Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 751: Provocation

While Wang Lu was speaking, he suddenly opened his eyes.


A dazzling cold light burst out from his eyes, and the temperature in the room suddenly dropped by more than five times.

Such a sudden and unpredictable temperature change was so fast that even Huangfu Liuqing and Xiang Yu had no time to react.

The two suddenly felt the cold coming, and a halo of resistance appeared in their bodies instinctively, and they looked at him in surprise.

Wang Lu stood up calmly, and his eyes seemed to be falling like snowflakes, following his gaze, drifting to the far distance of thousands of mountains and rivers. At the same time, he made a gesture of pinching his hands, and said in an indescribable mysterious tone: "The two of you follow me closely, only half of the people can be connected, maybe you can try it, start now."

What Wang Lu said and did shocked Xiang Yu and Huangfu Liuqing, but they unconsciously followed his wonderful setbacks and convictions. He practiced his skills in a state of confusion, and said, "The distant mountains and deep waters are winding and high, ethereal like a fairy. The qi sinks into the spring, walks through the foot, reaches Kunlun, passes Heyang, and walks through the soul gate... Shenting, Renzhong, Tiantu, Tanzhong, Jiuwei, Zhongwan, Siman, Guanyuan, Dahe, Futu, Liangqiu... Go back and forth to the spring, repeat over and over again, condense sixteen, reach the sky, arouse the mystery, and break the illusion."

One Zhoutian ends, and the next Zhoutian begins.

A shadowy and subtle path that has never appeared before is closed in a loop. A line of inexplicable breath that is thousands of times thinner than a hair travels along the direction of the path. If you don't sense it carefully, you can't find it at all. Such a tiny air thread will not entangle or conflict with the running line of the own practice, and will have no effect on it.

After sixteen Zhoutian, this invisible, stateless, colorless and impure silk thread composed of breath has become a hundred times larger and finally formed.

As Wang Lu said the word "break" with a spring thunder, the magic power of the three people rose sharply like a huge wave, and poured out like a torrent in the blink of an eye.

In the reflection of their subconscious, the three silk threads disappeared in three different directions, east, west and north, and disappeared.

In one tenth of a breath, the magic power of the three people was consumed by more than 90%. Even with their foundation far beyond ordinary people, they were almost drained.

In horror, the three people calmed down their magic power, looked deeply at the sky, and waited quietly for the final response.

At the moment when the three silk threads disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if they had a sense of induction, the three male and female monks who were billions of miles away suddenly moved in their hearts and looked at the high and boundless sky.

A female cultivator in a sky-blue dress raised her jade-like crystal chin and looked thoughtfully at the deep sky in the south. She was so beautiful and refined that it seemed as if there was a spring flowing around her.

She remained still, but she looked like a flame dancing in the wind, flickering and jumping all the time.

At this time, a handsome male cultivator came over and saw that she had fully activated her skills. He was surprised and said, "If it weren't for that opportunity?"

The woman did not respond, slowly put away her magic power, and left without saying a word.

The male cultivator looked at a loss, shook his head helplessly and said, "Ghost girl, you are so weird, you are always like this, I really can't do anything about you, ha, it's not easy to be a brother!"

If you look down at their location from a high altitude, it seems that they are surrounded by a huge and boundless hollow cylinder. The column is filled with clear light, and the spiritual energy is as deep and thick as the Lingzhu Cave carefully built by the Dream Sect of the Wanglu Sect.

With such a wide range, it is incredible what kind of strong formation is needed to cover it.

They are located in the Ten Thousand Xiong Mountains in the wilderness.

At the same time, the famous spring eye secret realm in the East Wilderness that opens once every two thousand years.

A pale and melancholy Yuanying middle-stage cultivator was confronting two Yuanying late-stage great cultivators. He was covered with scars and blood beads, and was obviously seriously injured.

Not far from the three people, countless deep red fire spirits were madly flying towards a flower as red as fire from all directions. The flower was blooming wantonly, warm and red.

If there were any knowledgeable people here, they would definitely exhale a deep breath and then roar:

One of the ten strange flowers, the "Fire Brahma" that has long been extinct.

