Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 761 Xiaoniu Island

Gao Bo's words ignited a raging fire in Xiang Yu.

Not only does he want to practice the "Hai-Shi Dao" that no one has broken through in three thousand years, but he also wants to explore the ultimate secret of the secret realm of Lu Dao like never before.

At this moment, a bold and crazy guess emerged in his heart.

The reason why the secret realm of discussing the Tao has not been cracked for more than a million years lies in the word "discussing the Tao".

Discussing Tao, discussing Tao, in the end, we must distinguish between high and low, and discuss life and death. Only in this way can we put our own Tao above the other three families. In other words, as long as all the people of the three families are killed, maybe we can Whoever can solve its mystery will become the ultimate winner who can obtain the ultimate fruit of the Secret Realm of Taoism.

However, just when his idea was about to be clearly outlined in his mind, a jade-like face appeared in his heart resentfully.

Alas, Xiang Yu sighed in his heart, he could only take one step at a time.

Uncle Gao didn't know what he was thinking, and continued: "The three of them want to divide our clan's destiny and massive resources. Is it possible that their things are not delicious? Their Tianji top-level skills are not the same as ours." The numbers vary, but when gathered together, one or two can still be confirmed. Huangfu's "Tianxiang Album", Lonely's "Great Compassion Mantra", and the Kong family's "Kong Sheng Fangyuan" are all top-level. Once they belong to their own clan, Our Xiangjia will be invincible in the South China Sea and even in the world.”

"Since you were born, the various qualities you have displayed have given us old guys an unshakable reassurance. We believe that you will be able to cultivate to the "Sea-Overturning Dao". If you cultivate to become a god again, With the combination of the two powers, we may still be able to glimpse the hope of ascension in our lifetime. This was something that even the ancestor of Tianxing failed to achieve at that time. He only practiced the sea-turning method to its peak, but his cultivation remained at the late stage of Nascent Soul. , and the "Huo Fan" that was one of the top ten rare flowers in the "Xingcheng Auction" that you participated in before made me feel that maybe it is destined that after you take the "Huo Fan", you may not be able to use it. In twenty-five years, not only have I entered the sea-covering path, I have also been able to further develop it to a more advanced level.”

"If that's the case, Yu'er, don't worry too much, just go on a killing spree. If you want to kill me, Xiang Jia, I'm afraid you won't live long enough."

"Okay, let's return to the family immediately. The key to success or failure is you."

"Hmph, you young man dares to eavesdrop."

As he spoke, Uncle Gao looked at the endless world and punched somewhere unexpectedly.



A black hole with a radius of one kilometer was instantly formed in the sky. The endless space storm and space blades strangled a middle-stage Nascent Soul expert in an instant. Even the jade slip he sent before his death was swallowed by the black hole.

"let's go."

Uncle Gao didn't look at them again, and the two of them turned back towards Shanyu Sect.

After a series of free transfers, Wang Lu returned to the bustling Tianhai City again.

He quickly went to the secret room on the second floor of Yinluanxuan. Before he could make a cup of tea, Yin Twenty-two walked in respectfully, bowed and handed out a storage bag, and his spiritual consciousness penetrated a little, which made him very satisfied.

Wang Lu patted him on the shoulder to express his appreciation: "Very good, I'm leaving."

I originally wanted to give him one or two spiritual talismans to protect me, but the storage bag was empty, and there were no suitable treasures, so I had to give it up and make up for it next time.

After asking him for admission tokens for several of the largest and most reputable underground auctions in Tianhai City, Wang Lu left calmly.

Everything is ready, all he needs to do is find a place to retreat to draw talismans, and he will be able to understand the profound art of talisman sealing and flex his muscles.

Walking out of Tianhai City and arriving at Chuhai Square, golden light was everywhere. Facing the bright sunshine and the gentle sea breeze, Wang Lu looked into the distance. He could see the majestic waves and endless depth of the South China Sea, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of vastness and vastness in his heart. The taste is frank and magnanimous.


There was an endless stream of people coming and going in the square. When they suddenly heard someone's high-pitched roar, they couldn't help but look towards him. Wang Lu seemed to have something to say, looking calmly into the distance. In the astonished eyes of the people Suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The speed is beyond imagination.

"This person is a human, a ghost, a demon or a charm. He is so fast that he cannot be seen in the blink of an eye."

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

However, some powerful people couldn't help but shudder subconsciously when they saw Wang Lu's explosive speed. If they were to fight with him, they would be impossible to guard against and would be killed in the blink of an eye.

When did such a monster with such extreme speed pop up in the South China Sea? It is very chilling.

The speed of the king's road was like a spark or a shooting star chasing the moon. He was completely immersed in the mysterious feeling of flying on the wind and waves.

Half a day later, he pressed his body down and was already a hundred thousand miles away from Tianhai City.

The red sun sets, scattered stars reveal themselves, and the waves roll, like a mother, constantly patting the islands in her arms, large and small, as small as children, so softly, so unhurriedly.

One of the islands, with a radius of dozens of miles, was hidden in the vague sea mist and under the clear starlight. It was exquisite and stylish, like a prostrate calf, which made him feel very friendly.

You are the one.


A wave hit, and the man was already 900 feet away. He was riding on the waves, and half of the incense was gone. Wang Lu came to a lush and unnamed island.

Expand your spiritual consciousness and you will immediately understand.

There is no trace of human beings on the island. There are only a group of hundreds of unknown seabirds perched in the trees, and sea beasts here and there walking or sleeping soundly in the grass between the trees.

It was quiet all around, except for the continuous sound of crashing waves.

Wang Lu named it "Xiao Niu Island".

He came to the depression of a hill on Xiaoniu Island and found a relatively hidden place. "Come," he said softly, and the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade danced around him like a butterfly, making Wang Lu laugh non-stop, so happy.


With a thought in mind and magic power in motion, the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade seemed to escape into the void and disappeared in an instant. In less than ten breaths, it suddenly returned to Wang Lu. With a greeting, he was swallowed by the Yuanying from all parts of his body in a moment.


Wang Lu laughed heartily. The Six-Star Arched Moon Blade already possessed a trace of the magical power of "infinite transformation and infinite magical use". Under their extreme cutting, a cave as smooth as a mirror, with a depth of twenty feet and a radius of three feet, was quietly formed from the inside to the outside. The rocks and soil in it were all crushed into powder and deeply beaten into the cave wall, becoming part of it.

He casually laid out three formations and stepped in calmly.

When I came to the center of the cave, although there was no light, it was as bright as day.

That was because there were hundreds of millions of holes that were thousands of times smaller than a needle hole and could not be seen by the naked eye, scattered all over the top of the mountain. The starlight fell through the tiny holes, so it was as bright as a lamp and as bright as day.

Unconsciously, my understanding of "Wuliang" was further improved.

This made Wang Lu puzzled. Could it be that he was the chosen one to practice "Wuliang", and the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade was also the first choice of "Wuliang" magic weapon.

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