient corpses on several hills gathered towards the canyon frantically.

The mountains shook in waves, and the bronze corpses behind chased more urgently. The densely packed ancient corpses in front squeezed the canyon, which was only twenty feet away from the exit.

Five bronze corpses with pale yellow eyes stood in front of the many iron corpses, with a slight smile on their lips and a look of sarcasm in their eyes.

The five people and the ancient corpse in front of them approached quickly. Sun Xue sighed secretly, and the red gauze was about to float over the heads of the five bronze corpses like a gust of wind.

"Don't overestimate your ability, just a trifle."

As soon as the voice of two of the bronze corpses fell, their hands hidden in their sleeves suddenly stretched out, raised their fists and hit the red gauze in front of them like thunder. Four fist shadows were like four hands, grabbing both sides of the red gauze and tearing them hard.

With a "click", the red gauze split into two pieces from the middle. Unexpectedly, the two pieces of red gauze flashed down and wrapped up the five bronze corpses like zongzi when they were caught off guard.

At the same time, Sun Xue opened his mouth slightly, revealing his white teeth, and a small green flute was placed beside his mouth. The four people immediately closed their hearing, and bursts of lewd music came out. The dense iron corpses in front of them shook their heads like drunkenness.

"Hurry, they can only be imprisoned for two breaths."

Sun Xue's urgent voice came.

The four of them used their mad skills, followed Sun Xue and jumped out of the canyon without any danger.

Unexpectedly, on the ground outside the canyon, more than 300 ancient corpses were quietly arranged in front of Wang Lu and the other five, like an army.

This unexpected scene shocked the five people and made them sweat.

Just out of the tiger's mouth, into the wolf's den.

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