Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1037: Gaffe

"Above the King of Pirates (

Navy Headquarters!

Marshal's office!

"What? I'm going to catch Gion?" He looked at the serious warring states he was sitting at his desk, his expression a little gloomy.

As the chief of staff of the Navy, Crane rarely loses his mind!

In the past few decades, it happened occasionally when I was young, but with the increase of age, the increase of knowledge, and the increase of wisdom, the time when the crane loses its state becomes less and less!

And this time is her first gaffe in recent years!


After the Warring States nodded, he said solemnly, "That's what the above requires!"

"Don't you know the relationship between me and Gion? Why did they ask me to arrest Gion?" He asked again and again.

Under the impact of the news, her steady state of mind seemed a little messy!

Although she has no blood relationship with Gion, she has always regarded Gion as a younger sister, and now she is suddenly asked to hunt down this "sister". How would she be willing?

"It is precisely because of this that the above asked you to catch it!" The Warring States said in a deep voice.


He was taken aback for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something as if he could not believe in him, "Suspect me above?"

Warring States shrugged and said, "Although they didn't say that, but I heard it, they should be what they meant!"

As he said, the voice of the Warring States period changed, and he said, "Of course, I understand this point. After all, you and Gion and I can also sympathize with sisters. Not only the navy, but even a large part of the world government knows that, in this case Under the circumstances, they will inevitably have a trace of doubt!"

Warring States and Crane have been friends for many years, so he has nothing to hide from Crane, it's really white, and then he said his guess and thoughts!

For this result, Crane is a little hard to accept!

You know, she has worked diligently in the navy for decades, and the world government still doubts her if there is credit and hard work, how can she accept it!?

Thinking about it, the look on He's face became a little complicated!

At this time, the Warring States continued, "However, there are also factors that I did not refuse!"

As the admiral of the navy, if the Warring States period insists on rejecting such "trivial matters," the world government cannot force him. At most, we will discuss a few more times!


He raised his brows and looked at the Warring States in a puzzled manner, his eyes seemed to ask him why he did it!

And the next moment!

Warring States has given the answer!

"The demands of the world government are not very strong. After all, they all see your hard work in the Navy over the years. They don't believe you will betray. It's just that this turmoil is really not small, and it affects you. Such an order!"

"To be honest, as long as I refuse, they won't say anything! But after thinking about it, I agreed! The reason is simple, we need to talk to Gion!"

Sengoku said, paused, and continued, "The storm caused by these betrayals of Gion is becoming more and more fierce within the navy. Although I believe that Gion is innocent and impossible to betray, there are still many. People believe that Gion really betrayed!"

"In this case, I have no evidence in my hand, nor did my men find evidence of her innocence. Gion didn’t communicate with us, and didn’t even make a phone call. I wanted to get rid of her. No way to start!"

"So when the world government requested it, I just agreed, letting you hunt down Gion!"

"Of course, my purpose is not to really hunt you down! It's to get you close to her and get some useful news from her. In this way, we have to help her to start, not like it is now. Start!"

So this is ah!

Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, He's expression finally improved, his mind calmed down, and his previous wisdom was restored.

"It's time to talk to Gion! The only information about Gion's situation is the navy report that Mom hunts down every day. We don't know the details. Even if we want to prove her innocence, we can't start!" He Nodded in agreement.

"However, this time you have to take someone with you!" The Warring States stern said.

"Bring someone?"

Crane frowned and asked, "Who?"

Regarding contact with Gion, of course, the fewer people there, the better!

If there are too many people, she will not be able to release water for Gion, so she is a little bit resistant to the Warring States period asking her to take someone!

"Stella!" The Warring States spit out a name that surprised He!

Stella is the head of the Saint Martin Naval Branch Base in Gion!

Now he has become an ordinary lieutenant admiral of the Navy!

But this time, because the storm of Gion's betrayal was intensified, he, as an officer who had been promoted from the Saint Martin Naval Branch Base, was naturally affected to a certain extent!

Of course, after all, he is a lieutenant general, and being affected is affected, but nothing has been affected!

"Why are you taking him?" He asked in a puzzled manner.

"This is also the order from above!" Sengoku said in a deep voice, "The above felt that since Gion had betrayed, then as the navy that also rose from the Saint Martin Naval Branch base, Stella also has a great possibility of rebellion! "

"So, they want you to take him, and then observe carefully on the road to see if he is in the end!"

"Of course, this is just a superficial statement from the above. In fact, I guess Stella should have been sent from above to monitor each other with you!"

"As a suspected person~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the above certainly does not want you to act alone. Similarly, as the former head of the Saint Martin Naval Branch Base, Stella is also suspected, and the world government does this. To do, I guess it should be for the two of you to supervise and monitor each other!"

He listened, showing a dazed expression, and said, "Understood!"

Supervising each other and monitoring each other is not unacceptable!

"Okay, if there is nothing to do, you can go down and prepare first! You will leave at noon. Then I will call you when I get news from the intelligence personnel below, and try to contact her as soon as possible! "The Warring States Period said seriously.

"Well, I understand!" He nodded solemnly, then slowly stood up, and said, "I'm going to prepare now!'

After speaking, she turned and left this room!

Seeing her leaving behind, the Warring States period couldn't help muttering, "Gion, Gion, what are you thinking about?"


at the same time!

Arthur couldn't help but laugh after receiving a message from his subordinates that the Chief of Naval Staff Crane set off!

A small part of the Gion Blackening Project has been completed!

That's right!

The reason why the world government let Crane go to hunt down the navy is because Arthur made the fire in private!

In recent years, Saint Martin has sent many people into the world government, and some of them have been in the middle and high-level positions!

And Arthur used these people, under the intention of the world government itself, slammed the fire, secretly operated for a while, and only then had the crane hunt down Gion!

"Then wait for the crane to catch up with Gion, and the show can start!" Arthur couldn't help but raised his mouth in excitement!

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