Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 81: Two Bronze Corpses

For three full days, he looked at the unknown hard rock debris all over the ground, and took a dark jade box that was one foot long, six inches wide, and six inches high, and felt slightly cold, in his hand, and observed it carefully.

After looking at it for a while, Wang Lu was surprised to find that the material of the jade box was the extremely rare Yin jade.

This jade is a high-level spiritual material for forging magic weapons for ghost monks. A piece of Yin jade as big as this is inestimable in value.

The jade box alone is a priceless treasure, let alone the things inside?

He looked forward to it happily.

The jade box obviously has a ban, but it is not difficult to break. The method of breaking the ban that Chen Yaer had in the Jiuyue Secret Realm back then was also learned from her later.

He took out more than a dozen colored formation flags, with the jade box as the center, and the formation flags surrounded the jade box. He kept playing various formation tactics in it, and the whole body of magic power was agitated, and he shouted: "Open."

As soon as the voice fell, countless rays of light gathered on the jade box, and slowly pried the lid open like a pair of steel pliers.

As soon as the lid of the box was opened, the astonishing Yin Qi rushed out instantly. The Yin Qi was on his body, as if possessed by an evil ghost. Wang Lu couldn't help but shuddered violently. He used his magic power to get better.

He put away the formation flag and picked up the jade box. Inside, there lay a thumb-sized black and shiny pebble-like thing quietly.

Wang Lu looked at these nine strange objects in confusion. After all, his knowledge was limited. He didn't know what these things with abnormally strong Yin Qi were.

He closed the jade box with some disinterest, and suddenly thought of throwing a "black stone" into the spirit beast bag where Xiaotong was, so that it would not have no Yin Qi to absorb, and it would also speed up its recovery from injuries.

He took out a black stone, put it together with Xiaotong, slapped three forbidden spirit talismans, and put the jade box away.

He worked tirelessly for three days, and it seemed like he was busy for nothing.

It wasn't really busy for nothing. Just such a large jade box made of Yin jade was enough to make him reap a lot. Thinking of this, he smiled.

The passage was quiet, with only Wang Lu's light footsteps echoing.

After about half an hour, he walked into a bright and wide hall without encountering any obstacles or mysterious suction.

The stone hall was circular, and opposite it was a passage, but it was not covered by yellow light.

The entire passage was clean and tidy, in the shape of an arch.

In front of the passage, two orange-gold bronze corpses suddenly appeared, staring at him with four bright golden eyes.

Caught off guard, he subconsciously took out the six-star arched moon blade.

In this way, Wang Lu stood facing the two strange bronze corpses, one stick of incense, half an hour, and one hour. The bronze corpses seemed to be fixed in shape, staring at his eyes, motionless.

Wang Lu was very uncomfortable staring at each other for an hour without blinking, and he blinked gently.


Suddenly, a wild laugh that surprised Wang Lu came from a bronze corpse: "Brother, you lost. Look, it's been less than two hours and this guy has blinked."

Another bronze corpse said coldly: "Humph, since he blinked, then dig out his eyes and let him never blink again."

Wang Lu, who heard the conversation, was frightened, but not afraid. It was just a bronze corpse. He had just killed one in the late stage of foundation building not long ago. What's more, his cultivation has now been improved to the peak of the late stage. What's there to be afraid of?

However, the following battle overturned his common sense and made him realize the true meaning of the saying that you can't judge a corpse by its appearance and you can't measure the sea by its depth.

To strike first, he immediately activated the six-star arched moon blade, and the seven blades came to the front of the two corpses with seven strong whistles.

"It's just a trick. Take a rest, second brother. I will deal with this ignorant human being."

The eldest brother bronze corpse said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the blade approaching him, and he shouted loudly, raised his left hand, and slapped it in a flash. "Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa" seven loud and crisp sounds, and the six-star arched moon blades were slapped away like seven flies and crashed into the stone wall.

This scene frightened Wang Lu.

As his half-step magic weapon that was always invincible in defeating the enemy, he had never encountered a ruthless person who could break them casually with a wave of his hand.

These two bronze corpses were invincible. He looked back at the passage from when he came, and what made him despair was that the passage also disappeared without a trace like before.

In this case, now he had no choice but to burn his boats and take someone with him even if he died, he thought fiercely.

The bronze corpse did not consider his thoughts. After slapping the six-star arched moon blade away, it jumped up and arrived in front of Wang Lu in a blink of an eye like a jumping ball sun and moon. At the same time, the bronze arm waved lightly, and he seemed to be in a violent storm, and a knife-like energy rushed straight towards him.

Wang Lu shouted loudly, his magic power turned rapidly, and his body dodged the fatal blow at the moment when the huge force was about to hit him.


The bronze corpse was slightly surprised and said, "Your body skills are not bad. Let's have a competition. You have to run faster, otherwise I will tear your legs off and you won't be able to run."

After that, he laughed wildly to himself.

This made Wang Lu feel cold on his back.

The bronze corpse completely treated him as a lamb to be slaughtered and humiliated him at will.

As soon as the voice fell, the bronze corpse used his body skills, caught up in a moment, and punched him in the back. The punch was so powerful that Wang Lu barely avoided it again.

One person and one corpse kept turning around in the stone hall.

Miraculously, under the danger of his life hanging by a thread, the more he used the "Crossing the Clouds" body skills, the more he understood some details of the body skills, and he gradually felt that he could control this method with ease.

He was as light as a fallen leaf, as untraceable as an antelope hanging its horns. Although it was extremely dangerous, he always managed to escape the pursuit of the bronze corpse at the critical moment.

The other bronze corpse guarding the gate saw that the eldest brother had not yet dealt with Wang Lu, and laughed: "Brother, what's wrong with you? You can't even deal with a kid in the foundation-building period. Do you want me to come and help you?"

Hearing this, the bronze corpse said hatefully: "It's just a stretch. Second brother, just watch it."

Suddenly, the bronze corpse stopped, took a deep breath, and punched out. A three-foot-long fist shadow rushed towards Wang Lu like a cannonball. Then, with him as the center, he punched one after another faster than lightning, dazzling people. The whole stone hall was filled with his fist shadow heavier than an iron mountain.

When it thought that Wang Lu would not be able to escape after all, it unexpectedly appeared amid the screams of the second brother bronze corpse.

Wang Lu appeared behind him in an instant, and five silver beads exploded with a bang, with it as the center.


The deafening sound shook the whole stone hall.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the body of the elder brother's bronze corpse, which was stronger than fine steel, began to crack. The sound of "crackling" spread, and the next breath, it broke into pieces, and then disappeared.

When the bronze corpse punched, Wang Lu knew he was in trouble.

At that time, he was already anxious. With so many fist shadows, he had no way to hide. He had to fight with his back to the water and fight desperately.

At the moment when the bronze corpse was spinning and punching at a high speed, he appeared behind it with a severely injured body wrapped in the Hundred Layers Mountain at a speed beyond the limit.

One thunder bead could not cause damage to the bronze corpse. When five thunder beads were superimposed, the power was not five times but sixteen times. Even the old monster in the Nascent Soul stage would be seriously injured if he was not prepared. What Wang Lu wanted was to catch him by surprise.

He first let the bronze corpse think that he only had the advantage of physical skills, so that the bronze corpse could not expect that he would have a chance to fight hard, and paralyzed the bronze corpse, which led to the victory of this blow.

Of course, Baicengshan was shattered without a trace under the heavy punch, but it also protected him.

"Ah, big brother, I will tear you apart!"

The second brother bronze corpse suddenly appeared beside Wang Lu with a scream of anger, and punched repeatedly, and the air made bursts of explosions.

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