Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1015: The light of hope


   With the sound of boiling soup, Arthur couldn't wait to get a piece of fat cow!


   After waiting for a few seconds, he fished out the fat cow, dipped it with the dipping sauce, and ate it beautifully while inhaling cold air!

   "Come on, have a drink of ice coke!"

   At this time, Gion smiled, took a glass of ice-cola poured and brought it to Arthur's mouth!

   "Gulong, Gulong!"

   Seeing this, while Arthur casually clamped the chopsticks pierced from under Gion with two fingers, he also drank two sips of the Coke she fed to his mouth!


After drinking the Coke, he hiccuped at home. Arthur continued to scald the fat cow, while faintly said, "If you do this kind of useless temptation, the navy on your ship will be buried with you. !"

   Hearing this, Gion's face became stiff, but soon returned to normal!

She pretended to be nonchalant, and while she cooked the dishes to Arthur's bowl, she said intentionally or unconsciously, "Why didn't you kill me, but grab me? And since you have caught me, why don't you tie it up? What about me? Who are you?"

   These are things that Gion is more confused about now!

   It stands to reason that the guys who are normally the enemy of the navy, no matter who they are, except for their special purpose, mostly kill the navy after catching the navy!

   Even if it didn’t kill, it had another purpose, but at least it would tie it up!

   But none of these Arthurs!

   not only did not kill her, but besides threatening her not to act rashly with the safety of her subordinates, not to call her for help, nor did she tie her up, and did not put too much restriction on her!

   These make Gion very strange!

  What is Arthur thinking?

   With such a thought in mind, what Gion still wants to explore is, who is Arthur like this now?

   Or maybe...

   What is the identity behind Arthur?

   Well, she felt that a person as strong as Arthur could not be unknown at sea!

   In her view, it is truly silent, who has not experienced a battle, has no reputation, and it is impossible to reach this level of strength!

"Ha ha!"

And Arthur listened to her, chuckled twice, and disdainfully said, "Why don't you kill you but catch you? Haha! Kill you, then it will be cheaper for you! Lao Tzu walked on the sea well, you and him My mother must rush over to fiddle with me, or give you a profound lesson that life is better than death.

"And... to tie you? With your strength, can ordinary chains be tied? Impossible! Need a special chain to really tie, and I don’t have this kind of chain by my side now, so it’s the same whether you tie it or not. !"

   As he said, Arthur added faintly, "Besides, now your subordinates are in my hands now, will you run?"

   "As for my identity... At this time, in this situation, you are still in the mood to inquire about my identity?"

   Arthur answered the questions one by one.


   While listening, Gion cursed involuntarily!

   She didn't believe in the answer given by Arthur, and didn't agree with it. She felt that Arthur had another purpose!

   But thinking so in her heart, she still silently accepted these answers on the surface!

   Well, what if I don’t accept it?

   Now everyone is in the other's hands!

   While watching Gion silently, as if accepting these answers, Arthur smiled slightly, but didn't say anything!

   He did have another purpose!

   Although Gion had hit him this time, this did not prevent Arthur from having other thoughts.

   Like using Tsuru’s sister, there are two identities as the future general candidate!

   As for how to use...

   Arthur never thought of it for a while!

   After all, the conflict between Gion and her this time was accidental. It was not Arthur's careful calculation, so now I just have a thought in my mind!

   Of course, even if he didn’t think of a way to use it in the end, it doesn’t matter!

   The reason why he used Gion was because she hit him on the one hand, and because Arthur felt that she would threaten Saint Martin in the future, so he did it!

   And under this premise, it doesn’t matter even if you don’t use Gion’s identity to make any articles!

   Anyway, his original goal was achieved!

"Wait, I suddenly got an inspiration... as long as the operation is good, Gion should be able to part ways with the world government and the navy. Maybe there is a chance to recruit her as a subordinate in the end?" Arthur thought. Slap his head, suddenly a little excited!

   It would be great if Gion could be recruited as a subordinate!

   After all, she is already at the peak of a lieutenant general and is about to break through the general!

   If she recruits her as a subordinate, at most two or three years, there is more than 90% chance of gaining a general!

   But soon, Arthur calmed down!

   Although the general is good, he also knows that the most important person at the moment is not the general, not Gion.

   but got Marta energy crystal!

  Only by obtaining a sufficient amount of Marta energy crystals, can he activate the engineering robot that he had obtained a long time ago but has not been activated!

  As long as the engineering robot is activated, then according to Archibald's statement, many black technologies in the Tike Kingdom can be directly manufactured from raw materials, instead of climbing the technology tree step by step like Saint Martin's now!

   At that time, St. Martin can use the direct product to reverse the technology!

   Therefore, the matter of separating Gion from the world government and navy must be put aside later!

   Of course, the main reason for putting it later is another point!

   That is, the fact that Gion and the world government and the navy parted ways were just the inspiration of Arthur's sudden appearance, and it was not perfect!

   If it needs to be converted into reality, it still requires a lot of preparation, a lot of detailed consideration, and a lot of meticulous design. It will definitely be impossible for a while!

   "Let's do it, first get the Marta energy crystal, and then we will get Gion to part ways with the world government!" Arthur ate calmly on the surface, UU reading www.uukanshu. com had a decision in his heart.

the other side!

   Fredod, who was standing in the corner of the deck, saw the small movements of Arthur and Gion in his eyes!


   This is the first thought in his mind!

   "Only such a powerful person can I have the opportunity to fulfill my only wish in fifteen years?" Fredoud was secretly excited, calm on the surface, but his heart had already turned into a stormy sea!

this moment!

   He felt that his originally dim life had a glimmer of light!

   A ray of light called hope!

   "Even if you die... Don't hesitate!"

Fredoud recalled the past, whispered in his mouth, did not know what was thinking in his mind, subconsciously gritted his teeth, his eyes flickered, but his fists were clenched tightly, and the veins on the back of his hand were exposed, as if he wanted to The back of the hand jumps out!

   "Fredold, it's dinner!"

   At this time, a shout came from the sailor in the cabin!


   Suddenly, Freddod's face changed, and there was a look of eagerness hung on his face, and he became the previous seemingly ordinary, even somewhat funny, Pirate Captain Freddod!

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