Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 94 Return to Longmu

Wang Lu didn't take the old golden monkey's words to heart.

He shook his head. The two most difficult tasks were completed, especially picking the Millennium Silver Flower, which almost cost him his life.

Completing these two tasks is equivalent to 80% success. He will not hand over the spirit wine, but put it away. This is a rare treasure. His intuition tells him that in the future, the spirit wine will be with the spirit wine. Like milk, it saves him from danger.

The content of the task is to hand over a jar of monkey wine that has been around for fifty years.

Hehe, compared to the reward of ten high-grade spiritual stones, five hundred years of spiritual wine, let alone ten high-grade spiritual stones, even a thousand high-grade spiritual stones are absolutely difficult to buy. .

He grinned stupidly and had an unexpected surprise.

Of course, he didn't know that the Golden Monkey Clan had not activated their "Sea-Splitting Stick Formation", otherwise he would have died.

This formation has no upper limit. It can be formed by five level five golden monkeys. It is said that if it has been practiced to a high level, it can beat the strongest person in this world to death with a stick. It is cruel and terrifying.

This is also because no matter how much the golden elixir stage monks covet their spiritual wine, they still have to weigh whether they have the ability to break their stick formation.

Besides, Old Golden Monkey alone is not invincible to ordinary early Yuanying monks.

If the old golden monkey takes action, Wang Lu will have no choice but to surrender without any other choice.

After leaving Orange Light Lake, Wang Lu jumped off the sound blade and galloped westward.

One day later, he came to a mountain that stretched for thousands of miles.

A kind of Ganoderma lucidum called "Huilongmu" grows on the cliffs of one of the mountains. I came here just to pick one.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the more precious the elixir is, the more powerful the accompanying monster will be.

The mountain is thousands of miles away, and in the caves on the cliffs, the fifth-level terrifying one-horned crystal snake is the companion monster of the Huilong order.

Huilongmu is the size of an ordinary Ganoderma lucidum, except that it has a natural pattern similar to that of a dragon eye hovering on its cover. It is easy to identify. The clearer the pattern, the longer the year, and the value will rise with the tide. It is used to refine gold. One of the main ingredients of the late-stage spiritual elixir Tianling Dan.

It is not easy to get the Huilong Eye. The key lies in its companion monster, the Poison-horned Crystal Snake.

This snake has a single silver horn on its head, which can absorb the power of the sky thunder. After refining, the thunder released contains a hint of the powerful power of the Thirty-Six Thunder Poison Spring Sky Thunder. Once it sticks to the body, the poison will spread. , Leiquan Pan body, without certain strength, it is difficult to get the dragon eye back, as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Another point is that whenever there is a place with treasures of heaven and earth in the vast sea, there is a restriction on the air. It is not known whether it is a natural formation or a man-made arrangement.

Without considerable body-training skills, it would be difficult to climb the cliff. Monks without body-training skills could only stare at the cliff and sigh. The body-training alone would directly eliminate more than 80% of the people.

When Wang Lu came to this unique mountain in Manghai, he met several groups of monks who came to pick gypsophila.

There are solo operations, groups of twos, and bounty teams.

One of the teams enthusiastically invited him to join, but Wang Lu declined politely.

It was a dark night and the wind was high. Wang Lu circled the mountain and came to a deserted place. Looking at the towering cliff, he took a picture of the ultimate talisman and used his hands and feet together to fly up quickly like an ape.

For others, it is very difficult, but for him, it is relatively simple.

Now his body is comparable to a level three monster, and his strength and flexibility are far beyond those of ordinary people.

I released my spiritual consciousness and searched on the cliff as if walking on flat ground. Two hours passed, but no trace of Huilongmu was found.

He did not give up. If Huilongmu was so easy to find, they would have been searched and wiped out long ago.

Half an hour later, he finally discovered the Huilongmu, and there was more than one Huilongmu. There were two Huilongmu, one big and one small.

Under the influence of his spiritual consciousness, the big plant has a earth-brown umbrella cover with a diameter of one foot, and the stipe, which is about seven inches long and as thick as a finger, is slightly bent. On the umbrella cover, a longan is clearly visible. The medicinal age of this Huilongmu plant should not be there. Under a thousand years.

