Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 77 Ghost Marten

The departure of the man in black was like a bubble, which disappeared without a trace after it broke.

Lei Shun frowned, and even he himself was confused. The war between the human race and the demon race has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. This is not as simple as personal hatred, but has risen to the grievances between the two races.

Since the seven sects unified the south, they have fought several battles with the demon race and have formed an irreconcilable deep hatred. It can be said that enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, so where does the collusion come from?

However, the murder of Taoist Yunkong in Qingling Mountain shows that the demon race has long seen through Taoist Yunkong's whereabouts and laid a net.

It is not so simple to want the life of a late Nascent Soul cultivator. The late Nascent Soul is the top combat power in the world of cultivation and is the watershed of strength. If there are a thousand Nascent Soul cultivators, then only one in a thousand can practice to the late stage.

Even he himself has been wandering in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul for hundreds of years, but he still can't see the shadow of the late stage.

In the Fantasy Sect today, there are dozens of people in the Nascent Soul stage. More than a hundred years ago, there was only one person in the late Nascent Soul stage, that is, Pavilion Master Chen of the Treasure Pavilion. Unexpectedly, the Pavilion Master impacted the legendary Transformation God stage with his natural talent and luck. Since then, there has been a gap in the great cultivators in the late Nascent Soul stage of the Fantasy Sect. After more than a hundred years, no one has reached the realm of great cultivators.

Wang Lu was not clear about the situation in the Blood Battle City. He walked cautiously in the passage. After half an hour, he still couldn't see the end.

There is a ban in the passage. Ten feet away, no matter how he looks, it's like seeing flowers in the fog, blurry.

As for the divine sense, let alone, once it exceeds the sight, the divine sense will be severely corroded and burned like encountering strong venom.

In his perception, it should not exceed fifty feet to reach the end of the passage.

A thin layer of yellow light shrouded it. The further you go, the narrower your sight becomes. You can't see whether there is a road ahead, or no road, is it a thousand-foot abyss or a trap?

After walking to the last zhang, he could only see his feet and the ground he was standing on.

He couldn't help but feel nervous, wondering whether to go forward or not, as there might be unknown dangers ahead.

After thinking for a moment, he released a bow and arrow puppet sent by Xu Kui to explore the way.

As soon as he landed, with the incantation of the spell, the puppet turned its two eyes in an anthropomorphic manner, holding a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other, stepped forward, and disappeared in the hazy yellow light.

After a moment, the uneasy Wang Lu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the puppet come back intact.

Putting away the puppet, Wang Lu walked forward step by step, and he would take the second step only after every step was solid.

When he walked to the fifth step, the distance in his mind was very close. With his right foot behind and his left foot stepping forward, his feet suddenly hung in the air. Just as he was about to retract his left foot, a strange force like the one attracted by the stone gate suddenly appeared. He only had time to add a primary high-level Vajra Talisman to himself.

After a moment of trance, he was attracted to a stone hall filled with the same yellow light.

The stone hall was quiet. He looked up and saw no word "Injury Gate".

This stone hall was not empty. A monster that had been dead for an unknown period of time and looked like a marten in the forest was lying quietly on the ground.

This monster was three feet long and one foot wide, with eyes closed, covered with dense red hair, sturdy limbs, strong muscles, and claws that were pale yellow and shiny and eagle-shaped. They were extremely sharp. After careful sensing, there was no vitality at all, and it was dead.

Behind this monster, a small wooden box of seven inches square was half embedded in the wall. When Wang Lu saw this box, the blood in his body suddenly accelerated, and his heart beat strongly.

He walked around the monster and came to the wooden box. Just as he was about to reach out to take it, his hair stood up in a flash, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly came upon him.

He stood there in a daze, maintaining the posture of reaching out his hand, secretly gathering his magic power in his legs, and suddenly moved to the left at the speed of thunder.

At the same time, a loud and piercing beast cry pierced his ears, which immediately gave him a splitting headache.

The seemingly lifeless demon beast, like a marten, screamed and waved its claws at Wang Lu like a yellow lightning.

The Vajra Talisman had no power to resist and was torn by a claw. Then, Wang Lu's clothes on the right shoulder were torn, and one shoulder was bleeding. It was almost torn off by it. It shows how fast this demon is and how sharp its claws are.

Wang Lu endured the severe headache, quickly took out a talisman with a yellow light flashing and a heavy mountain shadow, slapped it on his body, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

This beast is called Ghost Marten. It is a very rare fifth-level monster in the sea. After the death of the Mysterious Eyes Fantasy Marten, it gradually developed spiritual consciousness after tens of thousands of years of nourishment in an extremely dense yin environment, thus becoming a rare ghost-like monster.

The Ghost Marten is extremely fierce and powerful. In addition to retaining the powerful psychedelic magic of the Mysterious Eyes Fantasy Marten, it is like a ghost under the long-term nourishment of yin. Not only is it extremely fast, but its magical power of pretending to be dead is also difficult to distinguish the true from the false. Its body is comparable to the late sixth-level powerful monster. At the same time, it is good at sonic attacks, which can directly hurt the soul of the cultivator, which is equivalent to the spiritual consciousness attack of the human race. With all these, its strength is almost close to that of the early Nascent Soul strongman, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

Wang Lu was hit unprepared and fell into a coma.

At this time, the Ghost Marten was frantically attacking Wang Lu who fell to the ground. Fortunately, the defensive symbol Baichongshan on his body seemed like a candle in the wind, but it was very tough.

After an hour of continuous scratching, biting, and tearing, the ghost marten was a little exhausted, but its spirituality was not high, and it continued to claw and ram wildly.

At this time, Wang Lu's sea of ​​consciousness recovered a little, and he suddenly woke up.

The sound of "boom" continued, and a yellow light attacked the Hundred Layer Mountain almost instantly. Every impact made his body shake violently and hurt all over.

He had no way to retreat, and was knocked to the base of the wall by the ghost marten without knowing it. He knew it was the marten that had long been dead.

After nearly an hour of coma, the Hundred Layer Mountain was still not breached, and it was worth it that he had used up thousands of spiritual materials to draw two pieces.

The Hundred Layer Mountain Talisman is the culmination of the defensive talismans in the Foundation Establishment Period in the "Six Talisman Book". It can withstand the full force of the Yuanying Early Stage Cultivator for several times. Even the talisman master is difficult to draw.

As long as it is released, the khaki defense shield will surround him like a hundred mountains. This is why he has to draw it even if he tries his best.

Without the blessing of mana, it can withstand the bombardment of the ghost marten for an hour. The Hundred Layer Mountain with the blessing of mana, no matter how the ghost marten attacks, will stand firm and stand still like a mountain.

He sat on the ground with the stone wall, and didn't care about the ghost marten anymore.

His physical condition was very bad at this time.

His sea of ​​consciousness was broken, his soul was damaged, especially the arm that was almost torn off by the ghost marten, which had broken bones, broken bones, and broken meridians, making him extremely painful.

He endured the severe pain and connected the arm with some meridians and bones with a "click" sound while he screamed "ah", which made his face turn blue and sweat profusely.

Then he took out a bottle of spiritual milk, swallowed most of it, and dripped a small part on the wound on his arm, wrapped it with magic power, and took out two medium-grade spiritual stones to meditate and recover.

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