Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1036: Arch fire

"Above the King of Pirates (

The next day!

"It feels like the atmosphere of the whole Angel Island has changed overnight!" Walking on the street, Luffy looked around and couldn't help sighing.

Perhaps because of the game, there were a lot of tall and sturdy men on Angel Island early this morning, wandering the streets and heading for a certain place on Angel Island.

"It should be the reason why the game is about to start!" Sanji said lightly after taking a puff of cigarette.


After Luffy nodded, he smiled and said, "Then Sauron, let's go, let's sign up together!"

"No, I can just sign up by myself! Go ahead and play, don't bother!" Sauron glanced at Luffy and shook his head.

"Anyone?" Sanji looked at Sauron and couldn't help but said, "Did you forget that you are a lunatic?"


Sauron was speechless!

In the end, the group was still laughing and playing together and came to the registration office!


"Sauron! Roronoa Sauron!"

"Source of qualification?"

"Brokenback gym!"


Wrestling competitions are not casual. Except recommended by various gyms, wrestling halls, and public security offices, you can only participate in the competition after signing up for the subordinate regional competition and winning!

But the subordinate regional competition ended a month ago, and Sauron was obviously unable to participate!

Because of this, he can't sign up normally!

However, since the muscular man wants Sauron to participate in the name of their gym, naturally everything is ready!

He directly asked Sauron to use their gym's recommended quota to participate in the competition, and before leaving last night, he also told Sauron about all the main points of registration!

Therefore, Sauron signed up very smoothly!

"Oh, Sauron, did you sign up for your name? Okay! I'm still thinking about waiting for you here. If you don't sign up for your name, I'll do it for you!" Strung out from the crowd next to you!

Sauron followed the sound, and he was the muscular man of yesterday!

"Ennis, you are here!" Sauron said.


The brawny man called Ennis agreed and said with a smile, "Since we have signed up, then we need an assault training next!"

"Assault training!?"

The people in the Straw Hat Adventure Group, including Sauron, all showed a look of puzzlement!

"Although the strength of the wrestling match is very important, it is not just a matter of strength, but also requires a little skill!" After a serious explanation, Enni said with a smile, "In addition, wrestling matches have rules, and you are A swordsman, don't you understand this?"


Sauron was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"So, we need to conduct an assault training!" Ennis said sternly, "There are three days of free time after the registration is over. We will use this time to conduct an assault training to familiarize you with the rules of wrestling and learn it. Simple technique!"

"So troublesome?" Sauron said subconsciously, "Okay!"

Although I felt very troublesome, and felt a little regretful for agreeing so readily before, but now that he had promised others, Sauron would not regret it!

Besides, according to Ennis, this wrestling contest will involve people from the entire sky island, and there will be many strong players at that time, and challenging the strong and fighting the strong is exactly what Sauron wanted!

Even if the challenge is not Kendo!


the other side!

While Sauron was conducting assault training with Ennis, Arthur also received the latest information about Gion!


Just one word can describe the current situation of Gion!

After being found by the navy, the navy followed this line and went on chasing it, and soon it chased to Gion, where Arthur put the ship off the ship, and there was a conflict with Gion!

And the result...

Gion is defeated!

The first person to catch up with her was just a rear admiral!

But even in the face of such a rear admiral, Gion still failed miserably!

There is no other reason!

She knows that although she is innocent, once she kills these former colleagues, then even the innocent will become black!

So she didn't want to be cruel to her former colleague, and she didn't want to kill him. She was fearful in the battle, which eventually led to her fiasco!

But fortunately, her own strength far surpassed this major general colleague. After the fiasco, she still escaped!

However, after escaping, she lived more and more miserable!

After the navy tracked her whereabouts, it would naturally not let her go so easily!

Hunt, hunt, hunt again!

After Gion escaped, he would encounter at least a wave of naval men hunted every day!

Normally speaking, as a powerhouse at the peak level of the lieutenant general, she was able to deal with these with ease, and even anti-killing was not difficult!

But here is the problem!

In order to prove her innocence, and to prevent her from becoming black, Gion couldn't deal with her hunters!

In this case ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In order to cope with these hunts, Gion had to work hard and had a terrible life!

"It's been a miserable life! Once the navy forces Gion to the edge of the cliff, when Gion has to fight back, then there will be a great success rate in soliciting Gion!" Arthur looked at the intelligence and couldn't help his face. A smile appeared!

He knew that the reason why Gion was not cruel is because she didn't want to be black!

But what if you are forced to the edge of a cliff?

Then she had to be cruel and had to become black!

But in that situation, the original friendship between Gion and the navy is truly over. After Gion becomes black, he will not keep his hands on the navy!

"However, having said that, by that time, Gion will not be blackened?" Arthur thought with interest, touching his chin.

If this situation continues, Gion will probably turn black in the end!

After all, once a person is forced to the extreme, after breaking the string in his heart, he will often change to look completely opposite to his previous character!

For example, after an honest person is bullied to the extreme, the string in his heart is broken, and he will often break out completely, fall into madness, and kill the person who bullied him!

Gion is also likely to be like this, after the string is broken, it will be completely black!

"Well, the blackened Gion...seems very interesting!" The more Arthur thought about it, the more he felt that the blackened Gion should be very interesting!


Under the fire?

Suddenly, such an idea appeared in Arthur's head!

Well, arch fire!

Soon, he also confirmed his thoughts!

Let Gion go dark!

Not for anything else!

Just to see what Gion will become after blackening!

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