"Haha, Junior Brother, please sit down. Master Yin Qi is in seclusion to break through the Spiritualization Stage. Maybe soon, he will become the only Ghost Dao Spiritualization Supreme Power in this Xuan, and can easily destroy a region."

Seeing Wang Lu with mixed feelings, Yin Jiu comforted him.

Next, without hiding much, Wang Lu roughly told the story of his acquaintance with Yin Qi and Yin Shijiu, which surprised Yin Jiu.

Especially the "Superior Ghost King Pearl" he mentioned at the beginning, Yin Jiu couldn't help but sigh, he is worthy of being a man of great luck, the Superior Ghost King Pearl has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, and is the most precious thing for Ghost Dao cultivators. Even the Ghost King Pearl auctioned by Miao Nian Sect that year, after investigation, was only very close to the Superior. With his unconscious provision, the barrier that troubled Yin Qi was immediately broken, no wonder Master Yin Qi would desperately protect him.

One cause and one effect, nothing more than this.

Hearing this, Wang Lu subconsciously took out the remaining eight black and dark pebbles from his storage bag. When Yin Jiu saw them, he was surprised and said, "Junior brother, you are so lucky. You still have so many."

Wang Lu wanted to give him two, but Yin Jiu refused. He said no, and told him to keep them well. Maybe they would be of key use in the future.

He also said that since the treasure was in his hands, he was the destined one. If outsiders took it, it would only add to the trouble. He was stunned by what he said. With a wry smile, he could only put it away.

Yin Jiu gave him the feeling that he was a completely different person. From the previous steady and graceful, he became a little ethereal and as if he was in another world. It was really a bit strange.

He was not a curious person. Everyone had their own opportunities and secrets. This was normal.

Next, Wang Lu solemnly told him that he wanted to find "Xiaoyaozi", but of course he did not tell him his identity and background. Yin Jiu was surprised and readily agreed, saying that he would try his best to find him and spread the news to Yinluanxuan all over the South China Sea.

After that, the two of them talked about the cultivation of the great way of heaven and earth, magic weapons, spiritual materials, spiritual objects, spiritual beasts, monsters, formations, talismans, puppets, spiritual bodies, spiritual fires, strange insects, great gods, giants, sacred trees, the hundred arts of cultivating immortals and various unorthodox ways, even cause and effect, yin and yang, black and white, reincarnation... and so on.

After a discussion, Wang Lu felt that Yin Jiu was indeed very different.

When mentioning cause and effect, he suddenly talked about the cause and effect of the ancient Wuyou Sect, but he never got through and found the cause and effect, showing a look of regret.

Wang Lu was thoughtful, Yin Jiu would not talk about Wuyou Sect for no reason.

However, even if he racked his brains, he could not think of going to Yin Gong, and he did not know that he was not the only one who solved the mystery of the knife waterfall at that time, but also Chen Zhi.

When the two mentioned the ten spiritual eyes, Yin Jiu was full of emotion. As far as he knew, from ancient times to the present, the description of the ten spiritual eyes was extremely rare, and even their Yin Luan Xuan only knew a few words.

For example, among the ten spiritual eyes, only the fire eye and the golden pupil and the yin and yang double pupil were recorded in the book, and the yin and yang double pupil was drawn by Lord Yin Qi, and nothing else was known.

Wang Lu was quite shocked. He did not expect that the ten spiritual eyes were not only rare in information, but also unknown.

On the contrary, except for the third-ranked snow pupil given to him by the great elder Shi Xun, he had no idea. No wonder the owner of the South China Sea Corner was so surprised and afraid when he saw the snow pupil.

Presumably, the status of the ten spiritual eyes has reached a certain incredible level.

The two were completely immersed in the yearning and exploration of the past and present. Five days passed unknowingly. When Wang Lu was a little dry-mouthed, he stopped.


Looking at each other, they immediately laughed out two ecstatic laughs.

After saying goodbye, Wang Lu left Yin Jiu's retreat.

Everything was arranged in place, and there was no worry. It was time to go to Kongcheng to get the treasure, and then meet the person who was Kong Hua.

Returning to Tianhai City, they came to the Kong family residence, just like before, the teleportation hall in the northeast corner, the next stop, Xingcheng.

After waiting for two days, the number of people reached 100, and the silver light shot up into the sky, and a group of people disappeared.

This city is deeply memorable and of great significance to him.

It was here that he first realized the secrets from the ancient times, the ancient times, the ancient times to the recent times, but he had forgotten them all.

It only left him with a kind of indescribable deep, grand and distant melancholy and longing.

I don't know where the old immortal who played with the world is now. If I meet him again, I must not let him go easily.

This person is too mysterious and weird.

Xiang Yu is one of the six people in the Xiang family, the first of the four major families.

Although this guy is lazy all day long, he is very strong. If he has a chance to learn from him and verify his "Pillar Removal Skill", his strength may be even better.

According to the news he got, Xiang Yu has been extremely strong since he was a child, and there is almost no one in his family who can match him. This makes him feel a little itchy.

When he came to the old immortal's storytelling place again, things have changed and people have gone.

Wang Lu returned to the teleportation hall in a bad mood, found a seat to sit down, and closed his eyes to rest.

Thinking about what Yin Jiu said, Zhang Cheng went to participate in a "Dan Dao Conference" mysteriously, and it would take 20 years to return. There was no way, so he could only find a way to improve his cultivation.

Three days later, in a silver light, he came to Luzhou.

In this way, after more than half a year and more than 20 teleportations, he once again returned to Kong City, where the Kong family was located.

He paid a medium-grade spirit stone and entered the city from the south gate.

The people of Kongcheng were as smiling and polite as always. No matter whether they were monks or mortals, from the elderly to the babbling schoolchildren, the sound of reading could be heard faintly, and the teachings of Confucius were deeply rooted in people's hearts.

He still danced in the inn and admired the graceful dance of a group of young puppet women in the foundation-building period in front of the inn. He used ten high-quality spirit stones to ask for an ordinary room for half a year.

The long teleportation made him a little tired. He didn't meditate, but forced himself to sleep and soon fell into a deep sleep.

The treasure that Kong Xin mentioned was hidden in a courtyard of the Kong Mansion in the south city. If you want to get the treasure, you have to sneak in. Fortunately, that courtyard is only the outer mansion. If it is the inner mansion, the difficulty will increase sharply.

The woman left a detailed map of the treasure. As long as you enter the outer mansion and be cautious, you can still get it smoothly.

The next morning, after thinking for a while, Wang Lu got up and went.

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