The current head of the Kong Mansion in Nancheng, Kong Xuan, has successfully entered the middle stage of the Spiritualization. His strength is not to be underestimated. This person is almost a cultivation maniac. He rarely shows up. All major and minor matters are managed by Kong Long and Kong Hu of the inner and outer mansions.

Why Kong Xin left the treasure in the Kong Mansion in Nancheng may have something to do with her deep cultivation for so many years.

Compared with the side branches of the Kong family in Xicheng and Dongcheng, the Kong Mansion in Nancheng is only the last one, far less than the two families, let alone the main family.

They do not fight or compete, and are born Buddhists. They have no desire to covet the "Kong Sheng Fangyuan" technique left by Kong Sheng. They guard a low-level heaven-level technique and study it for a long time, as if they have never cared about it.

These gossips were all obtained from Yin Luanxuan, but Yin Jiu reminded that the more cautious they are, either they are really convinced by their main family, or they are dormant and hidden, just for the day of outbreak.

Before he met Kong Hua, he was unwilling to get involved in the internal fighting of the Kong family. Now his strength is neither high nor low, and it is good enough to protect himself.

With the mentality of increasing knowledge and sightseeing, he felt the customs and customs of Kong City while releasing his spiritual sense to see if anyone was following him secretly.

At noon, Wang Lu came to the outer mansion of the Kong family.

The outer mansion covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 acres, mainly divided into four trading halls for talismans, treasures, formations, and instruments. Of course, there are also some auction houses and buildings with different functions.

Black and white are the iconic colors of the Kong family, and the outer mansion is no exception.

All buildings are pure black on the outside, and the inside is made of white nameless ore, without a trace of mixed colors, flawless, and pure white.

Walking into the talisman hall, hundreds of people are bargaining with the Kong family's talisman sellers, and the atmosphere is lively.

A casual glance shows that they are basically low-level talismans, with few intermediate ones.

A Kong family disciple in the middle stage of Qi training dressed in white came up to him. Sensing Wang Lu's unfathomable cultivation, he bowed his hands respectfully and said respectfully: "Excuse me, what kind of talismans do you need to buy, senior?"

"Here are some low-level talismans. Take me to the second floor to have a look." Wang Lu said lightly.

"Please, senior."

He walked up the stairs to the second floor.

The number of cultivators upstairs was greatly reduced, only dozens of people.

A circle of transparent display windows neatly displayed more than a hundred kinds of intermediate and low-level talismans. There were relatively few intermediate ones. He looked around with great interest. He had never drawn several talismans before, which made him quite curious.

For example, a green thunder talisman of the 72 earth thunders, with green light flowing and electric wires entwined. According to the clerk, once this thunder came out, even many middle-stage Jindan cultivators dared not confront it. It was very powerful.

Another example is the spell talisman. After it is released, it can give the Jindan stage cultivator who is fighting a battle an instant interference and blockage, thereby revealing the flaws and greatly increasing the chances of winning.

There are two or three other types. With great interest, he bought ten of each. They are all unique talismans of the Kong family and are of great research value.

If you want to make further progress in the way of talismans, you need to learn from others, embrace everything, and then integrate them into one furnace to form your own unique talisman rhyme. After achieving the Nascent Soul, he either rushed to the corner of the South China Sea or rescued his senior brother. Then he recovered from his serious injuries and had no time to think deeply and draw talismans.

This is the capital for his livelihood. For most of the intermediate and high-level talismans, he can draw them completely. He just follows the "Six Talisman Book" as always. Although he can achieve great achievements, he follows the steps and cannot make a breakthrough.

After much thought, only by reversely decomposing some other powerful talismans in the world of immortal cultivation, studying and analyzing them, removing the dross, taking the essence, and then integrating them into one's own talisman path, can one break the current shackles and enter a new realm.

Breaking the past is a kind of innovation. This road is rugged and difficult to walk, but it has to be walked.

Since he flashed back to the mysterious drawing of the nameless old man at the corner of the South China Sea, he knew that there was still a very long way to reach that level of talisman path, and he must have his own talisman path.

This mysterious feeling is unknown, but it is clear and certain.

There are caves or courtyards for cultivators to practice in the outer mansion of the Kong family in the south of the city, but the price is a bit more expensive. It’s not that Kong Xin put the treasure in a cave, she left it in a small courtyard for the foundation-building disciples of the Kong family.

She must have thought that if she left the treasure in a cave, if someone happened to encounter it, she would be making wedding clothes for others. She would not make such a careless mistake.

The outer palace covers a large area. After walking out of the talisman hall and heading to the path on the left, two hundred feet ahead is the attic where the training place is rented. When he arrived at the lobby on the first floor of the attic, he explained his purpose and asked for a small cave, which made the middle-stage Jindan elder look a little abrupt.

A powerful Yuanying-stage expert, is it possible that he does not have a place to practice? Although there are many such examples, they are not many, only once or twice a few years.

According to their long-term statistics and analysis, these experts either bought the treasures they wanted in the outer palace and needed to start refining, or they were hiding from an enemy.

He also kept a watchful eye. After Wang Lu left, he immediately started to investigate. This person did not buy any treasures, but bought several intermediate and low-level talismans. What surprised him was that this Yuanying-stage expert came to Kongcheng yesterday and lived in the Wudong Inn, but came to their outer palace today to seek a cave.

This person's behavior is indescribably strange and unusual. Could it be that he deliberately stayed to achieve some purpose?

If he came here because of rumors and he didn't report it in time, something terrible would happen.

Thinking of this, his hair stood on end and he immediately sent out a communication talisman.

Kong Hu has been in charge of the outer palace for more than three hundred years. Recently, he has finally cultivated to the half-step transformation of the spirit. Compared with Kong Long in the inner palace, although he is more than a hundred years later, his foundation is much more solid.

Kong Hu is as his name suggests, with a strong back and waist, a strong body, bright eyes, and a gleaming brilliance, giving people a sense of calmness, stability, and shrewdness.


A jade talisman came to his hand, and his spiritual consciousness entered. His eyes suddenly turned cold, and he muttered to himself: "Su Quan, is it you?"

"Come here."

He said in a low voice.

"Master, I am here."

"Immediately launch the Wanli Communication Array. I want to know where this person came from. So many years have passed. Even if we dig three feet into the ground, we still haven't found that treasure. No matter whether this person is appointed by Kong Xin, we can't be careless."

"I would rather miss it than let it go. I want to know everything before dark."

Kong Hu said without question.

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