Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 822 Selection

On the third day, at the exact time of the morning, Wang Lu, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes. The moment of selecting the disciples had finally arrived.

With a wave of his hand, the stone door of the cave opened with a click. He leaped into the air and flew eastward at high speed like a big bird.

Soon, he arrived above the Pearl Square in the east.

At the west end of the square was a majestic blue three-story palace. The palace covered an area of ​​5,000 acres. It was like a majestic roadblock standing between the mountains on both sides of the island. If you want to enter the island, you can only pass through the palace unless you cross the mountains.

The palace was named "Sannan" by Yu Ningzhi, taking the first characters of the Sanye Sword Sect and the Nanhai League. She designed and built it with great care. The entire building was made of the precious "sea jade" used to pave Tianhai City. The misty blue light was magnificent. It was obviously a big deal and cost a lot of money.

Under the diffused blue light, Wang Lu, Li Jie, and Yu Ningzhi stood on the platform of the third floor lobby and looked at the 1,626 boys and girls who had passed the initial screening in the square below.

The children were arranged in six long lines in an orderly manner by dozens of Jindan-stage masters from Fangzhu Island. They were so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

More than 50% of them came from small or ruined immortal cultivation families in the South China Sea. After hearing about the reconstruction of the once large sect Sanye Sword Sect, they came with the power of their families from thousands of miles away.

If they were selected, not only would the fate of their families change, but if they were lucky, they might even soar into the sky and become a formidable strongman.

More than 30% of the children were either descendants and related people of the existing cultivators of the South China Sea Alliance and Sanye Sword Sect, or disciples of casual cultivators.

They thought that following me would only allow them to reach the current height at most, and they could not let the pearls be covered in dust and the good talents be buried. When they heard the news that the new power of the South Sea Alliance in the South Sea was recruiting disciples, they all rushed here overnight.

The remaining less than 20% had their own reasons, which were completely different.

In fact, whether it was a small immortal cultivation family or a casual cultivator, although they knew that their descendants or disciples all had spiritual roots, they had no idea what kind of spiritual roots they were.

On the one hand, the formation for testing spiritual roots required at least millions of high-quality spiritual stones, and the better ones even required tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

Usually, they had to use even one high-quality spiritual stone, so where could they find so many spiritual stones?

The second point is that the general small and medium-sized sects are self-contained, with constant internal power disputes and serious struggles. If the disciples are of average qualifications, they will only become mediocre, and if they are of superior qualifications, they will be suppressed, and it will be more troublesome to send them. However, large sects do not care at all. They have many ways. The countless small and medium-sized sects and various immortal cultivation families affiliated with them will send their core disciples for testing. They often announce the news of recruiting disciples with a simple ceremony. Unless there are really talented people, it is difficult for outsiders to be accepted.

I don’t know who spread the rumor that the extermination and extinction of the Kong family and the lonely family for millions of years was led by the Sanye Sword Sect and the South Sea Alliance of Fangzhu Island. In addition, they are about to recruit the first generation of disciples, which has aroused everyone’s attention and came from all directions.

In the first three months, Yu Ningzhi and Li Jiewan did not expect so many people to come for selection, and they were in a hurry for a while.

The two immediately called everyone together and discussed for a long time, and set the three selection levels of "Heaven, Earth and Man".

First, the Nanhai League spent 100 million high-quality spirit stones to buy a large formation from Yinluanxuan that can test various spiritual roots. Not only that, this formation can also clearly test about 60% of various immortal cultivation physiques.

As long as the children who came this time are not mixed spiritual roots, they can participate in the selection of the three levels of heaven, earth and man.

Secondly, the heaven level.

The standard of this level is mainly talent and qualifications, not only spiritual roots but also related to the spiritual consciousness, luck, physical body, deep mana, immortal cultivation, side doors and unorthodox ways...

Each item has a corresponding host who conducts rigorous testing with the cooperation of the formation, and must be leak-proof and not miss any potential materials.

Furthermore, the earth level.

This level involves the understanding and views of mountains and rivers, rivers and oceans, sun, moon, stars and heaven and earth. If cultivators want to go to the next level, they must understand the meaning of the great way of heaven and earth and various ways. This is the key to cultivation.

Finally, the most important human level.

As a cultivator, one's character, mind, concentration, resilience, endurance, and various emotions are very important, which are often the decisive factors in whether one can become a strong person.

Three levels, progressive, I believe that the selected disciples are no worse than any other large sects.

Wang Lu agreed with the setting of the three levels, especially the third level of the human level. Who else could come up with it except Li Jie's extremely smart head? At the same time, various tests were set up in a targeted manner, which can be said to be ingenious and perfect.

Soon, with the words "selection begins" in Gu Yun, the first generation of disciples who have a profound impact on the entire South China Sea, Sanye Sword Sect and South China Sea Alliance in the next two or three thousand years officially entered the eyes of Wang Lu and the three people and everyone on Fangzhu Island today.

"Hey, what do you think, senior brothers and sisters?"

Wang Lu's consciousness rose lightly, and he immediately locked one of the seven-year-old boys with delicate eyebrows and eyes silently.

Under the snow pupils, a mysterious aura like waves floated above his head, just as strange as his own vision cloud.

"One leaf can tell the coming of autumn."

With a flash of thought, Li Jie instantly activated this small magical power that he had practiced to perfection.

"This boy is quite extraordinary, as if he is surrounded by a layer of unknown aura that protects his body. I wonder if he can successfully pass the three levels of heaven, earth and man."

Li Jie said in surprise.

Wang Lu was quite shocked by Li Jie's magical perception. What he saw was all due to his almost golden finger snow pupil, while Li Jie only relied on the small magical power of "one leaf knows autumn" in the "Three Leaf Sword Sutra" to see deeply, which once again demonstrated the extraordinaryness of the sword sutra and his talent that surpassed the crowd.

He had to admire and admire.

"Oh, is it as exaggerated as you say? No matter how old a child is, he has the aura of body protection. It is not possible to have one in a million people."

Yu Ningzhi followed the fluctuations of the two people's consciousness and naturally saw the little boy in the middle of the second row in the square.

Seeing that he seemed to have a sense of perception, he looked around carefully and quietly, and did not find any discomfort. He stood up with his head held high and his chest held high, waiting for the selection.

"I must fight for my grandfather's reputation. I must not let my imagination run wild. Dongyang, you are the best. Come on."

The boy named Dongyang silently cheered himself up in his heart. He only knew that if he was selected, he could use the strength of the sect to rescue his grandfather who was imprisoned in the dark prison.

It was Grandpa who asked Grandpa Song to bring him here after a long journey.

Dongyang, for Grandpa, you must do your best.

He clenched his fists again, his face more determined than ever before.

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