Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1012: Solicit

   said so, but in the end Arthur did not immediately set off!

   It's not that he didn't have the conditions to start immediately, but that he suddenly thought of a problem!

   The Oda Hyakotome in front of me seems to be a talent! ?

   Although Arthur has never done a trick here, it does not mean that he is weak!

   On the contrary, Oda Hundred Swords can be considered a top figure in the first half of the Great Passage!

  Major general level physical skills, coupled with the swordsmanship level swordsmanship that Arthur has just tested, Oda Hundred Swords can also be counted as a major general peak combat power!

   And with this strength, plus he is only in his 40s this year, he is in his prime, and there is still room for improvement. As long as he is recruited, there is an 80% chance of gaining a lieutenant-level strength in the future!

   This made Arthur's heart moved!

   Although relying on various system items, Saint Martin's current general-level combat power is not much less than that of the world government, but the mid-level and upper-middle level combat power is still a lot worse!

  No way, the world government is an organization that has been developing for hundreds of years. No matter how strong the development momentum of Saint Martins is, it is still a little bit short of its foundation!

   In this case, Arthur saw such a wild major general, and he would definitely become a lieutenant general in the future, so he was naturally moved!

   "Master Oda, are you interested in changing a place for teaching apprentices? Change to a strong kendo atmosphere, where there are many swordsmen and great swordsmen?" Arthur invited with a smile.

   It's not that Arthur has never thought of directly inviting the other party to join Saint Martin!

   But looking at the gym and the disciples around, Arthur gave up this thought!

   A strong man in his prime, who is willing to be the master of a gymnasium, basically shows that Oda Baidao does not have much fighting spirit, or that he does not want to participate in any messy battles!

   Otherwise, in terms of his strength, whether it is a pirate, a navy, or a bounty hunter, they can all be mixed up, and there is no shortage of money and power. Why teach this group of ordinary apprentices here?

   Therefore, if Arthur rashly invites him to join Saint Martin, the other party will probably not agree!

   However, if you invite the other party to the St. Martin Open House, it is another matter!

   is just opening a gym in another place!

   In addition, as a swordsman, he basically likes to communicate with the same swordsman, and there are quite a few swordsmen in St. Martin, and the kendo atmosphere is also strong, so he has a great chance of successfully inviting each other!

   After arriving at St. Martin, it is much easier to plan for the other party to join!

   is Arthur's territory after all, and it will be easy whether it is an emotional route or some means!

   "You mean Wa no country?" Oda Hyakuto replied, frowning subconsciously.

   Have a story?

   Looking at his expression, Arthur immediately thought there was something in it!

   He was a little more curious!

   However, since you want to invite people to join, you can't do things that easily offend people like visiting the old man!

   So even though Arthur was curious, he shook his head calmly on the surface and said, "No!"

   "It's not a country, where is that?" The brows on Oda Hyakuto's face eased, and the brows became more curious!

   He is wondering where there is a strong atmosphere of kendo besides Wakaji!

   "Saint Martin!" Arthur said word by word, looking at Oda Hundredsword with blazing eyes.


   Oda Hundred Swords raised his brows, he couldn't help but doubted, "Saint Martin? Haven't heard of the strong kendo atmosphere of Saint Martin?"

   St. Martin, he knows that as the overlord of the West Sea, he can still survive under the target of the world government. He is still fresh in his memory!

   But under this premise, he has never heard of the strong kendo atmosphere of Saint Martin!

   He hadn't even heard a few of the swordsmen of Saint Martin, so he was very suspicious of Arthur's words!

   Seeing this, Arthur smiled, approached him, and put it in his ear in a voice that no one else could hear, saying, "The world's largest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk is from Saint Martin!"


   After Oda Hyakotou yelled, he looked at Arthur with an incredible face!

   If the ultimate dream of a pirate is the one piece, then the ultimate dream of swordsmen, swordsmen, and swordsmen is the world's largest swordsman!

   Regardless of whether there is much fighting spirit or not, as a swordsman, there is always that kind of thought in my heart!

   Therefore, basically the swordsmen, swordsmen, and great swordsmen in this world who use swords all know the information of Eagle Eye!

   Oda Hundred Swords are the same!

   But he didn't expect that Hawkeye Mihawk was from Saint Martin!

   This is something that he or even no one else in the world knows.

   They only know that Hawkeye is Qiwuhai!

   Thinking, Oda Hyakusao's eyes are a little hotter!

   Although he knew that his strength was no longer enough to challenge Mihawk, the soul of the sword in his body was a little eager to try!

At this moment, Arthur once again used a voice that only two of them could hear, attached to his ears, and said, "Furthermore, Mihawk’s teacher, a great swordsman who is stronger than Mihawk is also in Saint. Martin!"

   "If you go to St. Martin to open the gym, I can introduce you to know each other then, if you want to fight Hawkeye... I can't arrange it!"

   Arthur knows the minds of these swordsmen, swordsmen, and swordsmen too!

   A fight with Hawkeye is the dream of almost all swordsmen, swordsmen and great swordsmen!


   As Arthur had expected, Oda Hyakuto was moved.

   "Really!" Arthur nodded with a smile.


   After getting Arthur's confirmation~www.wuxiaspot.com~Oda Hyakuto glanced at the surrounding apprentices, but hesitated!

   There is nothing wrong with his dream of having a fight with Hawkeye, but the question is once he leaves with this Arthur, what about his apprentices?

   can't go with him, right?

   You need to know that, except for two or three of the apprentices who are orphans, everyone else has family members. It is impossible to say that they can follow him casually!

   And after Arthur glanced at Oda Hyakusao, he immediately understood what he was thinking!

Immediately, Arthur smiled and said, "If you are worried about your apprentice, you can let them go together! I can also help them arrange work, arrange housing, arrange school, and arrange everything for their family members at that time! The only requirement is that you must help me train a few batches of students!"

   In fact, Arthur agrees very much with Oda Hyakuto's apprenticeship!

His apprentices may not be as high as his achievements in the future, but under the teaching of Oda Hyakusho, their achievements will not be weak. At that time, whether it is to recruit them into the army or join the Ministry of Public Security, it will be for Saint Martin is an enhancement of strength!

   "This... alright!"

   In the end, under Arthur's rich conditions, Oda Hyakuto still agreed!

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