Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 80: Breaking the Formation

In the stone hall, Wang Lu was still walking towards the passage.

His eyes were dull, his mind was shaking and foaming at the mouth, his hair was messy, his clothes were torn, like a candle in the wind, and his breath was weak.

Xiaotong beside him was also like him, following him blankly, swaying and falling, and his whole body lost a lot of weight.

They walked back and forth in the stone hall for a full month. Wang Lu didn't know at this time that what he had seen before was all an illusion.

Whether it was two selves or himself being killed by himself, it all came from the influence of the illusory array on his soul. He was deeply trapped in it and could not extricate himself.

So much so that he and Xiaotong were unaware of the walking dead and walked on forever.

Both he and Xiaotong need external stimulation to wake up, and the only hope is Zi Jiu.

Zi Jiu was in the spirit beast bag, and the phantom formation had far less influence on it than Wang Lu and Xiaotong. As soon as it entered the stone hall, it was fighting against the formation.

Unlike Wang Lu and the others, it was enveloped by the formation as soon as it entered the stone hall, so that it lost itself. Its soul was naturally powerful, and with some obstacles from the spirit beast bag, it was actively resisting the formation.

After a month of confrontation, relying on its natural ability to break illusions.

At this time, it finally got rid of the influence of the phantom array and struggled to break through the spirit beast bag. The moment it came out, a strange force surged towards it like a tide.

Before losing itself, its wings flapped slightly, and two needle-like wind blades pierced Wang Lu's eyebrows. Then Zi Jiu was frozen in the air, with its wings constantly flapping, maintaining a flying posture.

"it hurts!"

Wang Lu woke up leisurely and touched the place between his brows that was bleeding profusely. He was suddenly shocked and found that his soul was dim, his body was weak, his magic power was drying up, and he was almost at the end of his life.

He looked towards Xiaotong and found that Xiaotong's eyes were blurred and her yellow hair was all gray. She was walking feebly back and forth in the stone hall. She no longer screamed, but was crawling step by step with difficulty.

He walked forward and held Xiaotong, who struggled twice, in his arms. Unexpectedly, Xiaotong, who was about three feet away, was as heavy as a huge piece of pig iron, and he almost fell down without holding it.

He gently patted the little pupil and injected a small amount of mana into its body.

Wang Lu frowned slightly, the ghost power in Xiaotong's body was in chaos, almost to the point of becoming possessed.

Just as he was increasing his mana, Xiaotong's weak voice came faintly from his consciousness: Master, I don't need mana. The more mana I have, the faster I will die, and I will slowly recover.

Hearing this, Wang Lu broke into a cold sweat and almost killed Xiaotong.

Xiaotong obviously woke up, and the influence of the formation on it was broken.

Wang Lu walked to Zi Jiu distressedly and gently pinched its tentacles with his hand. Zi Jiu suddenly woke up and looked at Wang Lu in a daze. In the next breath, he happily flew to his shoulder, like a little cat. When he jumped from his left shoulder to his right shoulder, his right shoulder jumped to his left shoulder, his joy was beyond words.

Yes, this should be regarded as the aftermath.

Wang Lu smiled, it was Zi Jiu who saved him again. Whenever he was in imminent danger, Zi Jiu always risked his life to save him. This was the case in Yucheng, and it was the same here.

He doesn't know what will happen in the future, nor how far he can go on the road to immortality. Along the way, with Zijiu by his side, he feels particularly at ease. He no longer asks for anything extravagantly. One person, one beast, one life at a time. .

The power of this formation is that people or living creatures can get lost in their subconscious without even realizing it, and they will not stop until they run out of life supplies.

Thinking of this, Wang Lu couldn't help but sigh. There are so many strange skills and methods in the world of cultivating immortals. While improving your cultivation level, you also have to dabble in other common knowledge of cultivating immortals. You don't need to be proficient, just know it, so as not to fall into trouble anytime. I don’t know, but I still need to go to the Treasure Pavilion a few more times before I can return to the sect.

