Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 753: Hope of Ascension

The two people's fearless statements proved that Xiang Yu and Huangfu Liuqing were determined to pursue the Tao and their determination to choose the path. This made Wang Lu deeply feel the determination and persistence of others in cultivating immortals.

He was not the only one in the world who had such a tenacious will and never-yielding spirit. Others were the same.

He still underestimated the world's cultivators. At the same time, it also reminded him that in the future battles, he must not be arrogant and look down on anyone. He must always be cautious and calm. Maybe his defeat came from his contempt for his opponent in a trance.

Xiang Yu didn't care about the broken wooden house. He suppressed the anger in his chest, exhaled deeply, looked at Wang Lu and Huangfu Liuqing calmly, and said, "Brother Qiu and sister Qing, in my opinion, the old immortal probably did it casually, and we just happened to meet by chance. However, he didn't expect that the six of us happened to get together by chance. The old immortal felt it and felt pity for us, so he went with the flow and talked about the past and present, and talked about all kinds of secret techniques. The great way of magical power is coming one after another. The light that breaks through the fog has been given to us. As for what we can gain, it depends on our own luck. "

Seeing Wang Lu and Huangfu Liuqing showing a thoughtful look, he continued: "That light not only includes the words we have repeatedly recalled, but more importantly, it also includes the seeds of cause and effect that he quietly planted for the six of us."

"This cause first sprouted when Brother Qiu and I met again not long after, and then it was fulfilled in me and Qingmei. Coincidentally, because of the Xingcheng Auction held once every 20 years, we gathered together without any prior arrangement, so Qingmei and I came together to pull you into the group. Now, the key point is here. With the magical skill that Brother Qiu accidentally obtained before, we will attract and confirm the other three people, and the cause will grow from then on. As for when it will grow and how it will end, we have no way of knowing. "

"So many people and things, and our completely different cultivation treasure hunting and experiences... many, many , they are totally irrelevant and have nothing to do with each other. If we insist that all these things were arranged in advance by someone, and the time and place of the six of us gathered here for different reasons, all factors were included and all were arranged accurately and flawlessly, then this person is definitely not the old immortal, but. "

Speaking of this, Xiang Yu's eyes were bright, he raised his head and pointed to the sky, and uttered two words heavily: "Heavenly Way."

When he said the word "Heavenly Way", Wang Lu and Huangfu Liuqing were shocked.

Yes, what Xiang Yu said was very logical, not only every word was pearly and thought-provoking, but also closely linked and airtight.

Except for the illusory, profound and sublime Heavenly Way, no one can make such a meticulous and detailed deployment and planning as fine as every detail.

Even the extremely powerful who have surpassed several realms in this world are powerless, otherwise, the sky would have changed long ago.

Ancient books do mention super-powerful people who can shatter the sun and moon and explode the stars in the blink of an eye, but no one dares to say that they can shake the sky and destroy the earth.

The way of heaven is boundless and unpredictable.

Seeing that the two people were in turmoil and agreed with his point of view, Xiang Yu said calmly: "For 40,000 years, countless geniuses, heroes, and talents have been imprisoned in this world. They have tried all kinds of strange ideas, magical powers, channels, cracks, spaces, abysses, desperate places, and dangerous places. They either died in them or died of old age and turned into a pile of yellow earth. How sad it is."

"Brother Qiu and Sister Qing, have you ever thought that the old immortal led the six of us lightly and without a trace? Not only are his methods extraordinary, but his realm is even more profound than we can imagine. I used to There is a bold guess, but it seems to be true and not true, as vague as seeing flowers in the fog, and I dare not jump to a conclusion. But when you, Brother Qiu, ignited the karmic fire planted by the old immortal, suddenly, like the clouds clearing and the sun coming out, the idea was finally seen through the tip of the iceberg, so I want to tell you two, please. "

"Brother Xiang, please speak."

Huangfu Liuqing felt more and more indescribable as she listened. Her mood gradually rose and became stronger in Xiang Yu's confident and powerful words, with the momentum of a raging storm. A kind of enlightenment gradually appeared in front of her in his narration.

She finally understood why Xiang Yu was called the most outstanding and proud son of heaven in the Xiang family for more than a million years.

Xiang Yu did not speak, but waved his hand, and a yellow light circle covered them. In order to prevent the secret from being leaked, he had to do this.

Wang Lu understood that Xiang Yu's next words would definitely be earth-shattering.

He was not worried about eavesdropping at all, because the place where he was was firmly protected by two formations.

One is the mountain protection formation of Shanyu Sect itself, and the other is a powerful formation to protect the seven-colored fish. Under the protection of the two, outsiders can't spy at all. What he cares about is the "sky" that is omnipresent and illusory.


Wang Lu shouted lightly, and the power rolled layer by layer. A thick black halo was added to the yellow halo. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one.

Seeing this, Xiang Yu and Huangfu Liuqing both showed surprise.

They are all knowledgeable people. Not only did they feel the extremely strong toughness of the halo, even with their ability, it was difficult to break it, but they also knew that Wang Lu was actually a powerful physical force practitioner.

With Wang Lu's strong support, Xiang Yu nodded gently, and said steadily and firmly: "With the ability of the old immortal, he is definitely not from our world. We don't need to care about his purpose in coming here. However, he has clearly told us the following two points: first, he is here, and second, he can leave. Yes, this sounds ordinary and normal, but it is the most important thing, because he comes when he wants and leaves when he wants, which shows that the statement that he cannot ascend is a false proposition. In other words, ascension can be done, but we don't know how."

Hearing this, Wang Lu was shocked all over, and although Huangfu Liuqing felt something in his heart, he was still stunned.

Xiang Yu's words can be said to be shocking to the world, because there is hope for ascension.

Looking at Xiang Yu, who was calm, powerful and wise, Wang Lu really looked at him with a new eye this time, which moved him deeply.

Even he had never thought about ascending to heaven, but Xiang Yu saw the big picture from the small details, traced the source, and explored the truth.

Who would have thought that under his rough and majestic appearance, there was a delicate heart with thousands of knots, which was really extraordinary, and he must be a genius among geniuses.

If the fact was so, then since the extremely mysterious old immortal could do it, it meant that the way to ascend was feasible, which solved the knot that had been stagnant and terrified them in the depths of their hearts.

The road ahead was clear, and the road was open. As long as they remained patient, kept their original intentions, and had confidence, they could solve the mystery of no one ascending to heaven for 40,000 years.

The three of them were very excited and their hopes were greatly increased.

But the facts were so cruel and vicious that even if they thought of the old immortal's hint and figured out the mystery of ascending to heaven, what happened in the future would catch them off guard and suddenly hit them.

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