Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1014: Kidnapper of interest


   Seeing the cannonballs coming, Arthur immediately drew out the water gun from his waist and shot it out!


  In an instant, the black cannonball exploded in mid-air!

   But, things didn’t stop there!





   After the first shell exploded, the navy fired another seven or eight shells!





   Seeing this, Arthur didn't feel soft, holding a water gun and blasting them one by one in the air!

   At this moment, the navy ships are already close to their ships!

  At the same time, Arthur also officially saw the people on the navy ship.


   Arthur was a little surprised!

   He never expected that he would hit Gion in this vast sea!

   But after another thought, the evil starts from the heart!

   If it was the navy's constant approaching behavior that made him want to play with them, now he is subjectively trying to play with them!

   And the reason...

   Without him!

If it were not for the unexpected factor of Gion a few days ago, then the layout of St. Martin’s in the mountain country would not have such a big flaw. In the end, Yusuke Inoue had to work hard to act in a scene to fool the world. government!

   This makes Arthur a little angry at Gion!

  Furthermore, Gion is the mainstay of the navy and the reserve general of the navy. There is a great chance of becoming a general in the future!

   In this case, getting her done is tantamount to weakening the navy!

   Although Arthur has no malice towards the navy, he became hostile only because of his position, but now that he has become hostile, he will naturally do something to weaken his opponent's strength!

   There is no conflict with him before he didn’t want to do anything with the Navy!

  The reason why he didn't want to do anything with the navy was because the navy maintained the order on the sea, and many of them fought for faith and peace in the sea. Admirable characters!

   The reason for getting Gion is because the opponent may pose a threat to Saint Martin in the future!

   Well, it sounds a bit contradictory, but it doesn't conflict!

  Because, man is a complicated contradiction!

   It's like some **** guys can do the devoid of conscience while doing good deeds to help the poor people!

  While they may be forced by life, or because of self-protection, or because they want more power, they have done utter conscience, but they can also do good deeds for the sake of relief of the common people, protection of the common people, and giving back to the society!

   Arthur is in a similar state now!

   contradictory but not conflicting!

   Thinking, just as Arthur was about to do something, the opposite Gion was a step ahead of Arthur!

   "Bang, bang, bang!"

After    jumped up, Gion stepped a few times out of thin air.

   Then her figure floated and landed on the deck of Arthur's ship!

"you are?"

   Gion, after taking a look at Freddod, fixed his gaze on Arthur, who looked like a big brother.

   "Lieutenant Admiral... Gion?" Arthur didn't answer his words, but pretended not to recognize him and asked hesitantly.

   The other party knows himself?

   Gion's eyes flashed with a gleam, and after nodding, he narrowed his eyes again and said, "Are you?"

   "A hobby... kidnapper!" Arthur muttered.

Ok? (Doubt---some don't understand!)

Ok! ? (Surprise---after pondering over and over, I thought I had heard it wrong!)

Ok? ? ? (Unbelievable---After confirming that I heard nothing wrong, my eyes widened and my face was incredible!)

   After the changes in the above three expressions, Gion was suddenly taken aback!

   But at the moment when she was stunned, Arthur moved!


   Seeing the chance, a hand knife hit Gion’s delicate neck directly!


   did not resist at all, Gion's body softened and fell directly to the ground!

   "It's done, good luck!" Arthur looked at Gion who fell on the ground and smiled with satisfaction!

   There is a big gap between the strength of the two themselves!

   Arthur is a figure standing at the top of the general, and although Gion is a candidate for the general, but in terms of strength, he is still a bit short of the general, only the peak of the lieutenant!

   With such a big class gap, plus Gion's stupefaction because of Arthur's words, it is no surprise that Arthur's one move has overpowered Gion!

   Of course, it was the first time Gion had met Arthur this time. I didn't know that the enemy was Arthur, and there was no detailed judgment of the enemy's strength in my heart to cause such a result!

   If you come again, if Gion is prepared, if Gion is not stunned, then Arthur will not knock her out so easily!

   After all, Gion is also a lieutenant general anyway!

   And just after knocking Gion out, Arthur did not rest either!

   "Bang, bang, bang!"

   After a moonwalk like Gion just came, Arthur's figure also landed on the navy ship!

"Da da!"

   In the collision of the leather shoes and the wooden floor, a light footstep sounded, and the navy on this ship followed the sound and focused their eyes on Arthur!

   "Who are you? Where is Lieutenant General Gion?"

   Gion’s female adjutant raised the question first!

   "Yes? Where's Lieutenant General Gion?"

   "Didn't Lieutenant General Gion ran over just now? How come this person is on our boat!"

   "Could it be..."


   Then, a group of navies also voiced doubts.

   Among them, some of them responded quickly. According to the scene in front of them, they even came up with an incredible result---Gion Admiral has been subdued or may be killed!

   "Lieutenant General Gion?"

   After Arthur sneered, a joking expression appeared on his face, and he asked, "I'm here now, you guys... really don't know what happened to your Gion Lieutenant General?"

   "Damn it!"


"Son of a bitch!"


   Listening to what he said, the navy gritted their teeth and showed anger!

As a military flower in the navy, Gion is almost the object of admiration for all male navies, especially these people on Gion’s ships. In addition to female adjutants, there are several female soldiers, as long as they are single~www .wuxiaspot.com~ It can be said that from the bottom of my heart I have a hint of fantasy for Gion---Gion’s licking dog!

   And now that Arthur said so, he almost directly admitted that something went wrong in Gion!

   He did it!

   How does this make them not angry?

   "Don't worry, I didn't kill her!" Arthur looked at this group of navy's angry expressions that seemed to be cannibalistic, and added with a smile!

   After listening to these words, the expressions of the navy alleviated a little!

   But still ugly!

   "Go, everyone! Damn this bastard, save Lieutenant General Gion!"

   At this time, I don't know which navy called first.



   "Rescue Lieutenant General Gion!"


   Immediately, all the navies all agreed and swarmed, trying to get Arthur to rescue back to Gion!


There's no after that!

   Gion was knocked out by Arthur with a knife, what else could her men do?

   After Arthur's body shape quickly shuttled past this group of navy, all the navies on the scene, regardless of men and women, were all stunned by him!

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