The thunderclouds dispersed, and the strong wind disappeared.

At this time, the true appearance of the Mingkong Tomb was revealed.

The four pure golden ancient seals of the Mingkong Tomb flashed dazzling light under the baptism of thunder and lightning. The stone tablet made of unknown materials was intact under the bombardment of white lightning.

What caught Wang Lu's attention was that not far to the right of the stone tablet, there was a dark cave that was two people wide and unknown how deep it was. Waves of cold air kept "gurgling" out of the cave.

And the three poisonous wolves had long been dead under the bombardment of white thunder, as if they had disappeared from the air, dead and dead.

Sun Xue and Wang Lu looked at each other silently.

At this time, he was ready for both a hard fight and escape.

In his eyes, Sun Xue had a face like a delicate peach blossom, and smiled at Wang Lu with a gentle look.

In a short moment, Wang Lu only felt that the other party was looking at him affectionately, and the tightly grasped purple gold double hammers also involuntarily loosened and fell to the ground.

His eyes were obsessed and his legs unconsciously walked towards Sun Xue step by step.

Sun Xue gently pushed aside her hair, revealing her amazing appearance. She looked at Wang Lu who was getting closer and closer with affection, and said in a touching and resentful voice: "My dear, why did you come back just now, so that I could wait so long."

Wang Lu felt dry mouth and tongue for a while, and his breathing became faster. He couldn't help but speed up his pace, opened his hands slightly, and trotted towards Sun Xue. He was the lover that Sun Xue had been waiting for for a long time.

Seeing him trotting over, Sun Xue turned her head away, and a sad and dreary cry like a cuckoo came out: "I didn't see you coming back, my heart was like dust, but now that I'm back, my heart is open, I will stay with you, never leave you, and accompany you until the end of time."

When Wang Lu heard this, sadness surged in his heart, and then he was moved by Sun Xue's deep love. He wanted to embrace this poor, beautiful and affectionate woman in his arms regardless of everything, love her carefully, and never leave her again, so that she would not feel wronged and suffer from the pain of lovesickness.

Sun Xue's beautiful face with raindrops was right in front of him. Wang Lu stretched out his left hand with deep affection and tenderness to pull the beautiful woman who was covering her face and sobbing.

Just when he was about to touch the corner of Sun Xue's clothes, a white light circle wrapped her up in the blink of an eye, and a needle as thin as a hair burst into the light circle, and the light circle was rippling like fine waves, and Sun Xue staggered immediately.

Sun Xue steadied herself, her face gloomy, her eyes coldly staring at Wang Lu who was forty feet away.

If eyes could kill, he would have died many times.

Wang Lu smiled and said, "My lady, don't you miss your husband? Why don't you let me get close to you?"

"Bah, you look like a rough man, a toad eating swan meat, you are crazy, but you do have some strength, you can break my charm, it seems that either your spiritual awareness is superior to others or you have trained a pair of spiritual pupils."

Sun Xue said nonchalantly.

She was very confident in her charm, and many powerful people in the early stage of Jindan had been fooled by her, but she didn't expect to fall on a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building.

She looked at Wang Lu carefully. Except for his slightly taller figure, he was a tough guy.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. Once the charm skill was activated, the initiative was in her hands. She actually said such words and was broken by the other party. If it wasn't for the ancient defensive treasure given to her by the sect, she would have been killed by the other party.

It was too abominable. She must not be forgiven. She must die, otherwise her reputation would be ruined.

Once a woman gets angry, it is unreasonable.

It was obviously her charm skill that got rid of Wang Lu and enjoyed the ancient tomb of the underworld alone. Now that it was broken, she pushed all the responsibilities onto the other party.

Wang Lu saw her beautiful face turn green and red, and he knew it was going to be bad.

Sure enough, Sun Xue shouted, and a snow-white spirit sword with the breath of ten thousand years of ice pierced Wang Lu faster than lightning.

The snow-colored spirit sword was obviously her life-long magic weapon. This treasure was usually nurtured in the dantian, and it was close to the cultivator. It was powerful and far exceeded the general top-grade spiritual weapon.

Wang Lu was not in a hurry. The six-star arched moon blades were lined up in a row. The mother blade led three of the sub-blades and faced the white spirit sword.

A crisp sound of "crackling" like rain hitting banana leaves was heard.

The four blades collided with Sun Xue's spirit sword in the air at a high speed. The spirit sword was elusive and had no rules. The six-star arched moon blade was slightly at a disadvantage, but the mother blade could always kill and intercept it in time when the spirit sword was about to break through the blade array.

Wang Lu consumed more spiritual consciousness and mana, but fortunately his strength was comparable to that of ordinary early Jindan strongmen, so he could be on par with Sun Xue.

After a while, Sun Xue was a little surprised to see that her spirit sword could not break through the blade array.

I don't know where this Chen Yong came from. He used a set of rare half-step magic weapons and could entangle his own life magic weapon. It can be said that he is very strong.

However, it is simply a foolish dream to want to be on par with the magic weapons of Jindan strongmen with a set of semi-finished products.

She will make him understand the difference between a magic weapon and a half-step magic weapon.

Sun Xue raised her magic formula, and the sword of the spirit sword was greatly shaken. A cold wave instantly enveloped the mother blade and the three sub-blades. The four blades were instantly covered by ice, and they shivered in the air like a child naked in the ice and snow.

Because of the close connection with the six-star arched moon blade, Wang Lu's face turned pale and a mouthful of blood spurted out. In shock, the white spirit sword was in front of him.

He shouted, and the three sub-blades in front of him rotated at high speed in the blink of an eye, setting up a defensive blade array in front of him. The spirit sword slashed at the blade, splashing a large area of ​​sparks.

Wang Lu calmed his mind, leaped back forty feet with all his strength, and took out a big gulp of the spiritual milk without stopping for a moment, and his magic power and even his consciousness were restored to their original state.

The most poisonous thing is the heart of a woman, let's fight.

He shouted, and the four blades frozen in the air suddenly glowed with green light, and appeared next to the spiritual sword at lightning speed.

At this point, the six-star arched moon blade finally gathered.

Wang Lu kept hitting the magic formula with both hands, and the mother blade and the child blade merged instantly, and a half-foot long and three-inch wide green light-shining sharp blade appeared at the place where Wang Lu was before.


Wang Lu opened fire at full power, and hundreds of magic formulas were infused into him. The six-star arched moon blade "buzzed", and a ring of green light circles rotated, intertwined, and combined with the green blade as the center, and then suddenly spread out. The surrounding air seemed to be cut and shattered by the green light, and dispersed one after another, leaving a vacuum.

Seeing this, Sun Xue sneered, and pinched out a magic formula with her jade finger. The cold light of the spirit sword shone brightly, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze suddenly, making cracking sounds.

The cold light and the green light circle instantly met and intertwined, and a series of piercing screams exploded at the intersection, and it was impossible to tell who was the winner for a while.

Half an incense stick passed, and Wang Lu calmly took out the spirit milk and swallowed it. Sun Xue stared at him coldly and said, "Wait for me."

Then she jumped down from the cave next to the Mingkong Ancient Tomb.

"Madam, don't leave. Your husband is here. Are you going to run away?"

Wang Lu saw that Sun Xue didn't have enough magic power to run away, and shouted teasingly.

Hearing this, Sun Xue was so angry that she almost couldn't keep her balance.

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