
A young woman in a purple dress with noble temperament and unique charm stepped out of the space crack. Looking at Mei Shuang who was crying silently with her head in her hands, her jade-like face flashed with distress, and she sighed heavily.

Then, she came to Mei Shuang in a flash.

Mei Shuang looked at her mother with red eyes and couldn't help but throw herself into her arms.

Madam Mei gently patted her crying arms.

Silence is better than words at this time.

After a long time, Mei Shuang stopped sobbing and choked: "Mother, I want to go to the West Desert. No matter whether he is alive or dead, I will go to the place where we met in the Blood Battle City and the Wild Sea, and then abandon everything. I will only follow the immortal path in this life."

"Foolish child, go, mother will not stop you anymore. The word love is forever. Go, I support you."


Mei Shuang heard the words, and the sadness and grievances broke out again, and she cried loudly.

In her heart, the rude Chen Yong who scolded her has occupied her heart forever.

Although it was just a one-night stand, and although it was only the gray clouds of the vast sea that made her lose her body unconsciously when her mind was weakened, she still couldn't get rid of him and kept him in the deepest and softest part of her heart.

Even the nameless black-clothed male cultivator who saved her in the Tianyun Secret Realm was still not one ten-thousandth of Chen Yong.

Perhaps, this is God's will, a bad fate.

Madam Mei calmed down her emotions and watched her daughter leave without hesitation. Two crystal tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

She was proud of her.

Her daughter was not only pure and innocent, but also faithful to one man and never regretted it.

This is not only loyalty to love, but also firmness to the Tao.

Only by being the same can you go further.

At this time, Wang Lu didn't know why, and the anger in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

No matter how magical the blue and white porcelain was, he just wanted to destroy it and wanted to make it disappear into ashes.

"Ah, I must kill you!"

Wang Lu was furious and didn't care at all.

"Kill you!"


Seven green dots as bright as stars appeared and disappeared.


Like the gurgling water and the breeze blowing the willows, a green world with a radius of ten feet and flawless was instantly created.

It was stunningly beautiful and thorough!

It completely covered up the beauty of the blue and white porcelain!

Wang Lu's eyes were bloodshot, and he poured out his magic power and consciousness without paying.


He shouted!


In an instant, tens of millions of sharp blades intertwined and shuttled like crazy.

Getting faster and faster, faster and faster, so fast that it was dazzling, so fast that it changed in an instant!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak..."

The grinding-like cutting sounded in this world where a pin drop could be heard.

However, Qinghua only released a dark blue light circle, and remained indifferent to the crazy cutting of the thousands of blades.


Wang Lu, whose mana was about to run out, finally regained his clarity. He stared at the hazy light circle that seemed to be mocking him, his face was cold.

It seems that I still underestimated you!

However, I have plenty of time to waste with you.


As he called in his heart, the seven blades turned into seven green butterflies and flew up and down around him happily, so happy.


Wang Lu sighed very much. This time, he completely unfolded the magical power of "Infinite" that he had realized at the moment without reservation. Without realizing it, he actually ignored the fatal problem of "whether his beloved life magic weapon can meet its standards".

If the six-star arched moon blade was damaged, he would definitely be heartbroken. Fortunately, after integrating the nameless fragments of Song Fengyu, the seven blades were so advanced that he was afraid.

He was greatly relieved and more determined to destroy Qinghua.

This is not only the key to whether he can break the formation and leave the island alive, but also depends on Sun Xue, who has a physical connection with him.

Although Qinghua's defense is extremely powerful and is still being replenished by countless light particles, it is not unscathed and has also hurt its vitality, because he saw Qinghua's anthropomorphic and almost invisible trembling.

Under the light of Xuetong, everything is exposed?

If it fails once, it will eventually succeed ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, and ten thousand times.

I have never been afraid of anyone who competes with me in patience.

Wang Lu thought violently.

There is no spiritual energy here, and it is difficult to restore magic power, but he has his own way to recover quickly.


With a wave of his hand, the power rolled over his body, and a "Kui Niu Black Hand" like an iron clamp appeared, and it quickly grabbed a dazzling red nameless flower ten feet in front of him.

The red flower was very tenacious, emitting a red light as strong as fire, firmly stabilizing itself and keeping the big hand out.

"Get up!"

Wang Lu roared wildly, and the power surged wildly. The black hand suddenly emitted a black light. As his five fingers stretched and bent, "boom", he squeezed the red light and the red flower was pulled up by the roots.

"It tastes good."

Wang Lu directly put the hundreds of thousands of years old spiritual flower into his mouth, bit it, and chewed it into pieces in a few seconds and swallowed it into his stomach.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The spiritual power was violent like a volcanic eruption. If Wang Lu had not had a profound foundation and his internal organs were forged like a golden Gang, he would have been blasted to pieces by the spiritual energy storm at this time.


Immediately sat cross-legged and operated the "Six Talismans". Countless spiritual energy instantly turned into vast spiritual power, replenishing his dry mana.

What a close call!

Wang Lu said it was very dangerous, but he still underestimated the spiritual power of the red flower. It was too rich and thick. If it were an ordinary person, he would have burst and died long ago.

In a flash, he focused his mind and quickly refined the nameless red flower.

As his magic power gradually increased, the red flower was decomposed and refined faster and faster.

Three days later, he stood up and looked at the blue flower in front of him with a cruel smile on his face.

As the magic power and spiritual consciousness poured out like a torrent, the six-star arched moon blade suddenly disappeared into the void, one became two, two became four, four became eight, eight became sixteen...

In the blink of an eye, tens of millions of blade threads were generated.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

Wang Lu looked at the green light calmly, which weakened a little.

One day I will destroy you.

Come again.

Kuiniu's black hand once again grabbed a light ink-colored nameless grass.

The grass resisted with all its might, but under Wang Lu's expressionless and powerful strength, it was finally devoured by him.

Three more days, back to the peak.

Seven blades were deployed, and the green light became weaker.


For the hundredth time, Wang Lu did not take any more spiritual flowers and herbs when his magic power was exhausted.

He sat quietly, running the "Six Talismans" bit by bit. Incredibly, the exhausted magic power slowly condensed until twenty days later.

That was the essence of the ninety-nine spiritual objects that remained in his body before, which prompted him to perfect his magic power out of nothing.


Under the constant pulling with the blue flower, the green light became fainter, fainter, and fainter...

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