However, now that I am in harm's way, I don't know if I can go back.

Putting aside the distracting thoughts, the formation has been broken, but both the man and the beast are mentally withered and their cultivation levels are severely damaged. They must adjust their breathing for a period of time before they can go on the road again.

He put Zi Jiu into another spirit beast bag, and then put in a high-grade spirit stone. For Zi Jiu, spiritual energy is the best healing medicine, and sleeping is the best way to practice.

What made Wang Lu laugh and cry was that Zi Jiu dismissed and sneered at the beast-nurturing pills commonly used in the world of immortality, even the advanced beast-nurturing pills.

Xiaotong told him that he would sleep for a while before the injury could recover, so he should ignore it.

The Yin Qi in Mingkong's Tomb is extremely strong. After a while, Xiaotong will be able to recover as before, and he has no other way to help Xiaotong now.

After settling them, Wang Lu began to check his body. To describe it in three words, it was particularly bad.

If he wakes up one day later, his foundation may be damaged.

He took out the spiritual milk from the storage bag. To his surprise, there was only a little more than the last bottle of semi-spiritual milk left.

Thinking back, there were thirty-six bottles of spiritual milk, but now there is only one bottle left. The spiritual milk saved him in danger many times. Without its help, he would have passed away long ago.

Wang Lu uncorked the bottle and drank most of it. He held two middle-grade spiritual stones in his hands and meditated to recover.

Ten days later, his mana was perfect and his spiritual consciousness had grown a little. He had vaguely reached the peak of the late stage of foundation building, and his soul was more stable than before.

Although he almost died in the formation, not only did he not have any sequelae, but it also brought him some unexpected surprises.

True to that sentence, good and bad things depend on each other, nothing more than this.

His intuition told him that if he were to fight a general Jindan early stage peak cultivator, he would have a 60% chance of not winning but killing him.

Zijiu in the spirit beast bag had not woken up and was still recovering from his injuries. Wang Lu observed that Zijiu's injuries were not serious and he would be healed in half a month.

Xiaotong's condition was worse. Without a month of recovery, he would not be able to recover.

He woke Xiaotong up and told him that he would stay in the spirit beast bag temporarily and suffer for a while.

Xiaotong's injuries were still very serious. With drooping eyelids, he told Wang Lu that he would get better slowly and asked him not to worry.

This touched Wang Lu so much that he comforted himself.

Wang Lu put the strange box and Xiaotong in the spirit beast bag and looked at the passage not far away with a yellow light. He was the only one left and had to move forward.

He changed into a black robe and walked into the passage.

As soon as he took the first step on the passage, he felt a slight movement under his feet. He bent down and rubbed the hard and cold ground with his hands, but found nothing unusual.

Was it an illusion?

He grabbed the Six-Star Arch Moon Blade in his hand and stabbed it hard into the ground. Only a clear "ding" sound was heard, and sparks flew everywhere. With the sharpness of the Six-Star Arch Moon Blade, it did not leave any trace.

He couldn't help but think of the fiery red magical crystal stone found in the "Weapon Hall" in the Jiuyue Secret Realm.

Half an incense stick later, still at the position under his feet, he held the blade in his hand and concentrated on cutting slowly along the ground without any cracks.

Three hours later, the ground, which was more than a hundred times harder than fine steel, was cracked by him, and one side of a jade box with the same color as the ground was picked out by him.

Wang Lu, who was in high spirits, stood up, twisted his aching neck, and started a new excavation.

This design is very delicate. The jade box, which is the same color as the passage, is embedded in the rock flush with the ground.

Because the material of the jade box is different from the rock of the passage, there is a little bit of incoordination over the years, and there is only a slight tilt.

If his spiritual sense had not increased before and he happened to step on it, he would never have discovered the existence of the jade box.

Thinking of this, Wang Lu looked determined, and he was looking forward to what was placed in the jade box.

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