Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 819 Xuantian Gourd

Yu Ningzhi's beautiful eyes turned, revealing a confused look like a little girl worshipping a great hero, and she said: "The person who killed the ancestor of the Kong family was Lan Yu's senior sister, the stunningly beautiful Deng Xu!"


Wang Lu seemed to have confirmed this answer in his heart, but he was still shocked to hear these two words from Yu Ningzhi. He never thought that this woman was so powerful.

"Senior Sister Deng is as cold as ice, but she is not vague at all when she fights. She is extremely powerful. There are eight great masters of the God Transformation Stage who died in her hands. After getting rid of the ancestor of the Kong family, she immediately went to the Lonely Family and fought with the Lonely Patriarch Gu Du Tianyang for five days and five nights. She beat him to the point of throwing away his armor and coughing up blood. If it weren't for the Tianhai Gate to save him, there would be no Lonely Family in the world."

"Senior Deng Xu is a heroine and a role model for our generation!"

Yu Ningzhi's eyes were shining with admiration and yearning.

Wang Lu glanced at Li Jie and saw that he also looked very impressed. He couldn't help but mutter in his heart, Deng Xu is really so powerful, he is simply an invincible strong man of the Tianzun level, it's too unexpected!


"Lan Yu!"

Wang Lu shouted suddenly, and Yu Ningzhi and Li Jie couldn't help but look at him with a changed face in surprise.

"Junior brother, why is this?"

Yu Ningzhi asked in shock. She and Li Jie didn't expect why Wang Lu blurted out "Lan Yu" at this time, instead of his senior sister Deng Xu.

You know, it was Deng Xu's tyranny that made the Xiang family and the Guizong give up the luck of the Kong family from the South China Sea without taking away a bit, and then let Kong Hua keep it and sit on the throne of the head of the Kong family.

Why did he mention Lan Yu?

"Are you okay?"

Li Jie gave Yu Ningzhi a stop look, and the couple had long been connected.

I understand that I must not interfere with Wang Lu at this time, because at this time, he is thinking rapidly about a very critical issue.

Yes, Wang Lu was silent, his face solemn, and he fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "Thank you for your concern, senior brothers and sisters. Do you know where I have been for more than 140 years?"

"Junior brother, tell me."

Li Jie said seriously.

Next, Wang Lu told the two about the mysterious island. Except for Da Kun, Kun Hua Peng, Li Fu, Xue Tong, Qing Hua, and Hong Hai, he explained the others in detail one by one.

During his narration, Li Jie and Yu Ningzhi's expressions changed from serious to moved, then surprised, shocked, and finally relieved.

The two immediately thought of a shocking change in the South China Sea demon clan more than a hundred years ago.

All the treasure hunters who went out to sea felt that the sea clan in the South China Sea seemed to curl up, without the previous arrogance and rebellion, and completely lived in harmony with each other as if you didn't mess with me.

Li Jie learned from Yin Jiu that no matter in the outer sea or the inner sea of ​​the South China Sea, because of an island, the ninth and tenth level demons in the South China Sea suffered heavy casualties and were seriously injured. Therefore, the demon beasts in the vast South China Sea restrained their violent tempers and lived a peaceful life.

It turned out that all this was caused by Wang Lu.

And he unexpectedly returned smoothly from the inner sea where almost no one dared to set foot, and his strength increased rapidly. This was too incredible, it was simply a miracle.

What the junior brother did was enough to be included in the top ten of the South China Sea Honor List, which made the human race safe for at least a thousand years.

Thinking about it, he could tell himself that there was something wrong with Lan Yu.

Why he could lock on to the mysterious island that was most likely one of the three major immortal mountains was too incredible.

Although Li Jie did not dare to make a rash assertion, he could tell Wang Lu with certainty that Lan Yu was not simple, and thus deduced that his senior sister Deng Xu was not as strong as the Tianyue Sect on the surface, but had another background.

As for why the junior brother told him such a secret, firstly, he already regarded them as his own people, and secondly, he really couldn't think of anything else, and it was piled up in his heart. Only by speaking it out could he breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Jie sighed: "Just as the junior brother thought, Lan Yu is the genius of the Lan family and the core of the Tianyue Sect, but it is very likely that he has another mysterious identity. With his ability to accurately lock the mysterious island and give it to you, he may have another purpose."

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Ningzhi said: "What's there to think about? Living well is the most important thing. Everything will come to light one day. We just need to strengthen our beliefs and perfect ourselves, otherwise when disaster strikes, we can only surrender."

"Brothers and sisters, thank you for your comfort. I know what to do."

A word awakened the dreamer!

Just as Yu Ningzhi said, there is hope only when you are alive. Only when you are strong can you see through confusion and move forward.

No matter what Lan Yu came from, at least he survived and let the gourd survive.


Thinking of this, Wang Lu was shocked.

Is it because of "you"? It is because of "you" that there will be earth-shaking intervention and the mysterious island will be locked.

All "results" must have "cause" to achieve results.

Hehe, in this case, come on, there will be such a day!

Wang Lu was sure that he finally figured out all the reasons.

When he recognized it in his heart, the gourd in the void hole in his body suddenly moved slightly.

It finally recovered a trace of spiritual consciousness.

"Shua shua shua shua shua..."

A series of broken pictures flashed before his eyes:

The big Kun comparable to the South China Sea, Kun turned into Peng, Li Fu, the temperatureless light spot, entered the island, and devoured madly...

Finally, there are four evergreen fairy flowers.

Haha, it smiled knowingly: My little master, you have to fight to the death to save me. However, the future is unpredictable, and maybe we will all become vassals and puppets, but everything is possible, and I will help you.

Also, there are so many secrets in you, many of which even I can’t see through. This is so strange.

That's right, you can even recognize the little green lady as your master, what else is impossible?

Well, as the saying goes, if I am willing to be killed and dare to bring down the emperor, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman and recognize you!


From the cave of the void, a piece of mysterious yellow smoke poured out, instantly seeping into Wang Lu's soul and little Yuanying, and being sucked out completely.

"I recognize you!"

These two words suddenly appeared in Wang Lu's eyes.


He felt a sudden shock in his mind, and an eternal sentence was engraved in his heart.

My little master, Immortal Vine Gourd is just what those self-righteous people call me. Hum, although they are indeed very strong, they are not qualified to know my real name at all. Now please remember my real name seriously and seriously. My name is:

Xuantian gourd.

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