Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 823 Selection

The recruitment of disciples for the Sanye Sword Sect and the South Sea Alliance came to an end after a month.

Other sects would have thought that even one day was too much, not to mention three days, which shows how meticulous and cautious they were in the process.

A total of 124 people passed the three tests of heaven, earth and man, and were evenly assigned to the Sanye Sword Sect and the South Sea Alliance in a very interesting and fierce competition.

Of course, although they were from the same family, Li Jie still failed to take the lead. Under Yu Ningzhi's female power and unreasonableness, he was selected first by the South Sea Alliance.

One, three, five, seven, two, four, six, eight...

And so on.

As for who to choose, Yu Ningzhi and the remaining six Yuanying stage strongmen of the South Sea Alliance had a heated argument.

In the end, under the righteous words and various analyses of the Wind Department leader Xu Qingling, a little girl with a charming angelic appearance, chubby and pink, and a "sharp gold" body with dual spiritual roots of gold and wood was selected, Zhu Qing.

Zhu Qing looked innocently at the seven people who were arguing over her. At first, she was curious and fresh, but after a while, she was tired of standing and simply sat on the floor of the hall, holding her head up and looking cute and angry.

"Haha, the little girl is quite temperamental."

Seeing this, Yu Ningzhi laughed and immediately cast her key vote for Xu Qingling. The two of them happily picked up the little girl and laughed non-stop.

When Li Jie saw that Yu Ningzhi chose Zhu Qing, he shouted in his heart, "Oh no."

This girl is also someone he values. She gives him a very strange feeling and must be a promising talent.

It's a pity, but fortunately, there are many good seedlings.

Before, he secretly laughed at Yu Ningzhi's entanglement, but when it was his turn, he and several people from the Sanye Sword Sect decisively had a disagreement.

Fortunately, everyone believed in his unique vision. He chose a boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, Diao Yu, who had natural and earth spiritual roots and a body that was three times stronger than ordinary children.

When he called this somewhat dull boy to his side, Diao Yu finally reacted and shouted "Ah" in surprise.

"Meeting the Master!"

Diao Yu reacted quickly, kneeling on the ground, and kowtowed to Li Jie three times and nine times regardless of anything. Even Li Jie almost didn't react.

He smiled and said, "It's too early now. Three years later, we old guys and other seniors will officially accept disciples. Get up and work hard."

Li Jie not only told Diao Yu, but also told everyone that the purpose was to let them lay a good foundation first, and then see the result in three years. As long as you practice hard and study hard, you all have a chance.

This kid seems to be silent, but he is very smart at the critical moment, which makes Wang Lu smile.

Li Jie and Yu Ningzhi both advised him to accept an apprentice, but they know their own business.

Of the two disciples, Ding Yuting was directly left to Xie Lingyun and Fu Lou, and he became a hands-off boss. Xia Yu was better. They had at least four years of getting along, but then he just ignored him and left his life to fate.

Now, more than four hundred years have passed, and I don’t know what happened to the two of them.

I, as a master, can be said to be too incompetent.

But there is one thing he can be sure of. Through the cause and effect of the master and the disciple, in Xue Tong’s heaven-defying induction, he vaguely knows that the two are still alive.

Perhaps this is the only glimmer of comfort in his surging guilt towards them.

Coming back to their senses, the two knew that Wang Lu had an unparalleled and unique ability to predict the magical power, and they all wanted to ask him for his opinion, but for the sake of fairness, he didn’t dare to give his own opinion at all.

Hehe, my senior brothers and sisters, I can’t afford to offend any of you, so you can do whatever you want. I’d better watch your wonderful performance quietly.

Next, Yu Ningzhi was afraid that Li Jie would choose the successor he liked, so she went straight to a little boy and said softly, "Zhong Fei, are you willing to join my Nanhai League?"

"I am willing!"

An eight-year-old boy with a strange spirit root and a clear and bright moon agreed without any hesitation.

"Very good."

Yu Ningzhi took Zhong Fei back to the Nanhai League camp with a proud look on his face.

Everyone was very happy, and the boy who was originally the first in their argument was successfully brought back.

Don't think that they have no real talents in the Nanhai League.

Although most of them are defeated immortal cultivation families and independent cultivators, you should know that being able to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage and survive the battle to destroy Kong is the real ability.

If it weren't for various reasons, why would they, who are all outstanding people, become independent cultivators who are on the run.

At that time, they had no place to live, and they didn't even have a place to stay. How could they have the time and energy to accept and teach disciples?

Now they have the powerful and stable home of the South Sea Alliance. They have fought for so many years. Although there is no hope for the future, they all want to pass on their skills and magical powers from generation to generation. The family's magical skills and strange methods cannot be buried in their own hands.

The torch will be passed on and will never stop.

As the builder of the South Sea Alliance, Yu Ningzhi has worked together for hundreds of years and shared weal and woe. Naturally, she understands their thoughts and ideas, so she resolutely took on the burden of the chief leader, gathered the strengths of each family, and then selected suitable disciples to inherit and carry forward. Only in this way can she be the most respectful to these old colleagues.

The fourth place, Li Jie unexpectedly chose a seven-year-old girl with a shy face and three spiritual roots, who was even a little confused by Wang Lu.


Xuetong quietly opened fire. At first, the little girl did not do anything strange, but after dozens of breaths, a faint, almost invisible, transparent and blurred silkworm shadow appeared and disappeared from her body.

"Tianyin Silkworm?"

Wang Lu was secretly shocked.

Paradoxical, paradoxical.

If it is really the Tianyin Silkworm, it is a super divine creature that ranks seventh among the top ten legendary insects.

However, no one knows what is so magical about Tianyin Silkworm.

He and Li Jie and Yu Ningzhi had been staying together for almost three days. With his powerful consciousness and induction, he never noticed that Li Jie had looked at the girl once.

It turns out that all his goals were to capture the girl by surprise, and he really had a very deep mind.

It’s incredible. How did Li Jie confirm it?

Yu Ningzhi also felt that something was fishy. She observed the girl angrily for a long time and found that it was very unusual, but she still couldn't let go.

She knew what her husband was capable of, but she only blamed herself for being immersed in boundless joy and being snatched away by him.

Huh, this lady is not that easy to mess with.

That's what she thought, but she didn't fully develop the magical power of "One Leaf Knows Autumn", so she could only summon six people to express their opinions.

Finally, she chose one of the three children in Wang Lu's heart.

Seeing Wang Lu nodded slightly to her, she couldn't help but happily pulled the little boy named "Dongyang" and rushed back to the camp.

The joy in my heart is evident.

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