Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 733 Purchasing Materials and Making Talismans

He came to Yinluan Pavilion and showed the Golden Palace Order. He was received by a young man named Yin Sanshi, who was in the late Jindan stage. Wang Lu handed him a storage bag straight to the point.

Yin Sanshi took it out for no reason and entered his consciousness. He was shocked and speechless. There were 40,000 top-grade spirit stones in it. When converted into top-grade spirit stones, it would be 40 million. When had he ever seen so many spirit stones? How could he not be shocked?

His voice trembled a little and he said, "Excuse me, senior, what is this?"

"Hehe, prepare 300 copies of these things for me. How long do you think it will take?" Wang Lu said seriously.

He took the jade slip and forced himself to calm down. After reading it, Yin Sanshi carefully considered for a moment before speaking, "I am not talented, but I can collect them within a year."

"Very good." Wang Lu nodded with satisfaction and left.

These natural treasures include spiritual flowers, spiritual medicines, spiritual fruits, spiritual roots, spiritual herbs, spiritual leaves, minerals, jade, various parts of monsters, ores as big as basins, and spiritual soil as small as sesame seeds, totaling 965 kinds, 300 copies of each treasure, a total of 280,000, and an average of nearly 140 high-quality spiritual stones per treasure, which is very valuable.

Wang Lu carefully selected ten kinds of high-level talismans from the fourth page of the "Six Talisman Book" as one of his trump cards.

Before entering the Nascent Soul stage, the most lethal is the "Heaven Axe Talisman" of the intermediate high-level talisman, the strongest defense is the "Copper Gang Unbreakable Talisman", the fastest is the intermediate high-level "Blood Escape Talisman", and the others are numerous.

Who said that spiritual talismans do not have powerful attacks and defenses? It's just that such talismans rarely appear in the world. Not only is it extremely difficult to draw, but the spiritual stones thrown are huge, which is not something that ordinary people can bear.

However, he is different. As the talisman that is the foundation of his life in the world of immortal cultivation, apart from cultivation, he spends most of his time on making talismans. In addition to his innate talent for talismans, he can draw various powerful talismans like a fish in water.

The Heaven Axe Talisman helped him to fight back in the battle with Mi Tianhua and avenge his master. The Copper Gang Unbreakable Talisman made great contributions in the Tianyun Secret Realm Tianlin, allowing the "Crossing the Clouds" body movement to reach the peak of twists and turns. Not to mention the Blood Escape Talisman, which always saves him from the disaster of killing, and then lays a solid foundation for the next reversal.

For the ten high-level and low-level talismans this time, as long as the success rate reaches 50 to 1, he can become a legitimate master of the talisman path, and is only one step away from the grand master of the talisman path.

This is the outside world's recognition of talisman cultivation. In his opinion, only by practicing advanced high-level talismans can one reach the realm of grandmasters, and grandmasters must surpass advanced high-level. Even if he draws advanced mid-level talismans, he is only a half-baked grandmaster.

The most powerful attack is called "Purple Sky Spirit Thunder Talisman".

As one of the thirty-six thunders of heaven, the power of Purple Sky Spirit Thunder is so great that even the God Transformation Stage dare not take it head-on. This talisman is only one-tenth of the power of Purple Sky Spirit Thunder, but it is enough to threaten the life of a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage. Once released, except for a very few who can escape, all of the early and middle Nascent Soul stages will be blasted into slag and turned into ashes.

In the history of more than 3,000 years of the Six Talisman Sect, no one has ever drawn it. After losing the Sky Supporting Rod, this talisman can be used as a major killer.

The defensive talisman has become the "Silver Gang Unbreakable Talisman", which can withstand the full force of the late Nascent Soul master and block the control of the Heaven-Forbidden Locking Earth, winning him a precious opportunity to confront the late Nascent Soul master head-on.

Although his "Black Gang Body" is strong enough, he can take on attacks from magic weapons with his bare hands and blow them up. The Heaven-Forbidden Locking Talisman still has a great impact on him. In the ever-changing attack and killing, with the blessing of this talisman, he will become more calm and have enough lethality.

Of course, the Blood Escape Talisman naturally changed from the intermediate high level to the advanced low level. This is not a quantitative change, but a qualitative change. The distance increased directly from one thousand miles to two thousand miles, and the time used was exactly the same. This is very abnormal, so fast that even Wang Lu can't describe it.

As long as it is used, even the peerless masters of the Spiritualization Stage can't catch up.

The other seven talismans are not as good as these three in all aspects, but they are better in their own strengths, breaking formations, hiding, running, attacking, defending, treasure hunting, and even a "seeking opportunity talisman".

When trapped in a dangerous situation with no way out, the usefulness of the "Opportunity Seeking Talisman" becomes apparent. It can grab a ray of hope in a complex situation, which is also something that has never been made in the history of the Six Talisman Sect.

With these ten unique and powerful talismans to protect you, as long as you don't provoke those abnormally strong people, it should be more than enough to save your life.

The whereabouts have been exposed. It is still their territory to provoke the Kong family in the south city. It is better to stay out of the limelight for a while and meet the Kong family first.

According to the information provided by Yin Sanshi, the group of people who secretly explored the South Sea Alliance with unknown origins appeared in Dongcheng half a year ago. Combined with the place where Kong Xin said that the treasure was returned, Wang Lu was 90% sure to find the other party.

They were 600,000 miles east of Konghai, a medium-sized island called "Iron Feather" under the rule of the Kong family in Dongcheng.

This island is famous for its abundance of a unique ore called "Iron Feather Stone", which is the main auxiliary material for refining many magic weapons. It has two properties: hard as a bolt and light in weight, and has become a favorite of many cultivators with weak physical bodies.

However, this Iron Feather Mine has been mined for tens of thousands of years. Logically, it should have been mined out long ago, but some low-quality Iron Feather Stone is still dug up from time to time, which is a tasteless existence that is a pity to throw away.

However, Iron Feather Island, as the private property of the Dongcheng Kong family, has been preserved to the present.

The Kong family in Dongcheng casually dispatched a small team of monks from the family to guard the place and recruited some low-level monks who were willing to go mining. If they found the iron feather stone, they only had to hand in half.

The policy immediately attracted some monks without sects and lacking resources to go there. After more than a thousand years of digging three hundred feet of the ground, it was almost mined out, and the number of people going there became increasingly scarce.

In the past hundred years, only three to five years have monks with good luck dug one or two pieces of iron feather stone in the maze-like mines.

Wang Lu went around and around, looking left and right with interest. It took him more than two hours to get from the south of the city to the east of the city to the sea square. He did not release the green bird, but jumped into the sky, facing the fierce sea breeze, and quickly flew towards the Iron Feather Island 600,000 miles away.

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