Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 98 Flower Moon

A knock on the door broke the awkward atmosphere between the two of them. Canhua waved her hand and the purple wooden door quietly opened.

A woman wearing a light blue dress, with tied up hair, a very beautiful appearance, and whose cultivation was at the peak of the middle stage of the Golden Core, walked into the room.

Originally, monks with low cultivation levels generally cannot see through the cultivation level of monks at a higher realm than themselves, but Wang Lu's background has reached the highest level in the same realm since the establishment of the Six Talisman Sect, coupled with the miraculous features of "Six Talisman Techniques" , allowing him to more clearly detect the opponent's cultivation.

"Sister Yue, you are finally here, please let me wait."

When Canhua saw the woman arriving, she stood up, took her arm and said sweetly.

"I see that my sister and Daoyou Chen are having a great conversation. My sister vaguely heard a piece of music that my sister has never played before outside the door."

The woman surnamed Yue held Canhua's jade hand and joked.

"My elder sister laughed at me, and my younger sister also had a temporary itch, as if she suddenly had an enlightenment and was able to play this song."

Canhua refused, and even scratched the female cultivator's armpits with her hands.

"Oh, okay, okay, sister, why don't I stop talking?"

The woman surnamed Yue was tickled by the flowers until her branches fluttered, and bursts of sweet silver bell-like laughter came out.

"Hmph, that's pretty much it."

Canhua led the woman to sit across from Wang Lu.

The scene of the two fighting made Wang Lu stunned and at a loss.

I originally thought that the monks were all in peace, but I didn't expect that the two girls didn't have the restraint that female monks should have, like two little girls.

This made him sigh, if cultivating immortals is forced by longevity and cultivation to be in a hurry, then what is the use of immortality and how beautiful life is?

It doesn’t matter if you don’t cultivate.

After thinking about this, Wang Lu looked at the two bright and beautiful girls across from him with a smile, and couldn't help but admire their sincere friendship from the bottom of his heart.

"Fellow Taoist Chen, please don't mind me. My sister has been like this since she was a child. She talks uncontrollably and has no manners, which makes fellow Taoist laugh."

Seeing that Wang Lu didn't show any disgust, the woman said.

But the conversation suddenly changed: "Fellow Taoist is the first person to hear this song. This is huge... Ouch... Sister, can't I stop talking about it?"

The Canhuajian woman, who had a reddish complexion and clear eyes, was talking seriously at first, but suddenly she made a 90-degree turn and scratched her armpit again.

"Let me introduce myself. Fellow Daoist Chen, you can call me senior sister. My name is Huayue."

Speaking of his name, Huayue said seriously.

Wang Lu seemed to have heard the name Huayue somewhere, but he still couldn't grasp it.

Suddenly, there was a shock in his mind. It turned out to be Hua Yue, the eighth-ranked casual cultivator of Yinluanxuan in Blood Battle City. Hua Yue suddenly disappeared due to contact with a mysterious organization.

"Ah, it turns out you are the famous Senior Sister Huayue!"

Of course Wang Lu would not stupidly tell the other party the news he had learned, and pretended to be shocked.

"Haha, it's just some false fame. Junior brother, don't worry about it. When it comes to reputation, you and I are far behind. Not even one thousandth of junior brother's thousand-year-old silver flower. Junior brother is now a celebrity in the seven sects."

Huayue said it gently, leaving Wang Lu completely confused.

Then, she continued: "Not to mention the Blood Prison, the other six sects are very rare, because no one knows how many thousand-year-old silver flowers the junior brother picked. So far, the six sects and the large, medium and small sects are still there. I will secretly search for your whereabouts. Of course, I have no intention of persecuting my junior brother, otherwise I would have informed the six sects of your whereabouts."

Hearing these words, Wang Lu was shocked, but he didn't show even a trace of strangeness.

Even though he didn't understand the value of the Millennium Silver Flower, these words confirmed that the importance of the Millennium Silver Flower far exceeded his estimate.

A common man is innocent of the crime of harboring a jade. Even if he does not have a thousand-year-old silver flower on his body, he will be carefully inspected again by various factions.

Besides, there are four thousand-year-old silver flowers in his storage bag. No wonder he had a feeling of impending disaster as soon as he left the Blood Palace more than half a year ago. And these days, he has been plagued by uneasiness.

Although his heart was turbulent, he was calm but he smiled helplessly and said: "Thank you, senior sister, for reminding me. I can't argue with you now. Even if I jump into the Yellow River, I won't be able to clean myself. Please help me, senior sister."

After Wang Lu said this, Canhua frowned slightly and stopped talking.

Huayue Zechunfeng said freely: "Junior brother, don't worry. If junior brother is willing to join us, someone will naturally come forward to refute the rumors and clear the grievances of junior brother. I believe it won't take long for the rumors to subside and give junior brother a free body. Thousand-year Silver Flower itself It is extremely rare. The Silver Flower Forest has always been protected by all the monsters in the entire vast sea. Whenever a strong person at the Nascent Soul Stage and above steps in, he will be bombarded by the powerful array covering the Silver Flower Forest. And at the Yuanying Stage, The following monks, unless they have great luck and amazing talents, have even the slightest chance of obtaining the Thousand-Year Silver Flower. Let alone a few, it is difficult to reach the sky with just one. Therefore, I believe, junior brother, you only have one of this flower."

Wang Lu thought quickly. Unless he immediately went to the Dream Sect station to verify his identity, it would be impossible to explain and escape. However, once you do this, your identity will be completely exposed, and everything you have done before will become meaningless.

At the moment, he can only listen to Huayue's advice. On the one hand, it can prove that he does not have the Millennium Silver Flower. On the other hand, it can also let the other party know from the side that he is not a powerful person. Otherwise, how could he choose to join Huayue? The organization you're talking about?

Of course he understood that there would be restrictions if he joined the other party, and he would only agree if he had to ensure his own safety.

Wang Lu sighed and asked in a low voice: "Please tell me the conditions for joining the organization. If it involves my life and property, then forget it. I believe that the world will give me a clear name."

"Haha, Junior Brother is indeed a man who has seen the world. At this moment, he still looks calm. What you ask for is very reasonable. There is only one condition to join us, and it is very simple."

Hua Yue talked freely.

"What condition, please tell me?"

Wang Lu's heart moved.

At this moment, he was temporarily cleared of suspicion and initially let the other party believe in his identity as a casual cultivator.

"The condition is, that is, marrying my sister Canhua."

Hua Yue smiled.



Canhua's face flushed, Wang Lu's face was full of disbelief, and he exclaimed at the same time.

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