Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 93: Golden Scales

The monkeys who had cheered loudly a few breaths ago were now as quiet as if they had eaten a fly stuck in their throats. You could hear a pin drop.

Wang Lu glanced at the old golden monkey and retracted the six-star arched moon blade.

The burly golden monkey held up the spirit stick in dismay, glared back unwillingly, and walked back to the formation with his head down.

It still had many powerful moves to perform. Who would have thought that a human cultivator who was not even at the Jindan stage had a speed comparable to that of a top-level fifth-level bird? Even it did not see clearly how this person escaped and released the spirit weapon, and then retreated twenty feet away.

The old golden monkey did not mean to blame him. It pointed to a confused golden monkey on the right side of it.

Wang Lu saw the bewildered golden monkey, and his heart suddenly jumped.

He knew that this battle must not be taken lightly, and he needed to be extremely alert.

The golden monkey calmly walked ten feet in front of Wang Lu, motionless.

However, just when Wang Lu thought they would fight for a few breaths, the golden monkey opened his eyes instantly, and two golden lights suddenly appeared in his eyes.

At the same time, the golden light shone all over his body, and his hands were like drawing a bow and shooting an arrow. A black spiritual bow and a white spiritual arrow with a flashing spiritual light appeared in his hands at some point.

Wang Lu was surprised but not panicked. The whole person suddenly disappeared, and his figure appeared fifty feet away in an instant.

At the moment he appeared, a white arrow feather shot at him with lightning speed.

A loud "boom" shook the camp slightly.

The dust dissipated, and a green long blade with a flashing spiritual light was held tightly in his hands. Just now, it was the six-star arched moon blade that broke the opponent's sudden arrow.

He laughed loudly, and the six-star arched moon blade was divided into seven, breaking through the air at an incredible speed. The seven blades surrounded the golden monkey and cut up and down.

The golden monkey seemed to have been waiting for the six-star moon blade at leisure. When the seven blades were about to surround it, its abdomen bulged and it sent two "puff puff" of demonic energy towards the seven blades.

The energy was sharp and swift, as fast as lightning, and as numerous as pear blossoms in a rainstorm. He was worried that the six-star moon blade would be damaged and was about to call it back, but a shallow vertical mark in the middle of the golden monkey's forehead suddenly cracked, revealing a golden vertical eye, staring at Wang Lu indifferently.

Wang Lu's eyes went dark, his soul was stabbed, and his sea of ​​consciousness rolled violently. He no longer cared about the six-star moon blade, knowing that he was in trouble.

When he was about to use his body skills to dodge, the golden monkey suddenly appeared beside him, holding a spiritual stick in its hand, and his body kept wandering around Wang Lu like a jumping ball sun and moon, and the sky was full of stick shadows rushing towards him. The heavy and huge stick shadows hit Wang Lu like hundreds of mountains, wrapping him tightly like a zongzi.

At this time, the monkeys were in great momentum, screaming and cheering one after another, and the old golden monkey also smiled. He knew that no matter how powerful this human cultivator was, he would be beaten into a pool of meat paste by his race's "Sea-Splitting Stick Method" to nourish their Golden Monkey Island.

The result is self-evident. Just as it was calling on the monkeys to disperse, the vast stick shadow suddenly exploded, and a yellow lightning shot up into the sky, and then three black light surging talismans hit the golden monkey's body before it was caught off guard.

The golden monkey only had time to release his own body-protecting qi, and then he was thrown away involuntarily in a dazzling black light, fell heavily to the ground, and fell unconscious.

Wang Lu fell from the sky and landed beside the golden monkey. The yellow light of the Hundred Layers Mountain on his body flickered and flickered. If it weren't for the defense of this talisman, he would have been beaten to ashes by the huge force. The general top-grade defensive spiritual weapon can only withstand three critical hits from the spiritual stick at most, and it will be useless.

He was able to avoid the golden light in the eyes of the golden monkey by relying on the blessing of the Ruofeng Talisman. After seeing the speed of Sun Xue's Ruofeng Talisman, which was as fast as a flash, the intermediate talisman he drew this time happened to include the Ruofeng Talisman. This talisman is considered the sixth talisman in the "Six Talisman Books", and has an unpredictable activation and extreme speed like a sudden breeze.

Wang Lu also drew it thousands of times before he finished two talismans.

The golden monkey at the top of level 5 is really powerful, especially the last set of stick techniques, which is simply overwhelming, fierce and violent, and is purely a superb one-force-ten-skills supernatural power. Without the protection of the Hundred Layers Mountain, Wang Lu would not be able to escape death.

The last blow was the heavy water gun talisman he drew. This talisman is a powerful attack talisman like the intermediate low-level talisman water. Once released, a hundred times the gravity presses on the body, like a sharp black tasseled spear weighing tens of thousands of pounds, stabbing the golden monkey fiercely.

Fortunately, the golden monkeys were thick-skinned and had the knowledge of body refining, so they were not in danger of death. However, the damage to their bodies was inevitable, and they fell into a coma.

Seeing this, hundreds of golden monkeys were silent.

The old golden monkey's eyes were shining with golden light. In the blink of an eye, he came to the unconscious golden monkey and placed his hairy hands on its chest and abdomen. After a moment, he ordered the two golden monkeys to carry it to the back of the big camp like the two guards before.

The old golden monkey, with a slightly bent body, straightened up, and the pure golden stick used for support was held horizontally on his chest.

Seeing this, both the monkeys and Wang Lu fell silent, and a solemn look appeared on their faces.

Wang Lu recalled the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade, tapped his hands frequently, and a stream of magic power was injected into it with the magic formula. The seven blades disappeared instantly, and turned into a faint green blade array with a radius of three feet not far in front of him.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

The air around the blade array emitted a series of continuous explosions, the sound was so loud that the monkeys screamed and quickly retreated to the front of the big camp, away from Wang Lu.

Only the old golden monkey and the twenty-three level five golden monkeys around him were left.

Suddenly, a message burst into Wang Lu's ears: My little friend is amazingly powerful. He defeated Jin Xuan, the second most powerful person in our clan, with the Foundation Establishment Perfection. If I fight with my little friend again, I will kill you. Even if you drive them away, you won't win without force, and you will be laughed at by your colleagues in the vast sea. I see that you are not a ruthless person. You didn't kill anyone. Jin Xuan can recover after just a few years of cultivation. Let's do this. I'll give you five jars of five-hundred-year-old monkey spirit wine, and you can go back.

Wang Lu was shocked, and the old golden monkey blinked at him. He waved to put away the six-star gongyue blade and bowed his hand to the old golden monkey.

Soon, a golden little golden monkey with two golden eyes came to the old golden monkey jumping lively.

The old golden monkey touched its head affectionately and gave it a "chirp". The little monkey jumped away happily. Without thinking, he jumped eighty feet away. After a few more jumps, he was gone. Disappeared in Dazhai.

Judging from the appearance of the little monkey, it is obvious that it is still an early level four monster, and its movement is so fast.

After half a stick of incense passed, the little monkey came to him holding five small altars made of yellow clay that looked like ordinary people. He handed them to him in a precious and precious way. After a few breaths of surprise, Wang Lu took the five altars with a smile. The monkey spirit wine went away under the wave of the little golden monkey.

On the sound blade, before he left, the old golden monkey's voice message sounded, making him confused:

My little friend is a friend of our clan. If you meet the little golden monkey in the future, please help me. One of the jars of this spiritual wine is the Millennium Monkey Wine. Taoist friends should use it with caution. At the same time, it is also the three thousand jars of our clan. A jar of spiritual wine is given to you as a gift.

The little golden monkey’s name: Jinlin.

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