Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 784 Golden Sea Clan

The island transformed by the feather of the big Kun is thousands of miles wide. Although it has been preserved since ancient times, it has experienced endless years and every drastic change in the South China Sea, and has consumed 99% of its spiritual energy, the wind spiritual power is still full and rich, so much that it is inexhaustible.

You know, it is the body of the big Kun, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a shocking treasure.

Thinking of the treasure, if it is refined and collected, it will definitely become another trump card for him.

Bathed in the deep and vast amount of wind spiritual energy, Wang Lu felt that he was simply redundant.

His body is like a bridge and bond of transitional objects, just to connect the spiritual energy and the gourd.

I don’t know how much wind spiritual energy can make you recover. After all, you have come here. If you don’t take something away, you will be too sorry for yourself.

Wang Lu said self-deprecatingly.

Hey, how about this?

The "Crossing the Clouds" technique floated in his mind. Wang Lu started from the first word, and operated it carefully bit by bit, opening the deduction of the next acupoint.

He originally wanted to use this rare, undisturbed opportunity to open the second page of "Kui Niu Treading on the Sky".

But then he thought, from ancient times to the present, who could do it like him to go to the territory of Da Kun and enter its body without dying.

He was not only rare in the ages, but also the only one in the ages.

Da Kun's speed was almost unparalleled in the world and second to none. Even if he could not comprehend its wonderful principles, if he could gain a little bit, it would be a great victory.

Coupled with the flushing and baptism of wind spirit power, it is not impossible for the body to become light and agile.

If the final result is the same as he expected, then he will make a lot of money, which is completely comparable to a stunning fortune.

Time flies, and the wheel of time rolls forward without stopping.

Wang Lu was immersed in the deduction of failure after failure, and he didn't know how many years it was...

Since the end of the ancient times, the vast South China Sea has been occupied by the four golden sea clans. They rule the sea and rule the sea.

However, the four golden sea clans are not static. They change every one million years, and the longest time is no more than three million years.

For example, the Niu Jiao clan, which is currently occupying the western waters of the South China Sea, has been strong for 2.98 million years since their first ancestor had a great adventure in a secret realm in the South China Sea, and practiced hard for more than 10,000 years, destroying the Fierce Snake clan in one fell swoop.

Due to the restrictions of the inexplicable rules of the South China Sea, at most 20,000 years, their Niu Jiao clan will collapse and be replaced by other powerful sea clans.

The best result is to automatically hand over the kingship, rely on the new golden sea clan, linger and continue slowly; the worst result is to be slaughtered, leaving no one alive.

Now they are facing such a difficult choice.

Either surrender voluntarily and be preserved; or fight against the sky and become a ghost hero.

The territory of the Western Sea under the jurisdiction of the Niu Jiao clan is so vast that they have not even been able to explore one tenth of it, but they occupy the largest and most spiritual island in the Western Sea, Taiyu Island.

This island is 300,000 miles in radius, comparable to a huge city of the human race.

Because of their noble blood, as long as they cultivate to the seventh level of demon beasts, they can transform into half-human beings. Even those with extraordinary talents can completely transform into human bodies and be no different from ordinary people when they enter the seventh level.

Since they conquered Taiyu Island, they have gradually built it into the style of a large city of the human race. There are palaces, attics, city walls, squares, caves, and various buildings everywhere, but there are no buildings such as markets and shops. Even if they are built, they can't use them.

Could it be that they go to the sea to kill monsters and take pills to the market to exchange or sell them like the human race? Isn't this a joke?

You must know that their sea beasts are more brutal than humans, cruel by nature, and cold and ruthless.

The weak ones will be torn into pieces, and they would like to eat them with skin and fur, so as to enhance their demonic power and realm.

No matter which tribe or which sea beast, they are always on guard against all their kind, and even fighting and eating alive among the same tribe is a common thing.

It shows how bloody and cruel their competition and fighting are.

A towering blue-green palace on Taiyu Island.

In the hall, six burly men with calm breath like ordinary people are sitting upright.

They are all big and strong, with solid muscles, and look ferocious and very creepy.

A man with clear features, short beard and short hair at the head of the group stood up, looked around majestically, and said in a strong voice: "Brothers, everyone knows that the three million-year deadline is coming. No race in the history of the South China Sea has prospered for three million years. Since we, the Niu Jiao clan, have led the West Sea, we have strictly followed the teachings of our ancestors and have never been tyrannical and tyrannical."

"However, time waits for no one. Now there are two different paths before us. One is to submit to the West Crab Clan and hand over the title of the Golden Sea Clan. If we surrender, they can swear a blood oath to their ancestors under our witness to protect us. The Niu Jiao clan has been in existence for 100,000 years. This can preserve the bloodline of our clan and patiently wait for the opportunity to rise. "

"Secondly, while there are still 20,000 years of preparation, we will flee to various places in the South China Sea in batches. When the three million years are up, the glory of the Golden Sea Clan will naturally be released. At that time, no matter how powerful the old ghost Xixie is, he will never be able to find a needle in a haystack to slaughter us one by one. The advantage of doing this is that we can escape smoothly and go our separate ways from now on. The disadvantage is that when the deadline is over, we will no longer be the Golden Sea Clan. Our strength will drop sharply. Without anyone to protect us, we will be hunted down by all the tribes in the South China Sea and eaten up without leaving any residue. "

When the man said this, a trace of hidden pain flashed in his eyes.

The title of the Golden Sea Clan has incomparable benefits.

After obtaining it, the blood of the entire clan will magically automatically improve and purify more than twice, and the cultivation will be unstoppable. Every three thousand years, one or more Heavenly Demon-level strongmen will emerge, and they will be unstoppable.

But the disadvantage is that after losing its protection and glory, that magical power will slowly disappear, but it is still there. If there is no new Golden Sea Clan to protect them, they will be as bright as fireflies in the night sky. In the eyes of countless blood-drinking and raw-eating sea beasts, they are the most delicious meat. No matter what level of sea beasts, they will attack you in groups until they tear you into countless pieces and eat you up.

And the deadline for disappearance is exactly 100,000 years.

After thousands of bloody tests and lessons, when many golden sea tribes still think they are high and mighty after ruling for a million years, countless unpredictable disasters will suddenly come, catching them off guard and causing the whole tribe to die.

After all these, there is an unwritten rule in the South China Sea:

After a million years, the previous generation of golden sea tribes will carefully consider the future of their tribe and make plans early.

Generally speaking, they will choose the first way to take off the crown and offer it to other tribes with both hands in order to protect themselves.

Of course, there are very few tribes like their Niu Jiao tribe that have been prosperous for three million years like the sun in the sky.

Alas, it is just that the moon is full and the water is full. In any case, it is time to make a choice.

There are six level 10 celestial demons in their Niu Jiao tribe. As the tribe leader, it has the right to vote twice.

He just said solemnly: "Let's vote."

The other five looked at each other. Although they were reluctant, they had to bow to fate because it was related to the survival of the entire tribe. They all chose the first way.

The big man saw this and knew it was the case, but he still felt bitter.

However, as the tribe leader, he would make the same choice.

Just as it was about to make the final decision with a painful look on its face, a strong and powerful roar came like lightning:

"I don't agree!"

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

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