The six people turned around and saw an extremely strong young man wearing a sky blue robe with thick eyebrows and big eyes flashing in with anger towards the sky and the earth.

"My nephew has met three uncles, two uncles and his father!"

The young man bowed to the six people politely.

"You bastard, didn't you see that we were secretly discussing important matters? Can you come here? Get out of here right now!"

One of the fierce men, seven feet tall and three feet thick in waist, stood up and shouted angrily at the young man.

"My dear father, I will never agree to you handing over the scepter of our clan, whether it is the Xi Crab clan or other clans with ulterior motives."

"We, the Niujiao clan, have stood upright and guarded the Western Seas of the South China Sea for three million years. We have never bullied other clans and bloodbathed them. We are open and upright. Without the deterrence of our clan, the Western Seas will be in chaos. For our sake, the Western Seas will be in chaos. For the stability of the sea, even if we die, we must fight against the sky.”

The young man was half a head taller than his father. He stared at the patriarch above him and spoke plausibly.

"Third brother, give him a chance and listen to what he says. If it's all nonsense, go to Linghai Lava and reflect on it yourself, and come out again in a thousand years."

The patriarch felt uncomfortable because of the young man's needle-like gaze, but he felt a little relieved in his heart.

I finally have a different view. I was waiting for you before.

You bastard, you almost made me an eternal sinner of our clan.

As the most outstanding genius of Niujiao's generation, the young man has long been famous throughout the South China Sea. Especially at the exchange meeting between the saints and saints of the four golden sea clans five hundred years ago, he completely crushed the other three clans. Effortlessly winning the first place, shining like a pearl, this is an unprecedented feat that has never happened in the previous Golden Sea Tribe exchange meetings.

When it was born, the originally sunny Taiyu Island suddenly experienced strong winds, lightning and thunder, and black clouds pressed down on the sky. As soon as this vision appeared, it immediately alarmed the Sixth Po, who had been in seclusion for 30,000 years.

She quickly rushed to watch over his birth. After he was born, with the consent of his parents, she took him away and accepted him as a closed disciple.

It wasn't until two hundred years later, when he grew to level four, that the monster was released.

And when he came out, everyone's jaws dropped to the ground. Before he reached the seventh level, he had already turned into a human form.

This is the first of its kind in the Niujiao clan, and it is also unheard of in other Golden Sea clans.

This shows how high his talent is, which is immeasurable and can only be looked up to.

But he was not proud of it. He studied humbly and practiced with concentration. He polished each level to perfection and took another step forward before moving on to the next level.

His demonic power is profound and dignified, far beyond his peers, and far beyond any saint son or saint girl.

As he continues to grow, his strength becomes deeper and deeper.

At the sixth level, he can compete with the late eighth-level monsters of his clan. He is extremely powerful. He has also awakened several peerless supernatural powers that shock the world. His body is even more indestructible, and his strength is as powerful as a mountain. The two combined, in After reaching the seventh level, no one in the entire South China Sea knows about it, and no monster knows about it.

He is free and easy, never arrogant, humble and prudent, and very low-key.

In the impression of outsiders, it seems that apart from cultivation, there is only cultivation.

In fact, his diligence is only one aspect, and his true face is his pursuit of the unknown truth and exploration of the inner sea.

He went deep into the inland sea many times and came back injured almost every time. He even died of serious injuries several times.

But every time after he recovered, he would go back to the inner sea or other secret places in the outer sea without stopping. Not even his parents could persuade him, let alone him, the leader of the clan.

It is indeed very similar to the tenacity and ruthlessness of their Niujiao clan.

Hey, he was very satisfied that he didn't lose his ancestor's job.

As he was thinking about it, he heard the young man say something shocking: "It doesn't matter what three million years is. Just because others can't do it, it doesn't mean we can't do it!"

"What's the meaning."

Six extremely powerful men at the tenth level of the Heavenly Demon were shocked at the same time.

It's not that they haven't thought about this problem, but the bloody facts of the past three times are in front of them, which is related to the survival of the whole family, and they have to put away their luck.

Now that Niu Heng mentioned it again, there was nothing new or useful at first. However, the calmness and confidence in his words moved them unconsciously, so that they had a "happy from the sky" reaction.

"I clearly understand that the bloodline of the Golden Clan has emerged from the South China Sea. Only the King Snake Clan, the White Fish Clan and the Five-Colored Clam Clan have lasted for three million years. They tried their best to resist, but the result was miserable. The three tribes They were wiped out completely, not even a single bloodline was left, and even the collateral bloodlines were wiped out under the rules of the South China Sea."

At this point, his piercing big copper bell eyes shot out two brilliant rays of light, and then said: "There was a tragedy ahead, and I gave up resistance originally. However, four years ago, I, the legend of the South China Sea, had been One of the Great Immortal Mountains, Abbot Immortal Mountain, was encountered by me in the inner sea. For some reason, this mountain had always passed by in a blink of an eye. It was so fast that even you, the clan leader, could only sigh in despair, unable to pursue it. However, a miracle happened. Not only has it slowed down to the second top speed of a thousand feet, it is even gradually slowing down, and it seems to be stopping. "


The clan leader was shocked. Without any movement, he suddenly came to Niu Heng from his seat. He grabbed his shoulders with both hands and said excitedly.

"This is the northeastern corner of the Inland Sea, which is 480 million miles away."

"Okay, the movement of the three immortal mountains is irregular, just like a flash in the pan. Let alone meeting them, even seeing them once is a great blessing. It is said that even the nameless existence in the inner sea can only look at the three mountains from afar and can do nothing. The inner sea is so large that as long as the nameless existence does not notice it, we can catch up with it within two years at its speed of a thousand feet. At that time, if other powerful races or sea beasts in the inner sea want to compete with us, they will occupy this mountain even if they bury our six old bones."

"Inner Sea? Don't think you are so powerful. You are just a little more than level nine. Humph, we are not vegetarians. When the six brothers of Laozi get fierce, even we are afraid of ourselves."

The clan leader Jiao Xiong's eyes flashed with fierce flames, and he said angrily.

"There is one more thing. My nephew has asked the master for instructions. She only said four words."

"What words?"

Niu Heng looked out of the hall and looked at the boundless South China Sea with huge waves, and said word by word: "There is hope."


The six people were shocked. The six women spoke up and said that they would go to the inner sea and seize the "Abbot" fairy mountain no matter what.

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