Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1013: Gion is coming

   A mouth above, a broken leg below!

   After inviting Oda Hyakusho to the St. Martin's opening hall, Arthur didn't care about the messy things left, and directly asked the nearby St. Martin intelligence personnel to do it!

  Well, if he has to come to this little thing himself, then he is still a fart king?

   After that, Arthur didn't stay too much. After throwing the extra people on the ship, that is, the pirates who were not dead, into the harbor, he took Freddod directly to the kingdom he said, the Kingdom of Red!

   Of course, Arthur also interrogated the Pirates separately before they left, confirming that they had only been robbed and had no murder before letting them go!

   On the way!



  Amidst the sea breeze and the rolling waves, Arthur was lying on the deck, eating the chicken drumsticks that the chef had just cooked, and he felt comfortable!

   But unlike him, what is different is that Freddodd who is behind him is drooling!

   As a pirate who drinks and eats meat every day, chicken drumsticks can be said to be something that Fredodd usually gets tired of!

   But sometimes you only know to cherish it when you lose it!

   Freddodd, now a captive, although Arthur did not abuse him, he did not treat him well either!

   All the people on the boat eat leftovers!

   So Freddo can't eat a few bites of meat in a day!

   Because of this, he is now drooling when he sees the tired chicken legs!

   "What? Want to eat?"

   While looking at him like this slander, Arthur's eyes rolled up and he asked cheerfully!

   "Uh, uh!" Upon hearing this, Fredodd nodded repeatedly!

   Upon seeing this, after Arthur showed a mean smile, he took a chicken leg from the side and handed it to him, as if to give him the chicken leg!

   But just as he stretched out his hand to take it, Arthur's hand shrank suddenly, took the chicken leg back, took a bite, and made a look of enjoyment while eating, saying, "Uh, uh, it's so fragrant!"

   Suddenly, the smile on Freddod’s face and the outstretched hand froze!

   Nima! ! !

   slut! ! !

   In this regard, apart from the constant rants in his heart, Freddo dared not make any practical actions on the surface!

no way!

   Little life is in the hands of others, just like that!

   And just when Arthur molested Fredow in a humble manner, not far from them, a passing naval ship stopped!


   "What's the situation over there?"

  I just returned from the North Sea, preparing to go to Gion, the headquarters of the navy. During the voyage, after subconsciously glanced at the passing ships not far away with the binoculars, I suddenly felt something wrong!

"Let me see!"

   Her female adjutant heard the words, but she also picked up the binoculars and took a closer look at the ship Gion said!

   Observed for a long time!

The female adjutant put down her binoculars, frowned and thought for a while, she seemed to have thought of something, she slapped her head, showing a daze, and then hurriedly ran into the cabin and took out a stack of rewards. Ling, returned to the deck!

   "This is it, there is this person on the opposite boat!"

After searching for the reward order, the female adjutant took out one of them, handed it to Gion, and said, "Lieutenant General Gion! Although we are a bit far away from their ship, it’s a bit hard to see, but it is conspicuous through that. The bald head, I can be sure that he is the bald villain Freddodd with a reward of 50 million!"


   Gion raised his brows, and after taking a look at the reward, he picked up the binoculars and looked at the boat not far away!

   In the end, she confirmed that Freddodd was indeed on board!

   At the same time, she also confirmed that besides Freddodd, there is also an unknown character with a sturdy figure and a fierce appearance.

   Moreover, this unknown character seems to have subdued Freddod, so Freddod can only stand respectfully behind him!

   "Attack that ship!" Without hesitation, Gion directly issued the order!


   Upon hearing this, the female adjutant asked in surprise, "Lieutenant General Gion, are you not sure if the other party is the hijacked ship?"

"No! I just watched it. Except for Fred and the unknown character who seemed to subdue Fredow on the opposite ship, there was no fear on the faces of the other crew members. They should not have been hijacked. It's a group!" Gion said solemnly.

   When she was observing the opponent's ship just now, she also observed the other crew members and sailors on the ship besides Fredod and the murderous-looking unknown character!

   Judging from their expressions and expressions, Gion concluded that these people must not be held hostage!

   "But... that person doesn't seem to be offering a reward? If you are a long, "characteristic" person, if there is a reward, I should be impressed!" The female adjutant hesitated.

"Attack directly, it doesn't matter if you kill by mistake! After all, the other person is not a good person at first sight!" Gion said in a deep voice, "Furthermore, Dofred can be with the other party and nothing happens. This has been explained side by side. This person is probably not a good person!"


   The female adjutant listened to Gion's words, and didn't say anything. She nodded and turned around and left, and went to follow Gion's orders!


the other side!

   I didn’t know that because he looked ugly after makeup, Arthur, who was defined as a bad guy, looked at the navy ship coming over here not far away, and couldn’t help frowning!

  What is the Navy doing here?

   Thinking in his head, Arthur knew he couldn’t let the navy come over!

   Not to mention that he and the navy are enemies, just that he still has Fredod on the ship!

  As a pirate, if Freddodd is seen by the navy, he must be caught!

   But Arthur can't let them catch Fredod now!

   After all, the Marta energy crystal wants him to lead the way to find it!

   So I can’t let the navy come over!

   But, after thinking about Arthur, there is no good way to refuse the other party!

The Navy is a law enforcement unit. If he is not allowed to come over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then the Arthur’s ship is suspicious. I would definitely want to catch Fredodd!

   It can be said that this is an endless loop without solution!


   Thinking, Arthur sighed involuntarily, and said, "It seems that this group of navy can only be left behind!"

   Honestly, Arthur didn’t want to do this!

  Because although the navy and Saint Martin are enemies, although there are many nasty things in the navy, they are not concealed. They are also the main force to maintain the order of the sea and keep the sea from falling into chaos. There are also many respectable characters who fight for faith!

  If the two sides are not in a hostile state, Arthur generally doesn't want to move them, at most they can't help them, and only instigate some of them!

   However, judging from the current situation, even if Arthur didn't want it in his heart, he could only do so!

   Otherwise, it will definitely cause a series of troubles!

   When Arthur was about to control the opponent's ship, suddenly!


   Along with the violent sound of breaking through the air, a black cannonball flew from a navy ship!

other side...

   Let's do it first! ! !

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