Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 787 Heart-wrenching pain

The mysterious island is thousands of miles wide, but it is as flat as a mirror. Even the soil is the green soil he has never seen before, and there are hundreds of thousands of spiritual flowers and herbs of various colors growing on it.

These flowers and herbs are very special. No matter red, yellow, blue, purple or other colors, they are more or less mixed with strands of green. There are four flowers that are pure and flawless, and they are indescribably beautiful and moving.

They grow in the four corners of the island, east, south, west and north, as if they have never seen each other, growing back to back.

Wang Lu directly skipped the other flowers and herbs and stopped his eyes on these four amazingly beautiful blue flowers.

Although he didn't know their names, his intuition told him that these four flowers were many times more precious than the thousand-year-old silver flower and half a plant of Tianhong grass in the storage bag.

Even if they are not used now, they will be of great use in the future.

His heart was burning, and he disappeared in one step.


Wang Lu showed a strange look, stopped suddenly, and couldn't help but roared.

With a casual move, he was able to reach 1,300 feet away with great ease.

He looked at the real afterimage in the distance with disbelief. Was this really him?

You know, no matter whether it is a person or an object, as long as it reaches the second extreme speed of 1,000 feet per breath, it would be very difficult to increase the speed a little bit, but he did it easily.

He was stunned by the 1,100 feet per breath in the nine years of chasing the island before, and now he was given an unexpected surprise of 200 feet more directly, which completely broke the routine and was simply incredible.


A torn and yellowed "Crossing the Clouds" secret book came into his hand.

He stroked and flipped through it carefully, and it seemed that there was nothing special about it. It was just written on ordinary pulp paper in the mortal world, but it was a long time ago.

This book was obtained from Hou Jie of Tingyu City. He thought it was an ordinary martial arts book. After practicing it by accident, he found that it was very consistent with his "Six Talismans". He couldn't help but be overjoyed.

It was also with this body movement that he not only escaped disasters many times, but also killed powerful enemies unexpectedly.

Later, as his cultivation continued to improve, he suddenly realized that "Over the Clouds" was not simple.

He regretted that what he had in his hand was not a complete book, but a fragment.

Without subsequent exercises, he could only create his own exercises as never before. With the help of a strong body, he almost lost his life, but fortunately he finally gained something.

Although you wrote it on ordinary paper, it means a lot to me and is extremely important.

Wang Lu sighed and carefully put "Over the Clouds" into his storage bag for collection.


When he saw this book, he suddenly remembered his other disciple Xia Yu.

When they separated, he taught "Over the Clouds", but he did not tell his disciple how he practiced. Presumably, with this kid's perseverance and strong talent, he will be able to practice different body movements and speed, so as to shine in Linglong Sea and amaze the northern border.

If he went all out, his speed would be even faster, but there was no need for that now. He wanted to use this extreme speed to the best of his ability.

Wang Lu had no idea where he was, and a huge problem was in front of him:

There was no spiritual energy on this island. The spiritual flowers and herbs absorbed countless light points filtered by their own formation to nourish themselves.

The island was like a cage that imprisoned him and prevented him from getting out.

It was difficult to get in, and it was even more difficult to get out!

In addition, there was no spiritual energy, so he could only die here. Even if he had a wealth of exotic flowers and herbs, it would be useless.

Another point is that if he broke out of the formation, he would have already penetrated into the deepest part of the South China Sea, which was an extremely terrifying thing.

In the world of immortal cultivation, except for those peerless masters in the God-Transforming Stage who were about to die and wanted to find an opportunity to ascend to heaven, no one dared to come.

One person who came would die, and as many as came would die.

He would face the unknown dangers of the outside world.

Of the two problems, the first to be solved was how to get out of the island.

After thinking about it, the four azure flowers in the southeast, northwest and northeast were the key points, because other flowers and plants guarded them like guards.

If they could be pulled out, the dilemma would be solved.

At the same time, although he didn't know how the gourd guy had recovered, the invisible sword hanging over his head had disappeared silently, which finally made him feel relieved.

He believed that the day when the fairy vine returned was not far away.

And it was the gourd that almost sucked up the strange and vast amount of wind spirit energy on this island, and pointed out the way to break the formation to him. He must not let the gourd down.

It was a matter of life and death, so he couldn't be careless.

It was only a few hundred miles, and after dozens of breaths, he successfully arrived in front of this blue flower.

The blue flower bloomed brightly, emitting a dazzling and bright blue light, which made people not want to touch it at all. They just wanted to watch it quietly, and couldn't bear to pick it.


A chill as cold as ice came from his chest, and Wang Lu shuddered.


He counted with his fingers and realized that he had been standing in front of the blue and white flower for three months.

Staring at this beautiful flower, Wang Lu's face darkened, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

Damn it, you actually broke the nameless jade pendant that Sun Xue left me into powder. I must take you off.

In a flash, Wang Lu felt a chill in his heart.

What a powerful illusion, he fell into it without knowing it. If it weren't for the jade pendant protecting his body, he might have been trapped in it forever and couldn't extricate himself until his life was exhausted, turned into dry bones, and disappeared into ashes.


Just as his anger was gradually rising, Zhongzhou Mei Zong, a valley with beautiful scenery.

Meishuang, who is beautiful and fragrant and dressed in a white dress, is meditating and practicing. At this time, she has reached the realm of perfection in the late Yuanying stage. In her estimation, she can break through to the divine transformation stage and become the leader of the sect in two hundred years at most. The eighth peerless strongman.

After experiencing the profound training in the Tianyun Secret Realm, she was extremely talented and knew that there was a world outside the world, and there were people outside the world. If the man in black hadn't rescued her at the last moment without any reason, she would have died long ago and her soul would have returned to the West. sky.

She simply put down all her fantasies and returned to the sect without hearing anything outside the window. She practiced diligently and studied the "Tian Mei Jue" in depth. After more than three hundred years, her realm has advanced by leaps and bounds from the late Jindan stage to the Yuan Dynasty. Dzogchen in the post-infancy period.

Her cultivation speed would be considered outstanding if placed elsewhere, but in Zhongzhou it was only barely outstanding.

However, if you add that she practiced "Tian Mei Jue" from the third level to the fifth level, it is so extraordinary that it directly broke all the records of the Mei Sect since its establishment.

No one has ever been able to live up to the title of charming girl.

However, when she continued to deduce the skills, she suddenly stood up, her beautiful face turned pale instantly, and her tears kept falling like beads of disappointment.

Then...that man, did you finally pass away?

"Ice Sky and Snow Jade" is the best choice given to me by my mother to resolve inner demons and dispel obsessions. If it breaks into pieces, the owner will die and return.

You...you...you, woo, woo woo, it would be great if you died in my hands...

Woo woo woo...

Why do you want to die, why do you want to die, you have to die in my hands, wuwuwuwu!

Swallow softly and cry loudly.

Meishuang's heart was in a mess, with countless emotions and mixed feelings.

If you want to die, you have to die in my hands...

I don't know when, I have become a tearful person.

In the end, the only thing left was heartache and heart-wrenching pain.

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