Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 79 The Box and Myself

The ghost marten has recognized its master, but Wang Lu doesn't know where to put it. This is a difficult problem.

In the world of immortal cultivation, it is extremely rare for ghosts to recognize their masters. It is not appropriate to put it in the spirit beast bag. It seems that I have to find a treasure to place it when I return to the Blood Battle City.

Thinking of this, I almost forgot that I haven't given this guy a name yet. Little marten doesn't seem to be suitable, and Xiaohei doesn't sound very nice. The ghost marten was originally a magic marten with a pupil, so I'll call it Xiaotong.

He said to the somewhat listless ghost marten: "I'll call you Xiaotong from now on."

When the ghost marten heard Wang Lu's words, it seemed to have its own name. It happily ran to his feet and rubbed his calf affectionately with its head.

At this time, Zi Jiu was not happy. His two little eyes glared at the ghost marten, and Xiaotong was so scared that he aggrievedly leaned against Wang Lu.

Wang Lu smiled and said, "Zijiu, don't bully Xiaotong anymore. You should get along with each other and help each other."

Wang Lu said to Zijiu in his mind, "My little ancestor, don't be so irritable. You will be the boss in the future. Xiaotong will listen to you in everything, okay?"

After receiving Zijiu's indifferent reply, Wang Lu smiled happily.

After comforting Zijiu, who made him love and headache, he turned around. He vaguely remembered the small box embedded in the gable.

With the power of magic, the rocks were cleared away. He thought there would be some restrictions, but he didn't expect it to be pulled out directly.

The small box was made of a strange material, light yellow, not gold, jade or wood. It was slightly cool to the touch, like a feather, light and fluttering. He carefully checked it up and down, left and right. It was tightly fitted and integrated, so he didn't know where to open it.

He shook it, but there was no sound. Could it be a useless thing? For you, he almost lost his life, but fortunately he accepted Xiaotong.

Hey, thinking of Xiaotong?

Wang Lu immediately asked it about the box, but it didn't know what the box was. It only told him that its mission was to take care of the small box, and it didn't know anything else.

He couldn't get off, so he could only throw the box into the storage bag, and he could only comfort himself that it might be of great use in the future.

He looked at the entire stone hall again, and there was still a passage with a pale yellow light in front of the stone hall.

Strangely, the passage before he came disappeared, and he seemed to appear in this stone hall out of thin air.

He asked Zi Jiu to carefully look for the passage when he came. Zi Jiu flew up and down, but didn't find any clues.

It was impossible to return to the original route. It seemed that there was a mysterious force guiding him forward.

Since we are here, we should make the best of it. We should fight against the enemy and cover the water with earth. However, we need to heal our wounds before we can continue on the road.

He cleared a piece of open space, took out the spiritual milk and dripped a few drops on the wound on his shoulder, and then meditated to recuperate.

Before meditating, he saw Zi Jiu happily lying on Xiao Tong's body, and Xiao Tong also happily lying down to recover.

As long as there is enough Yin Qi, its body injured by Zi Jiu will slowly recover.

In the secular world, there is a saying that it takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone. That is to say, ordinary people who have injured tendons or fractures need at least a hundred days of rest to recover. Although it is not as exaggerated as a hundred days, his injuries still need three to five days of recovery.

Fortunately, Wang Lu has spiritual milk, which is much stronger than ordinary healing elixirs.

Under the warmth of spiritual milk, his meridians and bones are recovering rapidly.

Five days later, the body has fully recovered, the mana has increased slightly, and the consciousness has also been strengthened a little.

Xiao Tong's injuries have healed by one third, so it is time to set off.

Wang Lu put Zi Jiu back into the spirit beast bag, called Xiao Tong, and walked towards the passage.

Xiao Tong looked back at the stone hall where she had lived for hundreds of thousands of years with some reluctance, and then followed him into the passage without hesitation.

Seeing this, Wang Lu suddenly felt a trace of pity. Although Xiaotong was not very intelligent, her friendship was quite sincere, which made him cherish it even more.

The passage was filled with yellow light and was very quiet. A man and a beast walked slowly. Wang Lu wanted to let Xiaotong go ahead to explore the way, but he thought that he was in the wounded gate and there might be unknown dangers at any time. Xiaotong's injuries had not recovered yet, so he should be careful.

The restrictions in the passage still existed, and the spiritual consciousness was severely restricted. The slight contact was like being scalded by boiling water.

For an hour, the only place he could see was his feet. Wang Lu knew that the end was in front of him.

He asked Xiaotong to follow him closely and released the bow puppet. The bow puppet returned intact after a while.

His heart was in his throat. After taking a deep breath, he stepped forward step by step.

Still like before, one foot stepped in the air, and the man and the beast were sent to another stone hall by gravity without resistance.

As soon as he arrived at the stone hall, Wang Lu looked at the bewildered Xiaotong. Seeing that it was safe and sound, he began to look at this unusually quiet underground space.

The passage he came from was still missing. There was also a yellow light passage in front of the stone hall. There was nothing in the hall. One man and one beast walked forward.

As he walked, Wang Lu was shocked to find that he could not reach the passage no matter what. The passage was right in front of him but out of reach.

This was a maze, and Xiaotong beside him was nowhere to be found.

He stopped immediately. The pale yellow stone hall was the same as before, and you could hear a pin drop.

Looking back, Wang Lu's face suddenly showed an incredible look.

He and Xiaotong kept walking, but they were standing still.

At this time, the other self seemed to see him and showed him a strange smile.

This scene made him tremble with fear.

Why are there two of him, and where did Xiaotong go?

Is he the real him or someone else?

If I am Wang Lu, who is he?

His mind was in a mess, and all kinds of thoughts came one after another, disturbing him.


Wang Lu shouted, and the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade rushed towards Wang Lu and Xiao Tong, who were smiling at him mysteriously, as fast as a meteor. He stabbed and chopped at the two, and soon the man and the beast were chopped to death.

Wang Lu recalled the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade, looked at himself and Xiao Tong lying in a pool of blood, and suddenly his whole body was in severe pain. Then, streams of blood spurted out of his body like arrows, and he couldn't help but howl in pain.

And the other him and Xiao Tong in the pool of blood stood up again as if nothing had happened, still marking time.

Wang Lu, who was bleeding profusely, immediately took out the ointment and applied it to the wound, and the bleeding stopped instantly.

He had to think about what was going on?

Two things can be confirmed now:

First, he is the real him, otherwise the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade would not appear on him.

Second, to kill them is to hurt yourself, the blood is real, and the wounds are fresh.

He didn't care about the other Wang Lu and Xiao Tong. Now he only thought about how to break the formation, but where was Xiao Tong? Where did she go?

Could this be the flaw!

Just as he was thinking about it, the familiar six-star arched moon blade came through the air, and before he could respond, it was chopped into pieces.

At this time, Wang Lu, who was standing still, smiled and took back the spiritual weapon, and continued to stand still.

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