Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 78: Zi Jiu's Violence

Half a day passed in a flash, and the injuries on his body had recovered to almost half. Wang Lu no longer planned to sit and wait for death. Being forced into such a situation by a ghost made him feel angry.

He couldn't let it go, and the Hundred Layers Mountain was not unbreakable. With the continuous bombardment of the ghost marten, it was in danger and could not bear the heavy burden.

At this moment, Zi Jiu's urgent call came from the spirit beast bag, which made Wang Lu, who looked vicious, smile a little.

Under the spell, Zi Jiu appeared on his shoulder in an instant, and was a little stunned when he saw his bad face.

Wang Lu briefly explained the situation with his mind, and Zi Jiu's two tentacles suddenly straightened, his wings opened instantly, and his purple eyes turned gray. He was angry.

What made Wang Lu laugh and cry was that Zi Jiu planned to get rid of the ghost himself and avenge him, and told him not to worry, it was just a small matter.

The ghost was so powerful, he was thinking about how to get rid of it, whether to take out the Yinquan Thunder Pearl.

Zi Jiu volunteered to avenge him, which made him feel relieved, but the difference between their cultivation levels was huge. Zi Jiu was at the peak of level 4, while Gui Marten was at the peak of level 5, and it was more difficult to deal with than the average level 6 monster. How could you avenge me?

Wang Lu repeatedly comforted him, but Zi Jiu just kept on attacking, with a look of "let me go angrily", which made him laugh and cry, and his mood suddenly improved.

However, it was strange that when Zi Jiu appeared on his shoulder, the ghost stopped attacking.

Standing in the distance, the two golden eyes kept turning around, and looked like a tiger staring at the enemy.

At this time, he found that the yellow light in the stone hall was getting fainter and fainter, and the hair on the ghost's body had changed from pale to orange-yellow at some point. It turned out that you absorbed the yellow light.

This made him dare not be careless, and it seemed that he could only use the thunder bead.

Wang Lu waved his hand to remove the Hundred Layers Mountain, which returned to the shape of a palm-sized talisman, but the overlapping mountain shadows were no longer clear, but blurred. He knew that at most once, this life-saving talisman would be completely useless.

He carefully put it away, and Zi Jiu on his shoulder cheered, spread his wings, and flashed in front of the ghost marten in a moment, and then two thin gray lights shot from its small eyes to the ghost marten, so fast that even he only had time to let out a cry of surprise.

The ghost marten was ready to fight when Zi Jiu appeared. The sudden two lines of gray light did not scare it. A yellow light bloomed from its eyes and rushed forward.

The yellow light was like a quagmire that made the gray light unable to struggle. Zi Jiu lightly tapped his anthropomorphic butterfly whiskers, and his wings fluttered. The air in the stone hall surged rapidly, and sharp wind blades densely cut towards the ghost marten.

The fur of the ghost marten stood up, and circles of yellow halos emerged, which disappeared and regenerated in the confrontation with the wind blade.

Zi Jiu flapped his wings nonchalantly, and the wind blade rushed towards the ghost marten like a storm. The ghost marten screamed "squeak", and the sound waves instantly shook the blade violently, and at the same time it was slightly weaker.

Wang Lu learned from the previous experience and instantly closed his five senses. Zi Jiu retracted his wings in front of him, and a gray-purple light circle covered it tightly. The sound waves hit the light circle fiercely, like a piece of rain sprinkled on a banana leaf, sliding down without leaving a trace.

Zi Jiu dodged the attack, his wings danced wildly, and the wind blade storm rushed away like a tsunami.

Wang Lu looked at this scene in shock. When did his Zi Jiu become so powerful?

Seeing this, the ghost marten was all over with yellow light flashing. The yellow light in the stone hall and the passage was absorbed by the ghost marten like a swallow returning to its nest. Countless yellow light circles piled up one after another, like a thick yellow cloud tightly protecting it.

"Boom boom boom boom."

Like thunder, the whole stone hall shook violently, and pieces of rocks flew down one by one. Wang Lu dodged left and right.

Five breaths later, the yellow cloud dissipated, and Zi Jiu flew back to his shoulder triumphantly. The ghost marten's limbs seemed to be broken and its whole body was embedded in the ground with its whole body dying.

Zi Jiu flew to the ghost marten in an instant, pointing at the ghost marten like a victorious general in a way that Wang Lu didn't understand at all, and kept jumping on the ghost marten arrogantly.

Every time it fell, the ghost marten would let out a shrill scream, which made people feel unbearable.

Up to now, Wang Lu had no idea what kind of monster Zi Jiu was.

He also went to the treasure pavilion to look up relevant information and books related to spirit beasts, divine beasts, fierce beasts, strange beasts, strange insects and exotic objects.

For example, butterfly-like monsters generally use illusion and invisibility skills. For example, the legendary Buxu Silver Butterfly, which ranks fourth on the list of the top ten strange insects, will be avoided by even the real immortals.

Except for Buxu Silver Butterfly, most of the famous spirit butterflies in the world of cultivation are very different from Zijiu. Zijiu has a very fast escape speed, powerful attack, and soul skills, and is very good at hiding. So far, he only knows these.

Moreover, the realm of butterfly-like spirit beasts is not too high. He has never heard that butterfly-like spirit beasts eat spirit stones as common as breathing and drinking water, which makes him puzzled.

However, even so, what does it matter? As long as he lives one day, Zijiu is his most reliable comrade-in-arms and most trusted friend.

Retracting his thoughts, Zijiu returned to his shoulder again with satisfaction.

During the conversation, Wang Lu was stunned. The ghost was called the Ghost Marten. It had been subdued by Zi Jiu and was willing to recognize him as its master and be his spirit beast. It should be a ghost beast.

At this time, the Ghost Marten was like a defeated rooster. It stood in front of Wang Lu with its head down and pitiful and unstable, wailing.

Before he knew why, Zi Jiu seemed to be about to jump at the ghost marten in anger, and the ghost marten immediately became weak and retreated.

The ghost marten walked forward with frustration, and its somewhat shriveled belly became round. After a while of rolling, a black invisible talisman paper floated in front of Wang Lu.

He didn't know why, but after taking a look, he immediately understood it in his heart.

This is the ghost marten's unique way of recognizing its master. Wang Lu only needs to carve his real name into it to complete the recognition.

He squeezed out five drops of blood from his fingers without hesitation, wrote in the air, and reflected the words "Wang Lu" on the talisman paper.

After writing, the talisman paper suddenly emitted a black light and flashed into the ghost marten's body. At the same time, Wang Lu also slightly understood the origin of his own life spirit beast that was coerced and lured by Zi Jiu.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the ghost marten was killed by a powerful cultivator. When it was about to die, the cultivator forced it to have a thought - to kill any cultivator who came here, and then it would be thrown into this stone hall.

After being nourished by the Yin Qi for hundreds of thousands of years, it woke up several times in a daze and fell asleep again, until today when I came, it woke up.

In other words, I am the first person it has seen in hundreds of thousands of years.

Hey, who would have thought that it would be treated obediently by Zi Jiu unwillingly and become its spirit beast.

After recognizing its master, the ghost marten looked at Wang Lu with a more friendly look, but timidly looked at Zi Jiu who was showing off his power on his shoulder.

Wang Lu said to Zi Jiu with a smile: "Little guy, now we are a family, let it go."

He knew that Zi Jiu was showing off to the ghost marten to show its status in his heart, for fear that he would not treat it equally and favor the ghost marten.

When Zi Jiu heard what Wang Lu said and looked at his extremely pitiful defeated opponent, he turned his head away and no longer looked at him and this ugly guy.

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