Another small gyrus plant is smaller than the big one, but it is still 500 years old.

Wang Lu shouted in his heart that he had great luck and made a fortune.

Two pelvic dragons grow under a sudden stone with a mottled surface that has been baptized by wind and frost. The stone just blocks them, just like protecting them from wind and rain.

The smooth green cliff two feet away from Huilongmu is a cave that can accommodate one person.

He understood that inside were the two companion monsters of the Paleosaurus, the Poison-horned Crystal Snake.

Wang Lu slowly wandered along the cliff where the wind was howling, and gradually approached the two gypsophila.

A faint audible bitter taste, unique to the Huilongmu, floated into his nose, and he discovered that the smell emitted by the two Huilongmu plants was like a trickle flowing into the cave.

This is the Poison Horned Crystal Snake using their scent to practice.

Where two gypsophila grow, Wang Lu clings to the cliff like a gecko. He takes a deep breath, reaches out with his hands, pulls them out by the roots, puts them in the jade box he has prepared, and runs away immediately.

The moment he pulled out the Huilong Eye, the poison-horned crystal snake in cultivation "neighed" angrily, and appeared next to the Huilong Eye as fast as lightning, staring at the deserted cliff.

A three-foot-long venomous horned crystal snake, with a single yellow-brown horn flashing with wisps of electric light, and a brown snake message spitting out from its mouth.

Suddenly, two light red haloes appeared in the snake's eyes. It looked around and saw a transparent shadow with its body suspended in the air. Its feet kept tapping on the cliff. Each time it tapped, it would move twenty feet away.

The body of the poisonous horn crystal snake suddenly straightened, and it disappeared in a flash, shooting towards Wang Lu.

Every time it twisted its body, it was already a hundred feet away, as fast as a sharp arrow.

It would catch up with Wang Lu in less than five breaths.

Seeing that the poisonous horn crystal snake had discovered him, Wang Lu was not worried. He took out a jade bottle from his storage bag and tore open half of the forbidden spirit talisman. A smell that only the poisonous horn crystal snake could smell spread into its taste buds as it ran towards him.

As soon as it smelled a trace of the smell of the queen bee's poisonous bead, the poisonous horn crystal snake trembled violently, and its entire body twisted wildly, almost falling into a cliff of thousands of feet. It was like a frightened rabbit, fleeing back at a faster speed than when it came.

Who in the world can be as poisonous as me?

Wang Lu, who was running down the mountain quickly, had an evil smile on his face. He thought of himself as the queen bee and fantasized wildly.

Half an hour later, Wang Lu successfully reached the foot of the mountain and sealed the queen bee's poison bead again.

Before coming, he had investigated the information about the poisonous horn crystal snake. Although the poisonous horn crystal snake is powerful, it is afraid of monsters that are more poisonous than it.

It is extremely poisonous in itself, and it is already considered the king of poisons. There are not many more poisonous than it, but they are rare.

Wang Lu wanted to buy related poisons in Yinluanxuan, but there was nothing better than the poisonous horn crystal snake.

It was also unlucky for the poisonous horn crystal snake. It couldn't figure out how Wang Lu had the poisonous bead of the black pearl bee queen.

In the boundless sea, except for the clan that can naturally restrain it, the blue phoenix's subordinates, in terms of poison, except for the black pearl bee queen and a few monsters, the poisonous horn crystal snake is not afraid of anyone.

Next, Wang Lu spent a month and successfully completed the other seven tasks.

After returning to Blood Battle City, he did not submit the task immediately, but rested well in the inn for three days and carefully sorted out the details of this task.

When he took out the Tongxinyu with one petal left, he had the idea of ​​going to Yinluanxuan to inquire about the effect of this flower, but he immediately suppressed it.

A man is innocent but guilty of holding a treasure.

It is better to know many things by yourself, so as not to arouse suspicion and doubt from others.

The ten great flowers are extraordinary and must not be spread outside.

According to his understanding, this flower has not appeared in the world for tens of thousands of years. If you pay too much attention to it, it may be recorded by someone with a mind.

In this case, it will not be worth the loss. Besides, there is only one petal left for this flower, which is not worth the risk.

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