Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 72 Thunder Falls

Under the bombardment of the three people, the Green Firefly Spirit Formation was in danger, but Sun Xue laughed "hahahahaha": "What a poisonous wolf, I thought there were still a few people to sacrifice, but I didn't expect that there would be such a good thing as a pillow when I was sleepy. Today, let me, Sun Xue, step on your corpse to rank higher."

Sun Xue, who was laughing wildly, was not confused by the appearance of the poisonous wolf. Although there were many accidents, first the cultivator named Chen Yong broke her formation, resulting in the loss of the formation, and she had to replace the formation with her body. Then the poisonous wolf appeared out of thin air, which doubled her pressure, but it was still not out of her control. As long as she delayed for a while, the thunder would fall, and this day next year would be their memorial day.

Her greatest reliance was the bottle of ten thousand year spiritual milk she obtained during her training after all kinds of hardships and bloody fights. With just a small sip, her mana, soul, consciousness, and physique were all restored to their original state.

Under such circumstances, taking the spiritual milk is indeed a bit of a waste, but compared with the ancient tomb of the underworld below, it is simply worthless.

Sun Xue took out the spiritual milk in a split second after her mana was intensively consumed, and took a sip, and her mana was instantly full.

Poison Wolf and the other two were furious when they saw Sun Xue's mana restored to its original state. Poison Wolf said fiercely: "Now it has come to the point where it is either you or me. Everyone hold on for a little longer. I don't believe that she will be able to use up the rare and precious spiritual milk of ten thousand years. Otherwise, she would not have taken the elixir before. If we break out of the formation, we must make this bitch so exhausted that she can't live or die."

Kong Bai and the other two heard what Poison Wolf said, and their blood boiled, wishing they could have three heads and six arms to break this turtle shell in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Poison Wolf saw the thunder in the clouds, and he shouted at Wang Lu: "Fellow Daoist Chen, please help me. I swear by my inner demon that you will take one third of everything I get from the Netherworld Tomb."

He saw Wang Lu looking at him with a smile, and gritted his teeth and said: "Half."

Hearing this, Wang Lu shouted: "Senior Sun, I'm sorry, it was you who wanted to sacrifice us first, but fortunately I have some tricks to escape this disaster. For the treasure of the Netherworld, I have to destroy it with my hands."

Then, Wang Lu released the purple gold double hammers, and the two hammer shadows as big as small mountains roared and attacked Sun Xue from both sides.

The three people in the formation saw Wang Lu's attack, just like a drowning person grabbing the last straw to save his life, and their spirits were greatly boosted, and their offensive was surging like a tide.

Sun Xue saw the purple gold hammer coming from both sides, she was not panicked, a light blue water circle instantly wrapped her, the powerful purple gold double hammers were like hitting a thick and tight sponge, stagnated, and the hammer shadow disappeared.

It was obvious that Sun Xue was using a rare water-attributed top-grade defensive spiritual weapon.

Wang Lu increased the frequency and strength of the attack, and the purple gold double hammers shrank by nearly half, and continued to hit Sun Xue fiercely from all directions. The hammer shadows in the sky wrapped Sun Xue into the shape of a cocoon.

The light blue water circle was like a sampan in the sea, following the waves, but it was not swallowed by the waves.

Sun Xue took a fierce look at Wang Lu, and she was furious. She wanted to throw down the Green Firefly Spirit Formation immediately and crush Wang Lu's bones and muscles. How dare you take advantage of someone's danger and add insult to injury. After the blood sacrifice of the three poisonous wolves, you will be the next one.

In her heart, except for her, anyone who knew about the ancient tomb of the underworld must die.

Wang Lu was already a dead man in her eyes. He had escaped by chance. If he didn't run away, he would be greedy. It seems that God won't let you live one more day.

Time passed by breath by breath. Under the double bombardment of the three poisonous wolves and Wang Lu, Sun Xue's ten thousand year spiritual milk was about to end. However, the rolling thunder would burst down in thirty breaths at most.

The thunder was coming, and the formation should be broken.

The three greedy wolves used all their strength, their eyes were bloodshot, and it was a critical moment of life and death.

They shouted wildly, and the mace violently hit the position where Sun Xue made up for the leak. Kong Bai and Zeng Yilu also used all their means.

Sun Xue's face was red, not normal. At this time, she was almost exhausted. She quickly took out the spiritual milk and took a sip.

She was also a heroine, fierce and surging. She practiced immortality against the will of heaven. She could even go against the will of heaven and kill people.

Ten breaths later, the sky above the ancient tomb was as dark as ink, lightning was interlaced, and thunder roared.

With such a strange phenomenon, people or monsters should have come to investigate it long ago, but they were no match for the boundless sea, where such strange phenomena often appeared, so naturally fewer people paid attention to it. Besides, they came to a beach that had been basically dug up, so even fewer people came.

Sun Xue and the four poisonous wolves were all desperately attacking and guarding, while Wang Lu secretly preserved his strength to prevent accidents.

Ten breaths later, lightning and thunder, and a strong wind blew up. The three poisonous wolves in the formation all had disheveled hair and looked like humans, but the light in their eyes was getting brighter and brighter.

The Green Firefly Spirit Formation was about to collapse under their attack.

At most five breaths, they would break out of the formation, which gave them a strong motivation, and they all gathered their remaining strength to attack the crumbling barrier.

Sun Xue's flushed cheeks were covered with sweat. She knew she could not hold on any longer. Even if she had the last mouthful of spiritual milk left, it would only be enough for her to hold on for another five breaths.

At this point, there was no other way but to fight desperately.

She took the last mouthful of the spiritual milk, and her magic power was instantly perfected, but the perfect magic power was like a flood that burst the dam, rushing down layer by layer.

After three breaths, Sun Xue, who was sweating profusely, suddenly raised the corners of her mouth and smiled faintly.

When the poisonous wolf Wang Lu saw this, his heart suddenly "knotted" and he made different choices.

Wang Lu immediately took back the purple gold hammer, and in less than a breath, he leaped to a place farther away from the ancient tomb.

The poisonous wolf howled wildly, instantly transformed into a wolf, threw away the magic weapon mace and crashed into the barrier. He transformed before the Yuanying stage with a full demon body, which would make him lose the opportunity to advance to the Yuanying stage, but it would allow him to temporarily reach the realm of great perfection in the Jindan stage.

When the poisonous wolf transformed, Sun Xue strangely disappeared in the broken corner of the formation flag and appeared in a small valley opposite to Wang Lu.

At the same time, a snake-shaped white lightning came from the dark clouds silently but more than ten thousand pounds and bombarded the barrier in the fourth breath.


The half-broken green firefly spirit formation was instantly reduced to ashes, followed by a terrifying scream from the poisonous wolf.

"Ah... no..."

Before he finished speaking, white snake-shaped lightning followed the first lightning and fell into the ancient tomb.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

For a moment, the lightning burst out with a light more dazzling than the sun, forcing Wang Lu to close his eyes quickly. Even so, he couldn't stop crying.

The lightning came quickly and went away quickly.

In less than five breaths, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and it returned to its previous low and dim state, as if nothing had happened.

Five breaths ago, if Wang Lu was not mistaken, Sun Xue used the rare spiritual talisman Ruofeng Talisman in the "Six Talisman Books" that only the Jindan stage master could draw.

This made him even more wary of Sun Xue.

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