It is said that this flower had died in the early ancient times.

Fire Brahma is so famous that it is listed as one of the ten strange flowers because it has a magical power.

As long as it is swallowed, it can not only purify the body in a big step, cleanse the marrow and cut the veins, but also naturally produce the "Brahma Fire" spirit of the ten great spirits. Not only does it strengthen the body all the time, any hidden injuries and bruises in the body will be perfectly repaired. This is a great temptation that any cultivator cannot refuse.

Just when the two great monks were about to use their best powers to wipe out this stubborn uninvited guest in one fell swoop and fight to the death, the male monk suddenly looked up at the sky, and his eyes, which were as calm as water, suddenly became bright and dazzling.

In an instant, he regained his composure and put his hands together. Under the astonishment of the two people, an extremely terrifying cold air covered the area of ​​ten miles in an instant.

At the same time, a green centipede with a terrifying body of three feet and ten thousand feet slowly emerged from the void.

For a while, the wind howled, the black clouds piled up, the thunder surged, and the world trembled.

"Woo oh!"

The centipede made a hissing sound that pierced the eardrum and went straight into the soul. The faces of the two people suddenly changed, and they all let out a heart-wrenching scream.

The fifth of the ten ancient strange insects is the Xuantian centipede that poisons the world.

At this time, the Xuantian Centipede is just the initial larvae. When the color of its whole body changes from green to yellow, then to red, and finally to black and yellow, it will complete the final ultimate evolution and become the Xuantian Centipede that is feared by the world.

However, even if it was a juvenile Xuantian centipede, even if it was just a Xuantian centipede illusion created by a male cultivator, it was enough to poison the world and destroy all powerful enemies.

The two great cultivators certainly knew about the ten ancient strange insects, but all the classics describing them were vague and knew very little, so they were just afraid of the seemingly true Xuantian centipede and were not sure.

As the top masters under the God Transformation Stage, they had deep magic power, powerful skills, and amazing magical powers. Although they were afraid in their hearts, they had the advantage of crushing all the Yuanying Stage masters when they joined forces.

They suppressed their uneasy heartbeats and took out all the magical treasures left as the last trump card, wanting to kill this terrifying centipede and this unknown murderer as quickly as possible.

It was too scary, and it would change if they were late.

For a time, the light shone into the sky, and earth-shaking vibrations were heard.

Fortunately, the secret realm is vast and large. After the bloody killing in the early stage, less than 20% of the participants remained.

At this time, the remaining people were either looking for treasures elsewhere or being blocked by others or other things. Otherwise, such a grand and magnificent sound would inevitably attract the prying of others.

Half a day passed quickly. When the last loud bang was heard, the smoke disappeared. There was no one else in the field except the red earth and the male cultivator who kept coughing.

He limped to the front of the "Fire Brahma" protected by his own formation with difficulty. His sad eyes, which had been the same for thousands of years, finally revealed a knowing smile.

The boundless sea of ​​sand contains countless oasis valleys, sand caves and various rare treasures.

A dry underground cave a thousand feet deep from the ground is surrounded by a thick and indissoluble thick yellow aura. They are all extremely thick and piled up like mountains of pure earth aura.

If others saw this scene, they would be shocked. What kind of powerful formation can select, condense and gather spiritual energy together? At least the ancient formation can do it.

Could it be that this cave is a rare treasure land left by ancient times?

What is even more shocking is that the body of this male cultivator seems to be a bottomless pit. He swallows as much earth spiritual energy as it comes. He looks like an old monk in meditation, with his eyes slightly closed, breathing light and long, and his hands forming a treasure bottle shape that seems to have never changed. He has been practicing here for at least a few years.

Who has such great ability? Such a large amount of condensed earth spiritual energy did not burst him. It can be called a miracle.

Suddenly, the male cultivator moved, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving a hole of earth spiritual energy covering the sky.

He came to the ground, his eyes shone directly to the south, as if frozen, as still as a mountain.

After a long while, he returned to the cave and continued to practice.

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