The moon moves across the stars, and the sun rises.

Thousands of red awns are scattered all over Fangzhu Island, which seems to indicate the island's vitality and unlimited potential.

Wang Lu and Li Jie sometimes remembered each other, sometimes sighed for each other, and sometimes fell into silence. Their thoughts emerged and they recalled the past. Their friendship became stronger. This was an indescribable recognition of each other.

Putting away his thoughts, Li Jie said: "Your senior sister and I have divided our functions. I am responsible for the reconstruction of the Sanye Sword Sect, and she continues to develop the South China Sea Alliance. We know that you still have many important things to do, so just put your name on it." We are both the two giants of the Three-leaf Sword Sect and the South China Sea Alliance. Originally, I wanted to use the East Island of Fangzhu Island as the foundation of the Three-leaf Sword Sect. Unexpectedly, this guy Gu Yun disagreed and insisted on the West Island. Zhi and I After some discussion, I agreed.”

"Senior brother, it's not me. When I came back this time, I felt strongly that this guy Gu Yun is very serious. It must be related to his "Xingling Root"."

Wang Lu thought for a moment and said.

"Junior brother may not know that the "Xingling Root" is extremely mysterious. Based on our relationship with Yinjiu, that guy only told me that since ancient times, the Xingling Root has only appeared once, and Gu Yun is the second one. As for Who was the first one and what was the situation? He was very tight-lipped and didn’t say a word, which was very strange.”

Li Jie said.

"Oh, there are still such strange things in the world," Wang Lu was stunned subconsciously. After thinking for a while, he said calmly, "Although they are the same person, Yinjiu is no longer the same person as before. He can use the ancient Yun Xingling root to The results of the appraisal revealed that he was the second person, which can be regarded as breaking the great precept and revealing the secret."

Wang Lu's eyes condensed and he said: "The relationship between us and him has been ended. If we meet him in the future, we will have nothing to do with him. Unless there is still cause and effect, we can let him help us again."

Li Jie's eyes sparkled and he agreed: "Yes, I met Yinjiu twenty years ago. Although we had a very happy conversation, there was a strong feeling of coldness in him that could repel people thousands of miles away. , now Junior Brother, there is no doubt about your words.”

Wang Lu immediately said: "Although Yinjiu and we have a close relationship, some secrets about our alliance can still be hidden. Yinluanxuan is such a huge thing that we cannot treat it as ordinary. Just between us and Yin Jiu has been through life and death, but he only practiced one skill again and became a stranger. He knows autumn with a leaf. This Xuan's capriciousness and irrecognition are chilling. "

"However, senior brother should know that in the Tianyun Secret Realm in Northern Xinjiang, Senior Yinqi risked his life to save me, and I was able to survive. He is a person we trust. If we encounter any life-or-death events, we can go directly to Yinluanxuan to rescue Senior Move out."

Wang Lu said solemnly.

He actually wanted to talk about Liu Fen and Yin Jiu, but even if he told Li Jie, he didn't know them. Only people who were familiar with them could understand the rules.

"Junior brother has thought carefully. However, after this battle, the situation in the South China Sea has been temporarily stabilized. You can return to the West Desert with peace of mind. If the Manghuang Yu Family and the Zhongzhou Ti Sect insist on seeking revenge on you, humph, our Sanye Sword Sect The South China Sea Alliance is not a vegetarian, and there will be no return for him."

During the long conversation between the two of them one night, except for the most important things that they kept in their hearts, they told each other everything else.

Li Jie was naturally worried that Wang Lu would return to the West Desert Dream Sect and be attacked and killed in the future.

"Haha, Ti Zong and the Yu family don't matter. I believe that as long as I show some real talent and knowledge, they won't be stupid enough to fight me to the death. If nothing else, I can easily deal with any strong person in the transformation stage. Senior brother, don't worry. ”

Wang Lu paused and continued: "Actually, along the way, the Yu family and Ti Zong were just fighting each other. The purpose of my efforts to build the South China Sea Alliance is not this, but the unknown enemy in the future, maybe that When the time comes, I have to ask you, senior brothers, to help me avoid this disaster."

Hearing this, Li Jie was in a daze for a moment.

How much responsibility and pressure did the junior brother bear on his body to make such a profound statement?

"Okay, you don't need to say much. As long as your senior sister and I are here, we will definitely help you."

Li Jie said righteously.

He wanted to say, "As long as your senior sister and I are here, what's yours is mine." However, more than 90% of everyone has to face some things by themselves, and there is no way to share the burden.

All he could do was to quietly accumulate strength, build the Three-leaf Sword Sect and the South China Sea Alliance into first-class superpowers, and wait for Wang Lu's words.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Wang Lu understood Li Jie's words and thoughts.

When leaving, Li Jie told Wang Lu that he must participate in the recruitment of the first generation of disciples tomorrow at exactly nine o'clock.

Fangzhu Island descends from east to west. When you reach the west, there is only one island suspended in the sea water, just like a pearl floating up and down, hence its name.

Wang Lu walked slowly through the mountains and forests, wandering among the rocks of the island.

The melodious sea breeze blew and the sunlight diffused all over the sky. He was content and very comfortable.

It's great, I haven't felt this relaxed and comfortable for a long time.

Encountering a rugged and unique mountain rock, I stopped and thought about it. The snow pupils reflected it, and it was the wind and rain of nature, exposed to the sun and rain for a long time. Hey, God has arranged for you to be presented to me, are you there? Tell me what are you wearing?

Wang Lu fell into thinking.


After a long time, he came back to his senses and couldn't help but smile lightly.

Everything in the world has its own creation. When I see it, it makes me feel something in my heart. In fact, it is just a passing thought, just to confuse my mind and make me feel something.

If you fall into a long period of emotion and can't extricate yourself, then, God's way, you win.

This is the simple and natural effect you want. Why should you feel a little disappointed for no reason? Constantly improving yourself is the only way to last forever.

Hehe, I think so, but who can be exempt from this?

I, Wang Lu, am just an ordinary person. If I cut off the emotions in the world and the six senses, six roots and six dusts mentioned in Buddhism, can I still be called a human being?

Born as a human being, I want all kinds of food, worries and joys!

Wang Lu smiled with determination, facing the red sun and the sea, and looking up at the sky.

Say no to it!

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