Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 82 A life-and-death battle

When Wang Lu saw the bronze corpse coming, he sneered and spread his body to avoid it. His second brother, the bronze corpse, seemed to be going crazy and chased after him desperately, but he was always one step slower.

If you treat me like an ant, I want you to die.

An hour later, the bronze corpse stopped and said angrily: "Boy, if you are a man, stop. Let's show off."

Seeing that Wang Lu didn't respond, he cursed again: "Human bastards, don't run away if you have the right to do so. I don't believe that your magic power will never be exhausted. Let's see where you can escape. Before you defeat me, don't even think about entering the passage."

Hearing these words, it was as if Wang Lu was awakened. He was about to enter the passage in a flash, but an invisible light curtain blocked him.

Bronze Corpse's original intention was this, and the opportunity was rare. He roared and punched out with lightning speed. The punch, which could break a mountain into pieces, hit Wang Lu's body firmly. The expected fragmentation did not occur.

The blurry mountain shadow around Wang Lu suddenly exploded. When he heard the voice of the bronze corpse, he added the last hundred-layered mountain talisman to himself with a snap of his fingers. The fist strength of the bronze corpse was unexpectedly strong. , this talisman was almost disabled by one-third.

With the power of his fist, Wang Lu rolled over like a carp and stood up.

He now begins to believe what the bronze corpse said, and he will never get out of the stone hall until he gets rid of you.

Wang Lu didn't run away anymore and looked at him silently.

The bronze corpse did not pursue him, but gritted his teeth and said: "The human race is so stupid, it finally figured out that running away is useless. How dare you kill my eldest brother? We have been dependent on each other for endless years. I didn't want to die in a sneak attack by you. I must avenge him." Snow hate, imprison your soul and burn it with ice and fire for tens of thousands of years before you can let go of your hatred. Come on, let me see what you are capable of."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bronze corpse seemed to have changed into a different person, like an old monk in meditation, with a calm and indifferent face, and at the same time, his breath continued to rise until he reached the peak of the middle stage of the golden elixir.

He shouted loudly, and the golden body muscles bulged out, and the thick green meridians protruded. The whole body became larger, like steel and iron bones.

Suddenly, a hurricane gathered around him.

Wang Lu watched the bronze corpse's astonishing changes indifferently, knowing that victory or defeat depended on this one move.

A hundred layers of mountains were stacked up to protect him. Suddenly, his hands were like butterflies in flowers, slapping all the defensive talismans towards himself.

Then, he roared wildly and shot toward the bronze corpse like an arrow piercing the clouds.

Not to be outdone, the bronze corpse leaped towards the king's road with lightning speed as if blessed by wind and thunder, while clenching his fists.

He firmly believed that as long as Wang Lu fought in close combat, even if Wang Lu had the body of King Kong, he would be beaten to pieces.

It didn't last long, but in just a short moment, Wang Lu completely ignored Zhong Yu Tieshan's body-shattering fist, and instantly threw out 499 thunder talismans with his hands behind his back.

In an instant, thunder broke out on the ground.

"Boom, boom!"

The lightning flashed extremely fast, and 450 violent thunderbolts struck the bronze corpse, while the other 49 were endured by him alive.

When the thunder talisman was thrown, he ignored the bombardment of thunder and lightning and the huge force of the copper corpse pressing down on him. Even though his body was under the pressure of gravity and blood seeped out one by one, his expression remained unchanged.

Either you die or I die, fight it out!

He ferociously sacrificed the last 499 thunder talismans again.

Wang Lu and Bronze Corpse seemed to be in a sea of ​​thunder gushing out, and a blinding white light exploded with the two of them in the center.

At this moment, at the moment when the two people separated their bodies, at the moment when the thunderstorm suddenly sounded, a flash of blood disappeared in an instant.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering thunderstorm sounded in the stone hall.


At the same time, Wang Lu, who was covered in blood, used the blood escape talisman to escape at the last moment of life and death. He was thrown heavily and hit the stone wall, and slid limply to the ground. He was dying and fainted instantly.

The overwhelming thunder dissipated.

The bronze corpse was covered in electric arcs, making crackling sounds. The whole body was charred black. One leg was blown off, and his eyes were blown blind. He was out of breath, dragging his remaining leg, and moved step by step towards the royal road.

His fierceness is amazing and admirable.

However, as soon as he took a few steps, he pushed the golden mountain and fell the jade pillar and fell to the ground.

It struggled to point its bloody fingers at Wang Lu, and then became silent.

In the end, Wang Lu made a desperate bet and the two thunder talismans exploded. He won the bet, and even the strong bronze corpse was killed by the set of "thunder talismans" that he spent all his energy and sleep to draw.

He won so miserably but cleanly.

In the world of immortality, no one will ever remember a loser. Failure means death.

For ten days, Wang Lu woke up from his coma. He remembered the final battle with the bronze corpse. He was still alive, which meant that the bronze corpse had passed away.

He raised his head with difficulty and looked at the motionless bronze corpse lying on the ground not far away from him, and let out a breath.

The bronze corpse's body was so hard that not even his six-star arching moon blade could leave a trace on its body, let alone other means.

He had no choice but to move dangerously and fight to the death with the Thunder Talisman that he had spent countless spiritual materials to draw that could bring heavy damage to the Golden Elixir Perfection.

A thunder talisman can only threaten the later stage of foundation building, but "Six Talisman Book" provides a thunder formation composed of a set of thunder talismans.

The Thunder Formation is constructed by 499 Thunder Talismans in a special arrangement, but the order of arrangement and the amount of mana output of the thunder talismans thrown in an instant must be accurate, which is extremely complicated and requires a strong sense of consciousness and a talent far beyond ordinary people to achieve it in one fell swoop.

If a Thunder Talisman is not in its position, the Thunder Formation is a broken formation and its power is greatly reduced.

Wang Lu also used the discarded spiritual talismans and practiced tens of thousands of times to make the Thunder Formation accurate and perfect.

The Thunder Formation is his real killer and his confidence.

Master Qiu Huaren once told him that since the establishment of the Six Talisman Sect, no one has successfully arranged the Thunder Formation. He is the first person, which shows how amazing his talent in the way of talismans is.

He was in a very bad state at this time. If he didn't have the Blood Escape Talisman, he would die in his Thunder Formation like the bronze corpse.

Even so, he was covered with scars, and the wounds had already scarred, but they still looked so shocking.

He took out the spiritual ointment, took off his tattered robes, and applied it carefully.

His sea of ​​consciousness and soul were aching slightly, which were internal injuries left by the thunder.

Sighing, he reluctantly took out the jade bottle again, stared at it in a daze, as if looking at his lover, and swallowed all the spiritual milk.

The spiritual milk that had accompanied him for ten years was used up just like that.

Soon, ten days passed, Wang Lu was refreshed and full of mana. He recalled the six-star arched moon blade scattered on the stone wall and walked towards the passage.

His intuition told him that the tomb center was at the end of the passage. Now there was no way back. Only by going to the center of the mausoleum could there be hope of getting out.

The passage with yellow light was right in front of him, and he stepped in without hesitation.

Under the worry, the invisible light curtain that blocked him outside did not appear.

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