Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 760 Chaos emerges

A bright smile appeared on the corner of Gao Bo's mouth, and he said: "The four major families in Nanhai have been extended for more than a million years. Now I am superior to the Xiang family. Except for the Huangfu family, which is gradually gaining momentum, Lonely and the Kong family are increasingly declining. In order to restore their decline, the two families have been plundering and plundering in the past one or two thousand years. They have occupied the spirit stone veins of many small and medium-sized sects. They have burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. As a result, they have made enemies everywhere. They have long lost the ambition and height that the four major families should have. ”

"We have received top-secret news that the two families are frantically moving closer to the Huangfu family, in order to jointly kill all the genius disciples of our family in the secret realm of "Lun Dao" forty years later, including you, Yu'er, and then in When the foundation of our clan was shaken and we lost sight of the other, the three families came together to attack us, catching us off guard and completely expelling our clan from the South China Sea. The four families became three families, dividing our resources and seizing our destiny. "

"Grandma is a bitch. The old lady eats arsenic and is tired of living."

Xiang Yu suddenly changed his color, stood up, and shouted: "I'm going to kill them now!"

"Hey, why are you so anxious? With old guys like us here, it won't be your turn."

Gao Bo seemed to have already had a way to deal with it. With Zhizhu in hand, the old god said: "It's time to talk to you about the secret realm of the Tao."

Xiang Yu looked like he was listening.

"This secret realm opens once every 2,300 years. Neither my generation nor your father's generation had the opportunity to participate. We only heard about it when our ancestors talked about it and recorded some ancient jade slips in our family."

"The mysterious thing is that this secret realm has a magical power that makes people forget what happened in it. That is to say, if you, Yu'er, enter it and come out alive, it will be like a great dream in the Spring and Autumn Period. Ninety-nine percent of the things in the secret realm will be forgotten. Everything you see, hear, and process you go through will be completely forgotten, and you will only remember certain tiny fragments or fragments, and these fragmentary images can only be inspired and remembered at a specific moment in the future. "

"What the hell is this, why have I never heard of it?"

Xiang Yu asked curiously.

"Actually, I know this much, and over the past million years, I have summarized and refined it bit by bit from the sages who have been involved in it. Those ancient jade slips are of no use to any of them."

"Hey, the Secret Realm of Taoism is not a ghost thing. It has incomparable and huge benefits, and there are endless opportunities in it. They are beyond your imagination. If you find one or two, it will be a great blessing."

"In the more than a million years of exploration by the four families, we have gone from ignorance to plausibility to half-understanding and now to thoughtfulness. Finally, we guessed that the secret realm of discussing Taoism was created by the four original members of the four major families. The heads of the family jointly created a paradise for the four of them to discuss Taoism and practice. It is precisely because of the secret realm of Taoism that the four families’ techniques were gradually perfected in the hands of the geniuses who came out of the secret realm, so that we can now practice them. "

Seeing the disbelief on Xiang Yu's face, Gao Bo knew that he had countless questions hidden in his heart, and continued: "Repairing the four clans' exercises is only one of them. The most amazing thing about it is that we didn't know it at the beginning. The existence is bizarre. Every two thousand three hundred years, ten Nascent Soul stage masters from four families will mysteriously disappear for two years, and those who come back can hardly remember what happened in the past two years and go away. No matter where, only in a given environment, a special scene will suddenly be remembered, which makes everyone confused and confused. "

"As time went by and the number of times increased, we gradually lifted its mysterious veil. Several amazing wizards appeared in each of the four families. Some of them were unlucky in time, and some failed to come out after entering. Some people forget everything like others after walking out, but as long as they are alive, there will be an indescribable change. This change is gradual from the inside out, either through strong luck, sudden enlightenment, or foreseeing the future... ....The closer you get to the back, the stronger your cultivation becomes and your combat power is beyond the sky, so it gradually gets its own name "Secret Realm of Talking about Tao"."

"The ten people who entered, based on hundreds of past experiences, were all Nascent Soul stage monks with the best qualifications and the highest talents in each family, and they were taken away by an extremely powerful force without any warning. For this reason, the four families They used various means to gather the ten monks with the highest potential in the family before starting, and used the strongest formations and treasures to defend themselves. But when that moment came, no one understood how those ten people disappeared. They watched helplessly. We are helpless and have no clue. After many attempts, all our efforts are in vain, so we just ignore them. Fortunately, every time when the worst situation comes, some people come out alive. At most, half of them survive, and often there are only three out of ten. "

"Although I don't know which ten members of my Xiang family are this time, you must be one of them. Another point is that throughout the ages, no matter what methods we use, outsiders have no way of knowing what happens inside. Therefore, none of the four families know What did the forty people in the secret realm do to make the survival rate so low? However, as long as the three of them secretly join forces in advance, my Xiang family will almost be wiped out. "

When Xiang Yu heard this, his heart palpitated. After entering, not only were there unpredictable dangers from the secret realm itself, but he also had to face the joint strangulation of three families. It can be said that every step is startling, and life and death are unpredictable.

Gao Bo saw his worries and said calmly: "Yu'er, don't worry. The opening of this discussion seems to be a dead end, but as long as you kill it cleanly and cleanly, you can be invincible." land."

"For this reason, the family has set a detailed training plan for you for forty years."

Gao Bo looked at Xiang Yu, who was determined, and understood his unyielding confidence and determination. He said with satisfaction: "First, use a large amount of seven-color pills and other elixirs to accumulate your cultivation to the late stage of the Nascent Soul within fifteen years. Then, with the strength of the entire clan, you will be sent to the secret place that my Xiang family has carefully built in the South China Sea Bay for millions of years to practice in seclusion. It is bound to break through the third level of "Zhongyue Dao" of your "Zhuzhu Gong" to the fourth level "Fuhai Dao". "

"Once you enter this realm, hum, even the top masters in the middle stage of the Spiritualization will be helpless against you. That's when you will go on a killing spree in the secret realm. Gudu Yu, Kong Ren, Kong Liang, Huangfu Ren, Huangfu Ba, Gudu Zhou... are all pigs. Dogs, chickens, and ducks, all are no problem, all are killed, and when you walk out, the situation is reversed, and the three families are horrified. My Xiang family fights back, uproots them, and takes away their luck. With the blessing of their luck, our family will be like a raging fire, breaking the shackles that prevent us from ascending, and becoming a giant and hero who shines in this world. "

"You are unkind and unjust, what love and achievements, my Xiang family does not want, all I want is to ascend to the upper realm and enjoy the immortal way, who can compete with me."

As he spoke, a fierce and fierce aura rose from Gao Bo's body, which made Xiang Yu's blood boil and his fighting spirit exploded.

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