Time goes back to eight months ago.

Since he understood that the Kong family had set up a net of heaven and earth to monitor him at all times, Wang Lu went to the treasure hall from time to time to buy hundreds of spiritual materials. He wanted to draw two kinds of talismans to take away the treasures without anyone noticing.

He did it.

Both talismans are high-level talismans on the fourth page of the "Six Talisman Book".

One is called "Deceiving Heaven Talisman", which can shield and isolate 99% of the formations without causing any fluctuations. It is as if there is no one in the world. It is very magical and practical.

The other is "Removing Trace Talisman". As the name suggests, it hides the cultivator without leaving any trace. As long as the other party's cultivation has not reached the late stage of the Nascent Soul, it will not be seen through.

Both talismans use 85 kinds of spiritual materials. Fortunately, these materials are all available in the outer palace treasure hall. In order not to arouse the suspicion of the Kong family, he bought hundreds of them respectively, and the number was also prepared for 60 copies.

As for other low-level and mid-level talismans, he also prepared a lot of them, which made the spiritual stones in the storage bag shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. He directly used up nearly five million high-grade spiritual stones, which made him feel very painful.

This was his first time to draw a high-level talisman. In addition, he had not touched the pen for more than a hundred years. Therefore, he started from the simplest "Sword Talisman", "Fire Thunder Talisman", "Invisibility Talisman", "Absolute Body Talisman", "Ice Thunder Talisman", "Heavy Water Gun Talisman", "Ice and Snow Blade Talisman", "Heaven Axe Talisman" and then the intermediate and high-level "Blood Escape Talisman". After completing these, he finally found his state, and with great confidence, he began to draw the "Deceiving Heaven Talisman".

Another point is that he was very worried that the talisman pen "Mo Yin" could not meet the requirements of high-level talismans. Fortunately, this pen has been with him since the beginning, and countless spiritual talismans have been generated at the tip of the pen. Over time, it has established a kind of wonderful induction with him.

As he expected, Mo Yin was indeed a little reluctant for high-level talismans, but with the combination of intention and pen, the spirit of the pen is up and down, which can be said to be perfect and complement each other.

The first forty times, all failed. The forty-first time, the hard work paid off, and he drew the "Heaven-deceiving Talisman" for the first time.

Then he succeeded twice intermittently.

The success rate of 20 to 1 encouraged him, and he had to doubt again whether he was really a great master of the talisman.

Hey, I'm in a good mood, let's continue.

He made two of the sixty "removal talismans", and he was still very happy and comforted.

You know, this is a high-level talisman. Although it is an auxiliary type, the difficulty is still very high. Now that it is drawn, he instantly ranks among the half-step talisman master.

In the history of the Six Talisman Sect, he is the second person besides the Six Talisman Patriarch who is the master of the talisman.

With the foundation of two kinds of magical talismans with almost no flaws, there is still a key step:

Find the flaws in the outer mansion, his own cave, and the formation of the courtyard. The two can be combined to achieve perfection and impeccability.

These were not difficult problems. After several ins and outs, under Xue Tong's faint perspective, he could clearly understand the three formations.

Everything was ready. One night in the sixth month, with Xue Tong's powerful blessing, he slapped the "Heaven-Deceiving Talisman" and the "Trace Removal Talisman" one after another, and walked out of the stone door of the cave easily. He passed through the "monitoring array" set up by the Kong family outside the cave without leaving a trace, came to the front of the courtyard and entered smoothly, and walked to the room of a Kong family cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building. It happened that this person was out and had not returned.

A high cabinet for placing objects, with three layers of space inside the cabinet, separated by two three-inch thick red wooden blocks.

The first wooden block on the top, with his right hand extended, there was a very fine wood mark on the edge of the left box corresponding to it. Along the dent, from front to back, press lightly a few times at a small distance, and a three-inch small wooden box broke out of the wooden block silently, and an extremely delicate small jade bottle lay in it.

Wang Lu made a single move with one hand, and the jade bottle was in his hand, and a coolness came out of his palm.

Although he didn't know what was in the bottle, he knew that it was a good thing. He immediately put it into the storage bag, and then gently pressed it from the back to the front along the dent, and the wooden box sank into the wood block.

It looked normal and seamless.

Wang Lu had to admire the novelty and ingenuity of the person who designed the mechanism.

The physical object can isolate the detection of the divine consciousness. In this way, unless you do it yourself or see it with your own eyes, you can't find the small box hidden in the wood block anyway.

At the same time, the designer also added a small gear on it. If you don't follow the specific unlocking method, the micro-array added to this wheel will immediately crush the small box into pieces under the rotation of the gear, which is quite ingenious.

He couldn't help but secretly wonder why the divine consciousness can control the physical magic weapon, but can't penetrate various physical objects. Is it a bit unreasonable?

It should be because he hasn't reached that level yet.

After thinking for a while, he returned to the cave, left the jade slip, and left.

Just yesterday, he swaggered out of the Dancing Inn and went to the Yinluan Pavilion in Kongcheng. He used the Golden Palace Order and a very high price to get the information he wanted, and then he went out to sea slowly.

His actions naturally could not escape the eyes of the Kong family all over Kongcheng, and naturally someone passed the news of his departure to Kong Hu.

Kong Hu was full of disbelief, but his intuition told him that he had to believe it. For more than eight months, they had been guarding in solitude.

So he rushed to Wanglu Cave Mansion and smashed the door with a palm. Sure enough, there was nothing except the slightly provocative jade slip.

He was also a ruthless person. He immediately suppressed his anger and quickly analyzed where the mistake was.

The other party was like a no-man's land with the net laid out. One is to find it out and make up for it so that such incidents will not happen again, and the other is to take the jade slip to Kong Long. He really couldn't figure it out.

As the saying goes, one person's plan is short, two people's plan is long. With the elder brother's eyesight and insight, he might be able to find some clues.

He hurried to Kong Long's retreat and waited for most of the day before he slowly came out of retreat.

He explained his purpose and explained the matter in detail. Kong Long also read the jade slip again and again in surprise. Then, the two fell silent.

After a long time, Kong Long, whose face was pale and looked a little sick, said: "I guess this person must have used some external objects to dodge the formations one by one. At the same time, he is also proficient in the art of formations. Only in this way can he be so ghostly and hard to guard against."

"Ha, Brother Hu, you don't need to be discouraged. Although that external object is magical, it is not without loopholes. The people who monitor him are all in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. If you were the monitor, you might have revealed your true form and could not hide. In addition, there are no precious treasures in the outer palace, and the formation is just like that. For the powerful people with profound formations, it is useless. In summary, this matter is not your fault, but a combination of coincidences. For example, if the treasure is in the inner palace, right?"

Kong Long's analysis is closely linked and seamless. If Wang Lu were here, he would definitely admire him.

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