Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 817: Big Reward

The two walked in the air and soon arrived at the Gu Family Square.

"Greetings, Alliance Leader Wang."

Dozens of people said in unison and clasped their fists.

Wang Lu scanned the air with his spiritual sense and smiled gently: "With so many masters, it seems that our Sanye Sword Sect and Nanhai Alliance are full of talents and strong people. The rise and prosperity is just around the corner."

"Let's go and discuss important matters together."

Wang Lu and Li Jie walked into the hall side by side, stepped directly onto the platform, and sat on the left and right of the three seats on the platform. The others sat on the left and right positions below the steps.

Gu Yun stood steadily beside Li Jie.

When they sat down in their positions, less than three breaths, when Li Jie was about to speak, Yu Ningzhi, wearing a snow skirt, bright eyes and a smile, flew in the air and sat directly in the middle position between Wang Lu and Li Jie.

"Haha, Junior Brother is finally back. I missed Senior Sister for a long time."

Yu Ningzhi joked.

"Senior sister is so beautiful, who wouldn't want to see her? Especially me, I'm almost going crazy thinking about her."

"You're just a talkative person."

Yu Ningzhi smiled with all her heart, and said, "Everyone sitting here is someone I trust absolutely. I'm not afraid of you spreading the word. Now I want to formally introduce my good junior brother and your good leader to you."

"Junior brother's name is Wang Lu, from the Futang of the Ximo Fantasy Sect. He is called Fu Mo by his sect. I'm sure you all understand the reason after that battle."

"He not only has a profound attainment in Fu Dao, but is also a super strong man who practices both magic and martial arts, with powerful magic power. Fan, his power is unfathomable. You know, even Lan Yu and his senior sister Fairy Deng Xu, who left decades ago, came here to fight because of him. Even the various cultivation items and defense formations of our alliance are made by his spirit stones. "

"Hehe, everyone can just practice with peace of mind and follow him to enjoy the good life. As for the rest, our great leader Wang will easily handle it. As for the cultivation, I don't understand it. Junior brother, show it yourself."


Yu Ningzhi talked and laughed, humorous, and the whole room laughed as soon as she finished speaking.

Wang Lu and Li Jie exchanged helpless looks, Senior sister, please be merciful, you praised me as a god, what about following me to enjoy the good life, as if I am just a sucker, this is not good.

However, he knew that Yu Ningzhi was helping him. The South Sea Alliance had been established for more than 200 years. It was Li Jie and his wife who carefully managed and planned it, and it became a force that was not weak at the moment, but he never showed his face.

If you want to win the support of the people, you must either be stronger than them, or slowly build relationships, or do it now.

The people present and the fallen fought desperately in that battle, but as the leader of the alliance, he stayed out of it and did not participate at all. It was unreasonable.

Although Li Jie and the others must have given them enough rewards, he must set an example.

Wang Lu was not the richest man in this world, but he also owned a huge mountain of spiritual stones. It was not worth mentioning for him to bleed a little, but it could achieve the miraculous effect of "buying" people's hearts immediately.

"Well, fellow disciples, you are polite," Wang Lu stood up, clasped his fists, cleared his throat, and said seriously, "I was unable to fight side by side with you due to an urgent matter. It is a pity. In order to warn the spirits of the deceased fellow disciples in heaven, all those who left behind descendants, blood relatives or master-disciple relationships will be rewarded with one million high-grade spirit stones, and all others will be rewarded with 500,000 high-grade spirit stones."



"Oh my God, did I hear it wrong? One million and 500,000 are both high-grade spirit stones. Is it an illusion?"

Everyone looked incredible and spoke up.

The reward is too heavy, too heavy, weighing a thousand pounds.

A thousand-year-old spiritual grass is worth about 600 high-grade spirit stones. 500,000, not eight hundred thousand-year-old spiritual materials, it's just too crazy.

With this huge sum of money, under normal circumstances, it is enough to pile up a Qi training cultivator with good qualifications into a Yuanying stage strongman.

Besides, there were at least 500 participants in this battle, and the battle was quite fierce. More than 300 people died, and the spiritual stones were equivalent to 300 million high-grade spiritual stones. When had they ever heard of or seen so many spiritual stones?

But as the leader, since he had spoken, it would definitely not be false. Thinking of the mountains of spiritual stones, people couldn't help but take a breath, and then they were ecstatic at a high speed.

They were both excited and grateful and respectful from the heart.

"Thank you, leader Wang!"

"Thank you, leader Wang!"

"Thank you, leader Wang!"

Waves of shouting rang out in the hall. Wang Lu gave a big smile to Li Jie and Yu Ningzhi, who were moved and recognized him, and told them not to worry about the spiritual stones, everything was with him.

After Yu Ningzhi received his meaning, she looked at him with a smile and ill intentions.

This made Wang Lu shudder immediately.

Careless, don't show your wealth!

Everyone was excited. Wang Lu pressed his hands lightly, and the hall seemed to suddenly become heavier. When people were surprised, he immediately asked, "Where is Gu Yun?"

"My disciple is here."

Gu Yun flashed to the bottom of the steps and replied respectfully.

"You are fully responsible for the distribution of the spirit stones. You must count carefully and not miss anyone who participated, especially those who unfortunately passed away. You must carefully find their close people and send compensation. You will be given half a year. As for how to distribute the spirit stones, you decide."

Wang Lu said seriously.

"My disciple will follow the order of the leader and will make proper arrangements and complete it with all his heart."

Wang Lu nodded lightly, indicating that he should leave.

After more than a hundred years of not seeing each other, Gu Yun has become a powerful Yuanying in the early stage, and his temperament has changed greatly. As for what has changed, he can't say specifically, which makes him very confused.

Is this the uniqueness of the "Xing Linggen" that is hard to come by in a thousand years?

Wang Lu gave his senior sister a look.

In the joy and encouragement of everyone, Yu Ningzhi said: "Two days later, at the hour of Mao, it will be a good day for my Sanye Sword Sect and Nanhai League to recruit disciples. Thank you for your hard work in the early preparations. This is an important event related to the future prosperity of our island and the inheritance of the torch. We must carefully select and strictly test. We don't say that we can pick one in a million, but we must not miss a piece of unpolished jade."

"Now I declare that the Heaven Gate will be led by Taoist friends Chen Shou and Huang Zheng, and Xiong Tao and Liu Dong will be supplemented; the Earth Gate will be handed over to Zeng Yongbin Daoist Fellow, Daoist Fellow Shi Xuan, Sister Zhou Xia and Sister Luo Yi are in charge; Daoist Fellow Long Xing, Daoist Fellow Xu Ce, Daoist Fellow Qing Ming, you three must control the last level. Only those who pass the three levels can be accepted as disciples. I, Junior Brother Wang and Li Jie will supervise the whole process. If there is any favoritism, fraud or shielding, don't blame me for turning my face against you. Do you understand? "

"We will follow the rules and live up to the trust of the leader."

Thirteen people including Wang Lu and Li Jie all replied loudly.

"Very good, Gu Yun, the detailed process of arrangement, reception and coordination will be handed over to you. "

Yu Ningzhi said lazily, and then, under the eyes of everyone, she left the hall accompanied by Wang Lu and Li Jie.

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