Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1025: Luffy Island

   Small town port!

   "Princess, things are set like this! The remaining ministers will do it!" Yamada Muraichiro smiled and bowed, and then boarded the boat with someone.

   and Gion listened to his words, smiled and watched him leave, then boarded the boat and left!

   However, the two left very chic, but the master of the port has been unable to recover for a long time!

   What did I hear?

   Princess! ?

   After the middle-aged man in the guard team left, his brain was down for a while!

   He wondered if he had heard it wrong!

   After a long time, until the ships where the two were on disappeared from his sight, the middle-aged guards barely accepted the news!


   Without any hesitation, the middle-aged guards had this idea for the first time!

   Let people keep up!

   Immediately afterwards, he remembered what the Warring States had ordered before, and let people follow them!

   Thinking of this, the middle-aged guard dared not have any delay. While arranging to follow up, he ran towards his office, ready to call to inform him!


   Say it's too late, then soon!

   In a while!

   The navy headquarters has got the news!


   After listening to the news, while looking confused, the Warring States period felt even more headache!


   What the hell?

   Could it be that Gion became the princess of Saint Martin?

   Thinking, Zeng Guo shook his head, and denied the last thought!

  What are you kidding?

  How could Gion become the princess of Saint Martin?

   Although she has been at the Saint Martin Naval Branch Base for a while, according to the report, she really has no contact with Saint Martin!

   Suddenly, the Warring States period was stunned!

   Because he suddenly remembered a news!

   A message more than ten years ago!

   After Gion met Arthur for the first time, according to the gossip, Gion’s legs were not close the next day. According to the people on her boat, it was with Arthur!

   When I heard the news, the Warring States period didn't care too much, I just thought it was fake, it was a rumor!

   But now, in combination with the news reported below, after thinking carefully, the Warring States period actually gave birth to such a trace of suspicion!

   After all, it’s too unscientific to eat hot pot until the legs can’t fit together!

   I’ve never heard of the Warring States!

   I want to say that Gion and Arthur fell in love at first sight, they had an affair on the first day, so believable!

   "Thinking about it this way, it's even more headache!" The Warring States period couldn't help rubbing his temples!

   The scene that was originally convoluted, now with the sound of the princess, it has become even more confusing!

  The only thing that can be determined in the Warring States period is that Gion really has a problem!

   Otherwise, why would you meet Yamada Tamura Ichiro in such a remote place?

   "What should I do?" Thinking about it, the Warring States period got even more headache!

   If Gion were an ordinary navy, the Warring States would not have that headache. Regardless of whether there is a problem, he directly ordered the arrest of the person, and then used some gentle means to slowly interrogate it!

   Finally, if you make a mistake, let it go, and then sincerely apologize!

  Ka Gion is not an ordinary navy!

   Not only is she a lieutenant admiral, she is also an alternate to the general, and she is also a friend of the Warring States from childhood, the godsister of Crane. With such multiple identities, the Warring States would definitely want to catch her directly!

   Guanghe was not so easy to pass that level!

   Unless it is said that he ignores the friendship between the two for many years!


   And just when the Sengoku has a headache and doubts about life!

   While continuing to arrange Gion's affairs, Arthur, the initiator, received a surprising news!

   "Huh? Luffy and his party arrived at the sky island?" Arthur was shocked.

   Originally, he thought that after the golden bell rang, Luffy and his party should not go to the sky island again!

   After all, as far as he knows, the descendant of the big talker Rolando, that is, Vembran Kulick, heard the golden bell when Arthur rang the golden bell!

   Later, because of the sound of the bell, he confirmed the existence of Sky Island and led his subordinates, that is, the Saruyama United Army on a journey to search for the Golden Country!

   However, because the violent currents are too dangerous, he has been searching back and forth in the sea for these years, looking for a safe way to land on the island!

   Of course, I haven't found it!

   And because Vembran Kulick was not in the original place on the way to find a safe landing on the empty island, Luffy and his party did not meet him, and no one helped them land in the White Sea on the violent rising current!

   Therefore, in Arthur's view, it is basically impossible for their ship to reach the White Sea!

   But what he didn't expect was that Luffy and his party got on the surging current without help!

Well, according to the news from the people below Arthur, when Luffy's boat was driving on the sea early this morning, a sudden rising current happened to appear under their boat, and they were sent on board. God!

   "This can be encountered, I really don't know whether to say they were unlucky or lucky!" After digesting the shocking news for a while, Arthur couldn't help but shook his head. Some dumbfounding!

  While not laughing or crying, Arthur also knew that compared to the original plot, the current Luffy and his party must have a hard time!

no way!

  Originally, their ship was reinforced by the Saruyama Coalition led by Vembran Kulick, so they could withstand the violent rising current and safely board the White Sea!

   And now their ship has not been reinforced, but suddenly encountered a sudden rising current!

   In this case, their ships may not be able to withstand the powerful impact brought by the rising ocean currents and fall apart. Even if they did not fall apart in the end, their ships would definitely be seriously injured after logging into the White Sea!


   The fact is as Arthur thought!

  After logging into the White Sea, the Golden Meri was hit hard!

   The mast was broken, not to mention, the bottom of the ship also leaked several large holes, the water gurgled into the ship, the deck of the ship, and the walls of the ship were also cracked to varying degrees!

   The whole ship has entered a high-risk state!

   Simply~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Usopp reacted quickly, and brought Sauron and Sanji to make repairs in time, so that their ship would not sink!

"No! The ship is too badly damaged. Even if our ship is repaired, it won’t last long. Now we must find a professional shipyard to repair it!" Usopp wiped his sweat. , Slumped on the ground, said with an embarrassed expression.

   "But, where do we look for a shipyard in this horrible place?" Nami looked at the endless white clouds around her with a look of despair!

   At this time, she is no longer in the mood to watch this beautiful and fantastic scenery!

   In addition to the bad news that the ship has entered a high-risk state, she also felt a little difficulty breathing!


   Nami is sure of her current state!

   Not only that, she also found that the other people on the boat also had varying degrees of hypoxia, and all of them were a little listless!

   "No, if this continues, maybe something big will happen!" Nami thought anxiously!

   "Nami, Nami, look, there seems to be something different over there!"

   At this moment, Luffy, lying weakly on the fence, suddenly pointed in a direction and yelled in excitement!

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