Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 68: Fighting the Ancient Corpse

Looking at the ancient corpses that were in uniform and imposing not far away, the faces of the five people suddenly darkened.

After more than ten breaths, the seven bronze corpses and more than forty iron corpses in the canyon jumped out one after another, forming a pincer attack.

Wang Lu and the other five were trapped in a jar, unable to move forward or backward.

Kong Bai's face was pale, and his voice trembled as he said, "Senior, what should we do now?"

Sun Xue frowned slightly and said faintly, "The situation is not optimistic. For now, we can only fight the ancient corpses. Fortunately, there are only twelve bronze corpses, and the rest are all iron corpses. Don't hide it, use your strongest means. Later, I will create an opportunity for the four of you. This is the map to the destination. You will each have a copy. After breaking through, you will gather at the ancient tomb in seven days."

Wang Lu and the other four collected the route jade slips. After six days of long journey, the distance from the ancient tomb is at most 20,000 miles. As long as they break through, they can reach it in two days according to their speed.

Seeing the ancient corpse approaching, Sun Xue led the way, shouted softly, and a pink fan with feathers of some unknown spiritual bird appeared in her hand, which matched her fairy-like face and was like a dream.

She kept waving the feather fan, and a breeze of incense rushed to the ancient corpses in front and behind.

The five bronze corpses opened their pale mouths and roared in unison, and the sound waves rolled towards the five people like a storm.

Sun Xue raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and the feather fan shook even faster. The sound waves and the incense breeze seemed to be trapped in a layer of soft and thick sponge, rolling back and forth, and they were at a stalemate.

Wang Lu and the other four turned their backs to Sun Xue and took the initiative.

They each used their best skills to attack the seven bronze corpses and more than forty iron corpses behind them.

Wang Lu tightly grasped the eight-edged purple gold hammer and swung it at the ancient corpse. The shadows of the hammers, like small mountains, smashed at the ancient corpse from all directions.

The seven bronze corpses took a stance, retracted their fists, and punched out. One after another, sharp fists hit the shadows of the hammers, and the two disappeared at the touch.

Hua Hu slightly closed his eyes, and suddenly opened them. Two green crystal lights flashed out like two dragons from the abyss, and came to the hearts of two of the bronze corpses in a snap. Two light yellow circles of light were like stones thrown into the water, causing ripples, blocking the green crystal lights.

Hua Hu failed to sneak attack, and shouted loudly. His right hand suddenly drew a green bow, and his left hand quickly stretched out, six small green arrow feathers were placed on it, and the bow was full of arrows, shooting at the bodies of the six iron corpses at lightning speed.


After a loud noise, the six iron corpses had no power to resist, their bodies were torn into pieces, and they were dead.

Zeng Yilu took out a pitch-black broadsword, and a fierce aura surged from it.

He held the sword in one hand and swept it out. A huge black sword shadow came to the front of the ancient corpses in a flash. The two bronze corpses roared and kicked the ground hard. A light yellow light circle lit up in front of them and disappeared with the sword shadow.

He poured his magic power into the sword, and chopped at the ancient corpses one after another.

At the same time, the good old man Kong Bai glared, and eight spiritual white swords floated in front of him. His hands struck out one magic formula after another like lightning. The eight swords kept shaking, and he shouted "Go".

The eight swords interspersed back and forth in the air in a moment, constantly interweaving, cutting the air with a "hissing" sound, and a sharp sword formation rushed towards the ancient corpses.

As Wang Lu and his four men used all their means, the seven bronze corpses twisted their bodies continuously. In an instant, veins bulged out, their hands and feet became larger, their torsos became thicker, and their muscles shone with bronze light. The iron corpses also changed, and all the ancient corpses were about twice as large, with hideous and terrifying appearances.

The iron corpses roared loudly, and they took out sticks, clubs, knives, guns, halberds and other spiritual weapons from nowhere, and swarmed towards the five people.

A melee broke out immediately.

In the air, swords and shadows swirled back and forth. The four people frantically inputted their magic power, and beads of sweat kept coming out of their foreheads. They forcibly blocked the bronze corpses and iron corpses, and for a while they were evenly matched.

On the other side, Sun Xue faced all the ancient corpses in front of her alone. As her magic power continued to drain, her face gradually turned pale. If it weren't for her amazing charm skills, which made some of the ancient corpses temporarily lose their minds, it would be hard to say how long she could hold on.

Confrontation like this is not a long-term solution. Looking at the ancient corpses moving forward, she made up her mind and shouted, "Everyone follow me closely."

A bead with a bumpy surface and jumping electric wires fell from the sky like a huge rock and landed in the middle of the ancient corpses.

Seeing this, the five bronze corpses hurriedly leaped around and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

As soon as the voice fell, a shocking "boom" suddenly exploded in the corpse group.

Suddenly, the mountains shook, the sand and rocks flew, and more than 200 iron corpses disappeared, and the five bronze corpses were bleeding and their skin was torn.

"If you don't leave now, when will you leave?"

Sun Xue shouted wildly, and before she finished speaking, the whole person disappeared in the valley like a breeze.

At the same time, Wang Lu and the other four looked at each other and roared wildly. The shadows of hammers, swords, and knives in the sky desperately forced the ancient corpses behind them to retreat, making them flustered.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the four of them fled in four directions.

Except for the five bronze corpses that were injured in the explosion of the thunder beads, the remaining seven bronze corpses roared and chased in the direction of the five people's escape. Three bronze corpses went straight to the culprit Sun Xue, and the other four followed Wang Lu and his four people.

As soon as Wang Lu left the valley, he no longer concealed himself, and "Crossing the Clouds" was fully fired, glimpsing and fleeing in the northeast direction.

At this time, his speed was getting faster and faster, but the bronze corpses in the Jindan period were still following closely.

After running for more than 2,000 miles without stopping, the copper corpse behind him could no longer keep up. Seeing that there was no one in the wilderness and it was overgrown with weeds, Wang Lu sighed softly: "There is a road to heaven but you don't go, and there is no door to hell but you break in, so I have to send you to see the real King of Hell."

Ancient corpses are actually in a place where Yin Qi and corpse Qi gather. Because of a wisp of obsession of a dead monk, they turned to the way of corpse cultivation. They need great perseverance and a certain opportunity to complement each other to open their spiritual wisdom. For example, ordinary zombies are walking corpses. When they see living things, they will only kill and eat them, swallowing them whole, without any spirituality.

Evolving to an iron corpse, they can open a little spirituality, know how to use Yin Qi and corpse Qi to gradually cultivate, and can avoid corresponding dangers in their consciousness.

Bronze corpses are very different. They have the spiritual wisdom equivalent to that of an eight or nine-year-old child and can speak simple and stiff words.

The copper corpse was as hard as iron and extremely fast. Ordinary high-grade spiritual weapons could only tickle them. Only powerful top-grade spiritual weapons, ancient treasures, and magic weapons could cause them harm.

Wang Lu supported his chin with his hand and stood by a bush, patiently waiting for the arrival of the copper corpse.

Half an incense stick later, the copper corpse came with its fangs and claws bared, and it roared with a furious "woooooo".

Wang Lu took out his purple gold double hammers and fought with him.

Two hours later, looking at the copper corpse with its limbs scattered on the ground, he turned and flew away.

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