Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 759: Deep Thought

Wang Lu used his body skills to fly quickly towards Xingcheng.

The Semi-Immortal Meeting co-created with Xiang Yu and Huangfu Liuqing this time was of great significance. Regardless of whether the two or the five of them could help him in the future, at least he had insight into the top priority of "ascension is expected".

As for the magical little technique that attracted the other three people, it was not found by him before. If he told them that he had automatically generated it in a very short time, the two of them would have joined forces to take him down in an instant, cut him into pieces, and conduct a deep and detailed study of him.

Except for immortals and gods, no one can do it.

How did he "create" it? It was all thanks to Xue Tong.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional coincidence or the excellent arrangement of the old immortal. When he was trying to find the three people and fell into deep thought, Xue Tong actually opened automatically with his extremely fast thinking.

Through Xue Tong, a unique technique that he had never seen before was slowly presented to him word by word, like ice and snow melting.

This was obviously not "created" by him, but someone had already reflected it in his mind, and that person, except for the old immortal, was no one else.

In his opinion, this technique was quietly injected into his body by the old immortal when he saw him or the six of them, until the snow pupil was cultivated and mentioned. Only when the two were combined could it be triggered and activated, and then he could see it.

Such a foresight and unpredictable technique made him amazed and extremely terrified.

Then, if he did not cultivate the snow pupil, everything would be empty talk.

But he knew that this was a very small probability, because the key to the snow pupil was the "Heavenly Clear Water and Washing Eye Spirit Liquid" that he grasped in the old immortal's narration, and he remembered it in his heart and never forgot it.

Under this premise, he stepped into the secret realm of the corner of the South China Sea.

Then, in the battle for the master of the six islands, when he was frozen by the extremely cold ice and was about to surrender and die, he inexplicably and involuntarily activated the broken "Snow Eye Secret".

He never expected that this operation would directly allow him to break through the barrier of "Heavenly Clear Water and Eye Washing Spiritual Liquid". As if it were a miracle, he not only survived, but also practiced the Snow Eye blindly to a small extent.

If it weren't for the "Heavenly Clear Water and Eye Washing Spiritual Liquid" mentioned by the old immortal, which played a huge and irreplaceable role in the dark, he would never believe it.

The three can be said to be gradual and interconnected.

When Xiang Yu said with certainty that the meeting of the six of them was not planned by the old immortal, it aroused his suspicion. There are indeed coincidences in the world, but too many coincidences together are not coincidences, but someone deliberately arranged and manipulated them.

He did not refute, because he didn't know how to start and how to explain it to them.

However, he had received great benefits from the old immortal, and there had been no bad signs until now, which made him feel a little relieved, but he still had to remain vigilant.

For an unfathomable strong man, any caution was necessary.

Another point, if he did not give the intermediate high-level blood escape talisman to Xiang Yu and Huangfu Liuqing when he left, he would not be able to leave anyway. He was showing his attitude to the top strong man in the transformation period, and he would never do anything to hurt the two.

In Gao Bo's eyes, he had already been exposed. If he was still hiding it, it would inevitably cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Therefore, he gave out the blood escape talisman that only he could draw to show his identity and sincerity, and then left smoothly.

Although his last set of words was quite rigorous, when Xiang Yu and Huangfu Liuqing used it and searched all over the world but couldn't find it, they suddenly realized that it was you.

And he didn't hide it deliberately. Who in the world of cultivating immortals doesn't have a little secret?

Wang Lu was at full speed. One day later, the huge gate of Xingcheng came into view. He stepped into Xingcheng without any inspection, wearing the fierce appearance of a bald man in the early stage of Yuanying.

He soon came to the city lord's hall where the teleportation array was located. He was quite generous and directly booked the teleportation array to Yedu. A brilliant silver light burst out and he came to Yedu.

I don't know if it was a sudden impulse or a premonition, he suddenly felt that time was not enough. The string in his heart suddenly tightened, forcing him to speed up and quickly return to Tianhai City to get the spiritual materials to draw the talisman, and then exchange the talisman for the elixir, so as to break into the middle stage of Yuanying as quickly as possible.

After Wang Lu and Huangfu Liuqing left, Xiang Yu looked at the empty field. He felt as if he had lost something and looked a little lost.

"You bastard, you gave away the hard-earned colorful fish for a woman, come here."


When he was lost in thought, a fierce voice exploded in his ears. Xiang Yu screamed, but instead of going back, he ran away at high speed.

"Hehe, you are amazing to escape from my palm."

Sure enough, Gao Bo, who came from nowhere, appeared on his way calmly.

Seeing Gao Bo, Xiang Yu was like an eggplant hit by frost. He drooped his head in an instant, stopped running, and sat directly on the ground.

Seeing this, Gao Bo smiled, and without moving, he suddenly came to Xiang Yu's side, looked at him, sighed and said: "You are strong, you dare to make your own decisions, which is very good, which shows that you have enough ability to bear your own actions, which is the responsibility and commitment that a true hero must have."

Hearing this, Xiang Yu was very surprised. The original scene of "having his magic power blocked and then being sent back to the family to sit on the wall" did not appear. Instead, his grandfather, Uncle Gao, who had only three achievements in the Xiang family in the late stage of becoming gods, praised him. It wouldn't be like giving him a candy with a stick, which made him very uneasy.

"Uncle, stop joking. Don't you know what kind of kid this guy is?" Xiang Yu stood up and touched his head.

"Forget it, the way you did it, if it were the other two old immortals who met each other, they would torture you for several years before venting their hatred. Hey, do you understand why I let you go despite knowing that I couldn't do anything?"

Uncle Gao asked, stroking his white beard.

"I really don't know about this, please let me know." Xiang Yu became very honest and didn't dare to speak in a dirty tone, let alone guess.

"You're pretty sensible. If you talk nonsense, I won't beat you into a pig and write the word "high" upside down."

"Remember my words carefully." Uncle Gao raised his eyebrows and asked Xiang Yu to sit down, while he sat cross-legged casually.

"I know." Xiang Yu sat upright, with his back straight.

Seeing that his attitude was barely qualified, Gao Bo said: "You know, adhering to the ancestral overlord Xiang Yu's own way of doing things his own way and being self-centered, my disciples of the Xiang family, unless they encounter great dangers or go against the iron laws of the world of immortality, The family has almost no restrictions on you, but provides you with various resources. No matter what the plans of the three of you are, we will not interfere, but you have gone too far this time. Think about it. Look, if we were the losers five thousand years ago, would Mr. Huangfu have returned our Xiang family's "Pillar Removal Technique" like you did? Fortunately, the ancestor Xiang Tianxing did it on purpose. They took out the "Pillar Removing Skill" as bait. This bait was really amazing. In addition, the ancestor was only in the early stage of becoming a god at that time. They finally failed to resist the temptation. Only then did the colorful fish return to my Xiang family. I know why Tianxing Lao Are you going to risk everything to take them back?"

"The child is stupid."

"I think you are deceived by the word sex."


Gao Bo slapped Xiang Yu on the head with a snap of his fingers. He didn't dare to complain and looked at Gao Bo aggrievedly.

"Hehe, I don't blame you. Everyone knows that the Huangfu family is not only full of geniuses, but the women in his family are also very smart. It's understandable that you are young and angry."

Xiang Yu looked at Uncle Gao, who had always respected and feared him, in surprise, with ten thousand wild horses running wildly in his heart.

Uncle, are you still the steady and cruel you?

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