Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1026: princess! ?

   Follow Luffy’s voice and look!

   Everyone saw a waterfall, a white waterfall that seemed to connect the sky and the earth!

   "Hey, there seems to be a building under that waterfall?"

   At this moment, Usopra put down the small binoculars that looked like spectacles and hung up on his head. After taking a closer look, he was a little uncertain.

   "Past!" After listening to Usopp, Nami took a binoculars and looked at herself, and made a decision without hesitation!

   Although it feels a little strange that there are buildings in the clouds, they have to go no matter how strange it is right now!

no way!

   The Golden Meri is now in a high-risk state. If they don’t pass, all they have to wait is to sink. Although the past is strange, there may be a way out!

"it is good!"

   Similarly, the other people on the boat listened to Nami's instructions and did not hesitate to do so!

   They also know that their ship is now in a high-risk state!

"Sky Island... just go back and have a look!" And Robin on the deck, looking at the waterfall not far away, while thinking silently in her mind, Arthur and Arthur also appeared in her mind. The smile of her child!

   Subconsciously, there was a smile on her face!

that's it!

   Luffy and his party drove toward the waterfall!

   In a while!

   They came to the front of the building they had just seen!

"The Gate of the Kingdom of St. Martin...this name? It's a bit weird!" Usopp looked up at the words written on the giant arch in front of him. As he read it, there was something strange in his heart. !

   The Gate of Heaven sounds unlucky, and coupled with the Kingdom of Saint Martin, a world-famous kingdom, these two combinations make him unspeakably weird!

   However, weirdness is weirdness. Deep down in Usopp's heart is still shocked by the huge cloud building in front of him!

   He saw this kind of animal building in the cloud for the first time!

   and similar to Usopp, the people on the same boat felt shocked, but also felt a little weird!

   "The Kingdom of Saint Martin? Isn't that a big country in the West Sea? How could their names appear here? Did Saint Martin expand the kingdom to the sky?" Sanji smoked his cigarette, showing a look of puzzlement!

   At the same time he was puzzled, a ray of excitement flashed deep under his eyes!

  Because he remembers that someone once said to him that the best chefs in the world are in the kitchen of the King's Palace of Saint Martin. The most delicious dishes in the world are made by them, and they will shine!

   He didn't have time and no chance to verify before!

   But if the place in front of you is really the territory of the Kingdom of Saint Martin, then maybe he has a chance to see the most delicious dishes made by the so-called best chef in the world!

   "Yes! How can a big country in the West Sea appear here?" Sauron was also a little puzzled!

   Like Sanji, Sauron also felt puzzled!

   However, unlike Sanji, after he felt a little puzzled, he didn't care about it in an instant!

   In his opinion, what country, what family, are all clouds!

   Swordsmanship is his only pursuit!

   "Anyway, let's go in first!" Nami said in a deep voice.

   Compared to others, Nami is much calmer now!

   As to why Saint Martin appeared here, she is not in the mood and has no time to care!

   She knows that their main task now is to repair the ship. Only after the ship is repaired can they talk about other things. If the ship is not repaired, everything will be a cloud!

  Finally, after Nami gave an order, Luffy and his team drove in the door!

   "Stop the ship, pull over, check it out!"

   As soon as he entered the door, he screamed out of thin air!

   Listening to this voice, Nami and the others did not make any radical moves!

   Stop the boat, pull over, all in one go!

   They are not pirates, so naturally they are not afraid of inspection!

  Similarly, they are not pirates, so naturally they will not force themselves into such an obvious place!

"Da da da!"

   After a sound of footsteps, a group of soldiers in blue uniforms boarded them.

   "We are the navy soldiers of the Kingdom of Saint Martin, please cooperate with us in the inspection, thank you!" a young soldier headed by said solemnly.

   "Okay!" Nami could only nod her head in agreement.

   The young soldier listened and winked at the soldiers behind him!

   When even the soldiers behind him went into the cabin and checked!

