Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 99: Mysterious Organization

Canhua and Wang Lu were shocked when they heard Huayue's words.

Wang Lu's mind was racing at high speed. He never expected such conditions.

Although he especially admires Canhua's miraculous musical skills, and she also has an appearance that can bring disaster to the country and the people, but for him who is determined to pursue the road, he is far from liking it and has no heart. If he joins The organization where Huayue works has certain conditions, which he really finds difficult to accept.

At this time, he looked up at Huayue who was smiling, and suddenly realized that it was just a joke on her part.

Looking at Canhua, who was shy and charming, Wang Lu suddenly discovered that Canhua had an unusual beauty, like a flower in the mist dreaming about the moon, hazy and quiet, and mysterious in the mist.

He laughed dumbly: "Senior sister, please stop teasing me. I am a completely rough man, how can I be worthy of the beautiful junior sister Canhua? I consider myself to be mediocre in qualifications, and I relied on a bit of luck to achieve this level of cultivation. No, I'm going to tell you two, I have been cultivating for more than a hundred years. I just took a beauty pill to maintain my current appearance. Although I miss Junior Sister Canhua a lot in my heart, I can't let the pride of heaven The female junior sister is in my hands."

When Wang Lu spoke, Hua Yue looked at him carefully.

Due to the concealment of "Deep Hidden", Huayue did not see any flaws.

As Wang Lu reaches the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, "Deep Hidden" is also increasing invisibly. Only Nascent Soul Stage monks with powerful spiritual consciousness or masters like Yin Qi can detect his true appearance.

In fact, he suspected that Yin Qi saw through his true colors when he first went to Yinluanxuan.

Indeed, as he thought, if it were his first time standing in front of Yin Qi, even Yin Qi would not be able to see through it.

"Deep Hidden" was not created by Lingyu Sect, but was brought out by the first generation master of Lingyu Sect from a secret realm. This sect also relied on this magical magical power to survive for thousands of years.

Hearing Wang Lu's self-deprecating words from the bottom of his heart, Hua Yue gently took Can Hua's jade hand, which was filled with resentment, and said quietly: "Although Taoist friend has extraordinary qualities, he is not a good match for sister Can Hua. It's a pity that this fate has happened." , In fact, it’s better to get to know each other in the crowd than to forget each other in the crowd.”

"For the sake of Sister Canhua, I don't have to ask Fellow Daoist Chen about this. This is a unique communication talisman of our organization. It can detect the approximate location of Fellow Daoist. Please rest assured, Fellow Daoist Chen, this talisman can only sense Fellow Daoist." The specific location cannot be determined within the five hundred miles range of the location.”

"Our organization uses this talisman to release specific tasks that need to be completed within the scope of Taoist friends. As long as the Taoist friends serve the organization for twenty years, they can regain their freedom by at least one task and up to three tasks during the twenty years. body."

"The tasks are divided into difficult and difficult levels. The organization will give corresponding rewards according to the degree of difficulty. Anyone who participates in and completes the tasks will be rewarded heavily."

"Of course, injuries and deaths are inevitable. Besides, once you enter the world of immortality, everyone will live a precarious life. Junior Brother Chen needs to be mentally prepared."

Huayue explained all the rules and organizational principles in one breath without stopping.

After listening to Huayue's story, Wang Lu, who had a certain understanding of spiritual talismans, felt waves rolling up and down in his heart.

He knew very well that he had never heard of such a talisman that could sense and transmit at the same time, and he couldn't help but sigh at the power of the organization.

Huayue handed him a palm-sized silver talisman with glittering silver light, and typed a spell on the talisman. The silver talisman suddenly erupted into a dazzling silver light.

Afterwards, Huayue told Wang Lu in a slightly threatening and mysterious manner, asking him not to destroy or discard the talisman.

Once you do this, you will be hunted endlessly. Even if you escape from the Western Desert, you will still die.

At the same time, it also allows him to enter and leave the bloody city at will in an upright manner. All sects' investigations and secret operations against him will cease, so he should not worry.

Of course Wang Lu would not believe her words foolishly.

When he walked out of the Champs-Elysées, he put on a cloak that blocked out the detection of his spiritual consciousness and carefully returned to the inn.

Although she believed in Hua Yue, she sailed the Wannian Ship carefully and released the formation as soon as she arrived at the inn, but his heart was extremely uneasy.

On the one hand, the goal he wanted seemed to have been achieved. Although he didn't know what kind of organization the other party was, his intuition told him that this mysterious organization should be the one he wanted to investigate, and he just had to wait patiently.

On the other hand, the value of the Thousand-Year Silver Flower far exceeded his estimate. This was an unexpected surprise that he had never thought of. Without the organization's commitment, he had no choice but to immediately rush to the Dream Sect's station in the Bloody Battle City to verify Only by being upright can you avoid being pursued by countless people.

In the end, he stared intently at the silver talisman placed on the table as if looking at a rare treasure. The silver threads on the talisman that shuttled back and forth like fish made him obsessed and dazzled. fan.

In the "Six Talisman Book", he saw quite a lot of talismans. This was the first time he saw such a talisman involving time and space. He simply loved it so much that he couldn't put it down.

You must study it carefully and study it carefully.

He began to comprehend the silver talisman from top to bottom, left to right.

While enjoying the Champs Elysees, I looked out the window at the bright flowers and the moon. There was a little regret and a touch of melancholy on the beautiful faces.

Seeing Canhua in such a low mood, Huayue sighed: "Sister, you don't have to be like this. In fact, sister knows better than me that this person is indeed over a hundred years old. Although he has certain strength, he is a toad trying to eat swan meat. I think with this person's qualifications, he can only stop at the Golden Core stage at most."

"Besides, for your sake, sister, I activated the Tianji Order that the organization has not used for a long time. As long as Master Tianji speaks, he can clear his suspicion. Besides, I didn't use the Heart Mirror to test his inner demons. However, no matter what this person has No matter what his origins are, he has the silver talisman. Unless he dies, he will do at least one thing for us before he is free. "

Canhua showed a reluctant smile: "Chen Daoyou is the only person I have been moved by since I was born. Thank you for your little thought for me. I don't know why, but please take care of this person. I am a little tired. You don't need to persuade me anymore. It is God's will. I understand. Please go back, sister?"

Wang Lu's appearance made a ripple in her calm heart.

She has never been moved by anyone like that. Although it was short, it was like a meteor, leaving an indelible mark on her heart.

What Huayue didn't know was that, contrary to what he said, Chen Yong's true face had long been exposed under her "seeing flowers in the fog" pupil technique. He was not more than a hundred years old as he said, but at most in his early thirties. At this age, this kind of cultivation is not much, and even if he is not a very handsome man, his calmness and sincerity have never been seen in others.

It is just as Huayue said. Since you don't want to, it's a pity to meet each other.

She sighed. She knew that she might never play "Pingyuan Xidiao" again in her life.

Her smoke spirit root is an extremely rare spirit root. For her own future and the development and growth of Pinxiang Sect, the sect did not teach her the skills of Pinxiang Sect, but found another master for her.

Seeing Canhua's uneasy and sad look, Huayue couldn't help but sigh.

I thought I could use Canhua's appearance and qualifications to make Chen Yong fall in love, but I didn't expect that it would backfire.

However, I also successfully won over a silver flower master with a destiny against the sky, which can be regarded as a mutual offset.

She could only sigh that things in the world are impermanent and cause and effect are invisible.

Left Pinxiang Pavilion.

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