Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 752: The Heart of a Brave Man

As if time and space were flipped, Wang Lu Xiangyu and Huangfu Liu Qing cast spells to send out strange threads that hooked each other. Within ten breaths, a sudden movement occurred in their hearts. They looked away, looked at each other, and then sat down.

The key problem facing them is "whether the other three people are still alive" has been solved.

The three of them were not only there, but they also sensed the presence of six of each other. This made them happy and their confidence doubled, especially for Huangfu Liu Qing and Xiang Yu.

If the other three were missing, even the Half-Immortal Association, with them as the main body, would be greatly damaged and its power would be drastically reduced.

Huangfu Liu Qing's eyes flashed strangely, and he kept looking at Wang Lu, as if he wanted to see through him, and said: "Brother Qiu is worthy of being a first-class talent. He found a way to solve the problem so quickly. Not only that, It also allowed us to clearly sense the existence of the three people. It seems that it is true as Brother Xiang said. They are so hidden that outsiders hardly know that there are such powerful people in the world. I am ashamed of the unparalleled achievements of fellow Taoists. , I have an unkind request, Brother Qiu, how did you do it, can you give me some advice?"

"Qingmei is right, I have similar thoughts." Xiang Yu agreed.

The three of them have since become temporary allies, and their relationship has grown closer. Even the "Qing sister" Xiang Yu was worried about was accepted by Huangfu Liu Qing.

She was so curious and dissatisfied that even if she tried hard, she couldn't figure out that she could use the legendary "pulling technique" to sense others.

What Wang Lu did was like a stroke of genius, but what shocked her even more was how he thought of the "pulling technique". Even if he thought of it, it would never be possible to use it without the corresponding technique.

What kind of talent is there, even without verification, he can create such an unimaginable and accurate and useful magic technique out of thin air in a short period of time.

Could it be that he hid his strength because he was not in the Nascent Soul stage, but an old monster in the God Transformation stage.

That's not right, even a strong person in the transformation stage cannot create his own magical power in a short time, and it is a shocking method that has traveled hundreds of millions of miles and received feedback.

Could it be that he is a peerless expert like an old god, or maybe he is disguised by an old god.


It was like a thunder exploding in my mind.

Thinking of this, Huangfu Liu Qing was extremely surprised. Even she herself didn't believe it. This was incredible.

In order to verify what she was thinking, she stared straight at Wang Lu, not missing any of his facial changes.


Seeing Huangfu Liu Qing looking like he was about to devour him, Wang Lu suddenly felt guilty. Could it be that he told her that this method of finding people came out of thin air? This is too ridiculous, and the true origin has nothing to do with it. It was related to Xue Tong, how could he tell it.

There is no way, I can only bite the bullet and say something that goes against my heart, but it's just how to express it appropriately.

Wang Lu's mind was racing. After eliminating countless excuses, a flash of inspiration flashed through his heart, and he had it.

He straightened his thoughts and said in a frank and helpless tone: "Qingmei Xiang doesn't know something about brother. I accidentally found this small skill in an ancient tomb in my early years. It was originally useless. It was a pity to abandon it, so I I wrote it down, even with two extraordinary talents, I couldn't untie this knot. What kind of virtue and ability can I have? Ha, I'm not afraid of your laughter. I suddenly remembered that there is this technique. A dead horse can be treated as a living horse doctor. Where can I Thinking of the unexpected surprise, I just punched the old master to death."

"Hey, you two, don't look at me like this, don't you? Do you think I made it?"

After hearing what Wang Lu said, the two finally put away their murderous gaze.

Huh, it's so grand and prevaricating. The authenticity cannot be verified, and there is nothing they can do.

However, when I thought about it, other than the immortals, who could create a technique in a blink of an eye, and run it without any pauses or errors, naturally and smoothly. This is simply not something that the powerful in this world can do.

Wang Lu's words sounded false, but they could not be refuted. Another explanation was that they seemed so false, but in fact, what he said was the truth.

Well, I couldn't identify it, so I had to give up.

Another point is that no matter how the king's road is obtained, the stronger your allies and partners, the better.

Xiang Yu and Huangfu Liu Qing did not dwell on this issue anymore, but as if they had a tacit understanding, the two of them glanced at each other and both came up with a puzzle.

Xiang Yufa asked: "Brother Qiu is a great talent, I admire you. At least we have identified the three of them, but how do we find them, and how do we confirm them when we contact them?"

Wang Lu was most afraid of them asking for details and asking repeatedly. He never thought it was such a question. He felt relieved and smiled casually: "Hey, this is a small matter. As long as you meet, you will recognize them instantly. The same is true for the other party." ”


"To be honest, this little skill, I often use it out of curiosity, but it is of no use at all. It starts with a righteous saying, as long as they attract each other, as long as they meet each other, there will be a wonderful feeling between them. As for why it works this time, I really don’t know about you, a beautiful woman who is shy about her beauty and a handsome young man. "

"Haha, hahahaha."

Hearing this, Xiang Yu laughed so much that he almost gave him a thumbs up on the spot.

In a self-deprecating and humorous way, Wang Lu tried his best to connect him with Huangfu Liu Qing. He listened to it and entered his heart, which made him very happy. He really understands my old Xiang's heart. This brother has made friends.

"Oh, it sounds so pitiful. Well, I believe you."

Huangfu Liu Qing looked at Wang Lu who was Qi Qilili and he looked aggrieved and on the verge of crying. Knowing that he did it on purpose, he couldn't hold back his laughter.

But it was okay if she didn't smile. Wang Lu and Xiang Yu were stunned when she smiled.

Xiang Yu, in particular, has an infatuated and obsessed look on his face, full of the seeds of deep affection.

A smile can captivate a city or a country, nothing more than that.

When Huangfu Liu Qing saw the two people showing off so openly, he didn't say anything, but was secretly happy in his heart.

What woman doesn't care about her appearance?

She put away her jade face, cast a spell, and wrapped them in a forbidden aperture. She changed the topic and said seriously: "Brother Qiu, have you ever thought about why this little magical power works for the three of us? Wrong, it's us Tailor-made for six people? In my opinion, it may have a lot to do with the layout of the old god. If you think about it carefully, why did he choose the six of us instead of others? We must each have one or two things that he values. What will happen in the future, whether it will be a blessing or a disaster, whether we are pawns or his carefully raised spiritual poison, what his intentions are, and so on, I have no idea. Thinking of these makes me feel the fear of being manipulated by others. The above. Please think carefully about what you said."


The entire room was torn apart by Xiang Yu's punch in the air. Every tile was gone and turned into powder.

"Humph, don't be afraid, Qingmei. No matter what the old immortal man's plot is, I will protect you. Either I die or he dies."

A gust of breeze blew by, and Xiang Yu Zhangkuang, with his hair flying around, spoke in a gloomy, cold and unwavering voice.

"Ha, brother Xiang, you should take care of yourself first. Little sister has her own way of protecting herself." A different light flashed in Huangfu Liu Qing's eyes, and his tone was calm and fearless.

Seeing the brave hearts of the two men who would never give in or bow down, Wang Lu understood that the extraordinary and powerful old god not only did not make them fearful and uneasy, but instead aroused their strong will.

No matter who it is, I am the only one who respects me.

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