  At the same time, the young soldier also stood in front of Luffy and took out a pen and paper, and asked, "Tell me about your identity and occupation? I'll register!"

While    was talking, the young soldier couldn't help but looked up and down Luffy's group!

   He feels this, he seems to be familiar with these people in front of him!


   Nami agrees very happy about this!

   They didn’t do anything wrong, so she had nothing to fear!

"My name is Nami, and my profession is a navigator..." Nami just said without a word. The young soldier in front of her seemed to have heard some unbelievable news. His eyes widened and looked up and down Nami. I looked at the people behind Nami again!

In the end, after looking at it for a while, he seemed to confirm something, his face showed excitement, and said excitedly, "Wait, I know who you are! I also know who you are! You are The protagonist of the Adventure King, the people from the Straw Hat Adventure Group, right?"

   said, the youth did not wait for Nami and others to answer, so he handed the paper and pen to Nami to register, and said, "Miss Nami, I am your fan! Can you sign me?"

After    finished, he looked at Nami expectantly!

   And Nami couldn't turn her mind until she subconsciously accepted the pen and paper he handed over!

   What the hell?

   How do you feel that the style of painting is wrong?

   Am I going to register?

   How did it become a fan meeting?

   Thinking about it, Nami, who has a veteran experience in rivers and lakes, also reacted quickly, and responded with a natural smile, "Okay!"

After    said, she signed her name on the paper!

   "Captain, no problem!"

   At this moment, the few navy soldiers who went to check in the cabin happened to come out!

   Upon seeing this, the young soldier smiled and put away his signature, and said, "Miss Nami, you can go!"

   Listening to what he said, the soldiers under him seemed to have heard some incredible news. They looked at Nami and said, "Wait? Are you Nami? Nami among the Adventure King?"


   Nami nodded and admitted.

"Luffy, Sauron, Sanji, Usopp, the most mysterious Miss Robin, and Chopper, really Chopper!" Hearing Nami's words, the soldiers turned their heads and looked behind Nami again. After identifying the identities of the members of the ship one by one, they became excited!

   "Miss Nami, please take a photo with me!"

   "Luffy, Luffy, take a picture with me!"

   "Sauron, can you sign me?"

   "Sanji, shall we take a picture together?"

   "Usopp, come, let's take a picture together!"

   "Chopper, Chopper, my daughter loves you the most, shall we take a picture together? If possible, can I invite you to my house later?"

   "Miss Robin, can you take a photo?"


   In the end, this group of soldiers enthusiastically surrounded several people asking for autographs and taking photos!

   Regarding this, Nami smiled confidently, revealing the most beautiful look in the world, and readily agreed to the soldiers' request, saying, "Okay!"

   Luffy showed a happy appearance, scratching his head and smiling to cooperate with the soldiers!

   Sauron looked a little uncomfortable, and still signed the soldier with a pen!

   Sanji is very pretending to show a melancholic look~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but still cooperates with the soldiers to take pictures!

   Usopp had a bright smile on his face, and put one hand over the shoulder of the soldier who was going to take a photo with him, and made a yes gesture with one hand, and said, "Come on!"


   Qiaoba scratched his head, showing an embarrassed appearance, and still agreed to the soldier's request!

   Only Robin was still calmly reading the book over there, showing a look that no strangers would enter!

   Even the soldier's request for a group photo, she waved her hand and declined!

   But at this moment, a voice came from far and near under the boat!

   "What the **** are you rascals? Why is it so slow to inspect a ship?" With a rough and dissatisfied voice, a rough man in his 30s in military uniform boarded the ship!

   And the moment he boarded the ship, he saw Robin!

   "See Princess Robin!!!"

   Without any hesitation, the rough man immediately bowed his eyes as he stared round and looked strange!

   Apparently she recognized Robin's identity!

   Princess! ?

   And Luffy and his party on the ship, as well as the soldiers in charge of the inspection, listened to this sentence, they were all stunned!

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