Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 818 Who is it?

The three of them were talking and laughing as they flew into the air and arrived at a quaint mountain pavilion on the island.

From here, you can see the infinite scenery of the boundless South China Sea to the west, and the light mountain breeze and the salty sea breeze have a unique flavor.

Wherever they passed, the monks from the island who came and went all respected and admired Yu Ningzhi and Li Jie from the bottom of their hearts.

Sitting down casually, Yu Ningzhi moved her hand, and three exquisite red, blue and green wine bottles and three elegant amber wine glasses were added to the stone table.

"Haha, then Junior Brother, I won't be polite."

With his back against the stone bench, Wang Lu felt particularly comfortable, as if he were at home without any restraints, safe and secure.

He raised it slightly, and "bang", the red wine bottle opened.

“It smells so good!”

The wine bottle was hanging in the air and the three glasses were filled. The light red spirit wine in the wine glasses exuded a pure aroma like a straight wolf smoke, making people couldn't help but move their index fingers.

"This cup is dedicated to the brothers and sisters who have been together for a lifetime and will never be separated."

Wang Lu held up the wine glass with both hands and said steadily.

"Okay, good junior brother, let's do it."

Yu Ning Zhi Cong pointed and the wine glass came into her hand. She clinked it with Wang Lu and drank it down in one gulp.


As if he drank too hastily, he let out a slight belch, and immediately his cheeks rose into a beautiful blush, which made Wang Lu and Li Jie's eyes wide open. They were so beautiful.

Wang Lu laughed "haha" and drank with Li Jie.


A sharp strange heat spread from the throat towards Fei Su's body, but before he could take a breath, the strange heat seemed to be frozen in an instant and turned into a cold sweet spring with a fragrance that rushed to the tip of his tongue.

The wine is rich and mellow, with a long and unique aroma.

"Only good wine can match a beautiful woman. Come, take this glass to my immortal fairy sister."

Wang Lu raised his hand and Yu Ningzhi's wine glass was filled again.

This statement made Yu Ningzhi laugh "haha", and glanced at him with her beautiful eyes, as if to say, okay, for the sake of your diligence and telling the truth, since there has been no news for so many years, I will let you go for now. .

The two drank again.

This time it was Li Jie's turn, but Wang Lu didn't know what to say.

With his senior brother in charge and his presence, no matter how dangerous the situation is, he will be reassured and at ease.

The battle to destroy the Kong family made me really worried about him.

Although the Kong family was also the indirect driving force behind the downfall of the "Three-leaf Sword Sect", the senior brother still had no hesitation and unreservedly supported him, and put an end to Kong Hua's cause and effect.

Fortunately, God protects me and everything is fine.

"Come on, senior brother, I respect you!"

"Bang, bang."

The other two wine bottles were opened. Wang Lu picked up one of them and clinked the bottles with Li Jie to finish.


Such pure spiritual power.

A ray of red light flashed across Wang Lu's face, and he was amazed in his heart.

The same is true for Li Jie. He knows nothing about these three bottles of wine.

However, it is definitely worth a lot of money and quite precious. I don’t know where my wife got it.

He could feel Wang Lu's sincere friendship.

The three of them met on an unnamed island after a natural disaster in the South China Sea. It was the other's strength that scared away the Thunder-winged Tiger. At that time, they were wary of each other. Then they opened their hearts and killed each other on Willow Leaf Island. They had been hunting for hundreds of years like maggots. Afterwards, he and Yu Ningzhi were shocked to find out why the Killer Hall would always use their "sense-finding" technique to completely cut off the pursuit, and then use three terrifying treasures. In exchange for a large number of various cultivation treasures, he finally settled on Pearl Island and established the South China Sea Alliance.


Although Wang Lu was away for a long time, when he heard that he and Yin Jiu were behind bars, he came to save them without even thinking, and fell asleep seriously injured.

At this point, blood dissolves in water and is no longer distinguishable from each other.

Even though he did not participate in this battle of destruction, recognition and trust were all revealed with just one look.

I have a younger brother in this life, what more can I ask for?

The three of them smiled freely, and Li Jie said: "Junior brother, do you know that not only did we send away the Kong family, but we also almost uprooted the Lonely family. If it weren't for the intervention of Tianhaimen, we would have achieved a complete victory. However, Loneliness If the family wants to regain its strength, it will take at least two thousand years to take revenge. "

"Hey, did it go so well?"

From Wang Lu's point of view, whether it was the Kong family or the lonely family, there would be a bloody life-and-death struggle. He never expected that it would be as simple as drinking water and breathing. There must be some inside story that outsiders would not know.

And it’s a huge inside story.

"Haha, don't listen to your senior brother's nonsense. The only three remaining mid-incarnation masters of our Sanye Sword Sect were all killed in battle, as well as fourteen Nascent Soul stage classmates and one hundred and thirty-five Golden Core stage masters; the South China Sea Alliance's slightly Better, but they also lost twenty-four Nascent Soul stage colleagues and one hundred and fourteen Golden Core stage monks; as well as three mid-Nascent Soul stage strongmen and seventeen Golden Core stage monks from the Green Sect on the island adjacent to ours. ”

Hearing this, Wang Lu couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

Yes, even if the Kong family and the Lonely Family are no longer in their prime, with their heritage of more than a million years, a dead camel is bigger than a horse, and a rotten ship still has three thousand nails. These casualties are already considered Oh Amitabha, we can't do it anymore Too much to ask for.

He didn't expect the Cang Cui Sect to be so loyal and keep their promises. He wanted to repay this friendship twice as much.

If people respect me one foot, I will respect others one foot.

Yu Ningzhi continued: "Do you know why not only was our army not wiped out, but we also won a complete victory?"

"Sister, please clear up your doubts quickly."

"That's because of the Xiang family, because of the Xiang family's extraordinary talents, Xiang Yu suddenly became a god in a secret realm of their four major families, and went on a killing spree, pushing all the way, what Lonely Island, Lonely Yu, Huangfu Xiong, Huangfu Hao, Kong Ren, Kong Meng... the three most outstanding geniuses were all killed by him."

"When the secret realm ended, the three families who originally thought they had a chance to win were immediately panicked when they saw the demon-like Xiang Yu walking out alone. But what shocked them even more was that the Xiang family, ranked second among the six sects, was chasing Tianhaimen. The Puppet Sect secretly joined forces, and when Xiang Yu just came out of the secret realm, the three families panicked, and directly attacked the three families' lands, acting like crazy demons, killing them wildly. "

"We were extremely surprised. We immediately saw the situation clearly. Taking advantage of the two coalition forces descending from the sky, we immediately divided our troops into two groups to attack the Kong family and the Lonely Family respectively. In addition, Kong Hua responded to the second master of the Kong family, Mrs. Kong Ru, and directly attacked the Kong family's formation. They destroyed and dealt a heavy sneak attack to the ancestors of the Kong family, as well as the sudden rebellion of Kong Xuan in the south city of the Kong family and Kong Nu in the east city. Despite this, we still fought with them for three months before we finally defeated the ancestors of the Kong family and The fifteen top masters of the God Transformation stage from the Kong family were killed one by one. Among them, the twenty-five Nascent Soul stage masters and the two top masters of the Early God Transformation stage mobilized by the Cang Cui faction invited by you, junior brother, played a big role. "

After a pause, seeing Wang Lu dumbfounded, Yu Ningzhi laughed and said, "Junior brother, do you want to know who was the person who defeated the Kong family in the end and eliminated the ancestor of the Kong family?"

"who is it!"

As soon as Yu Ningzhi finished speaking, Wang Lu asked urgently without waiting.

He wanted to know the answer so badly.

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