Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 97: Brilliant Flowers

"It turns out to be Fellow Taoist Canhua. Your sect will not ask me to listen to the music this time. If so, I have already listened to the music, so I will take my leave."

As soon as Wang Lu finished speaking, he stood up and left.

"Haha, please be patient. The person who made the appointment to meet the Taoist friend should arrive within half a stick of incense. Why don't you wait quietly, sip tea and drink, and listen to me playing another song?"

Seeing Wang Lu preparing to leave, Canhua quickly added.

When Wang Lu saw that the other party was hesitant about his question and was looking around him, Wang Lu couldn't help but pretend to be sulky to test. Sure enough, the other party responded immediately.

At the same time, Canhua's various confusing behaviors really made him a little unpredictable.

Therefore, this is the only last resort.

In fact, how could he be willing to leave? After all, the fish was about to take the bait. He would not leave no matter what. Even if Canhua didn't say anything to persuade him to stay, he would try his best to stay.

Hearing this, Wang Lu stopped walking, sat down opposite Canhua, picked up a cup of spiritual tea with a strange fragrance, and drank it in one gulp.

As the tea entered his throat, a strong sweetness suddenly returned, his whole body felt slightly warm, and he felt a slight increase in his magic power.

He couldn't help but said: "Good tea."

On the opposite side, Canhua showed a hint of shock, and then disappeared, a strong wave surged in her heart.

She is very aware of the power of this tea. The name of the tea is "Balong". It is produced in Yunchaxuan, a medium-sized sect specializing in growing spiritual tea in the eastern part of the West Desert. Only half a kilogram of Balong tea can be produced every thirty years.

Balong tea, the tea is shaped like a small green dragon with the word "Balong" in it.

As long as the monks in the foundation building stage take a sip, they need to meditate and refine for one month in the early stage of foundation building. Those with excellent qualifications can enter the middle stage of foundation building within one month; the monks in the middle stage can touch it after taking a sip and meditating for ten days. The bottleneck in the later stage of foundation building; if a late-stage immortal cultivator takes one sip and meditates for three days, his mana will be greatly increased. However, for a foundation-building Dzogchen cultivator, it will take at least half a day of meditation to suppress the surge in mana.

Therefore, Balong tea can be regarded as a rare treasure for the foundation stage. Whenever this tea is leaked, it can cause an uproar in the market and compete for bids.

But the person in front of her was instantly refined after taking a drink. This had never happened to Canhua in her past, and it directly subverted all her thinking.

She unconsciously wondered if Wang Lu was originally an old monster who just suppressed his cultivation.

Canhua couldn't help but look at him again. He was just an ordinary monk, with nothing outstanding about him. Could it be that he was just mediocre, she thought to herself.


Seeing the other party staring at him intently, Wang Lu coughed lightly.


Upon hearing Wang Lu's reminder, Canhua jumped up subconsciously, holding her chest with both hands unconsciously, as if she was frightened by him.

Seeing the frightened look on the flower-like Canhua, Wang Lu said teasingly: "Is there flowers on my face, or am I actually so ferocious underneath that I make fellow Taoists so frightened?"

After a few breaths, Canhua regained her previous coolness, and tried her best to squeeze out a few smiles and said: "Fellow Taoist, you are worrying too much, but I am very curious. Even the great monks in the late Yuan Ying period cannot pick silver flowers. What is Brother Chen doing?" How?"

Of course Canhua would not tell him about the Ba Long Tea, and he just found an excuse to cover it up.

"Haha, the deacon thinks highly of me. I just got lucky and picked up the Millennium Silver Flower outside the Silver Flower Forest."

Knowing that the other party was playing tricks, Wang Lu was unequivocal and started talking nonsense.

"Haha, how can I see other people with such good luck? However, luck is also a manifestation of strength, right, Brother Chen."

Canhua once again hugged the pipa with its unique and ancient charm to her chest, smiling in the spring breeze.

After seeing Wang Lu's unimaginable profound cultivation, how could she believe Wang Lu's lies? She checked and found out that the Millennium Silver Flower had not appeared in the world for five thousand years.

As soon as this thousand-year-old silver flower appeared, it was snatched away without explanation by the cold-blooded elders stationed here in the Blood Prison.

His actions strongly aroused the dissatisfaction of the other six sects. Dissatisfaction was dissatisfaction. Who made his disciples not have that luck?

Millennium Silver Flower, that is one of the three most important spiritual materials for refining the Divine Transformation Pill that breaks through to the Divine Transformation Stage.

When the cold-blooded elder took over the Millennium Silver Flower, he immediately blocked the news, and immediately notified all the Nascent Soul Stage experts stationed in the Blood Prison of the Blood Battle City. He personally led the team and quietly escorted the Silver Flower back to the Blood Prison when no one knew about it. At the Prison Mountain Gate, even Xue Ling'er, the biological granddaughter of the Blood Ancestor, was forcibly taken away.

It is said that the monk in charge of the mission on Wanglu has received the guarantee from the Blood Prison that no matter how poor his qualifications are, even if he has rubbish qualifications for the Five Spiritual Roots, the Blood Prison will help him achieve the golden elixir.

Of course, until now, Wang Lu knew nothing about the value of the Millennium Silver Flower, the various measures of the Blood Prison, and the rewards for Wu Fei.

Jade fingers gently played with it, and the four strings of different thicknesses emitted a heavenly sound that was softly humming in the empty valley. Wang Lu listened in rapt attention. When the last syllable fell, he clapped his hands unconsciously.

Canhua saw that he was sincerely moved by the sound of the piano, and she was secretly happy. This was the "Pingyuan Evening Tune" of the Pinxiang School's unheard music.

So far, only a few people in the Pinxiang sect have been able to understand its true meaning and achieve the state of harmony between human and piano.

She is just getting started, far from being proficient.

She played this piece because she was impressed by Wang Lu's powerful cultivation and his indescribable temperament.

Before she was born in the sect, Baxiang joked that if Canhua played this song alone, it could only mean that she had developed a crush on that person.

Thinking of this, Canhua couldn't help blushing. She glanced at the person opposite her and saw that he was still immersed in her piano music. Fortunately, her shy appearance was not seen by the other party.

Canhua is a proud woman. She is gifted and ranks second among the eight incense. Not only is her face beautiful, but she also has the rare spiritual root of smoke spirit root in the world.

Most of the male cultivators who came to the Blood Battle City to see her were fascinated by her and could not forget her.

The person in front of her not only did not show a look of surprise when he saw her, but also had no other extra expressions. This made her very strange, so she played a song casually.

In the first song, she found that this person had a sincere heart that was rare in the world of immortal cultivation. He did not care about his appearance but praised her music from the bottom of his heart.

When she saw Wang Lu drink the Tyrant Dragon Tea, but his power only slightly increased, she felt that this person was definitely not simple, so she used her unique "seeing flowers in the fog" eyes to see that this person did not change his appearance, which made her a little disappointed.

Which girl doesn't want the person she loves to be a little more beautiful?

When this person talked nonsense about picking up the thousand-year-old silver flower, her silent heart suddenly felt a special joy of wanting to laugh, so she played the "Pingyuan Evening Tune" that she had never played before.

Thinking of this, when she looked up, she saw the amazement and admiration in Wang Lu's eyes.

The two people's eyes met unexpectedly, and Wang Lu quickly shifted his gaze. He had to shift his gaze because he saw that Canhua at this time actually looked a bit like Sun Xue.

Canhua was confused at this time, fortunately Wang Lu shifted his gaze, otherwise she didn't know how to explain.

Just as the two fell into silence, a gentle knock on the door sounded.

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