Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1042: Blind spot

"Above the King of Pirates (

Early the next morning!

Navy Headquarters!

Marshal's office!

"How could this be?"

Following the information from the crane on the phone, Zeng Guo stood up abruptly, showing an incredible expression!

When he sent the crane out before, he just wanted her to explore Gion's tone, but he never thought that the crane would have a conflict in Gion, let alone that the crane would be seriously injured by Gion.

After all, the two of them were sisters before!

"The main reason is Stella!" The crane on the other end said again.


Warring States raised his brows and couldn't help asking, "What happened to him?"

Sterling knew it, but the Warring States period couldn't think that Gion was seriously injured, what to do with him!

"It's like this..." Hejiang said exactly what he had experienced before.

After listening, Zeng Guo frowned and asked hesitantly, "You mean Stella is a member of the world government, an undercover agent sent by the world government to the navy, and he did this because the world government Don't want to prove Gion's innocence?"

"Well, it should be like this!" He recalled the last conversation between her and Stella, and said with certainty.

"Then if he is a member of the world government, why does the world government send you over? Wouldn't it be enough for him to go in the past or the world government to send some powerful men to kill Gion?" Warring States couldn't help asking.

"I have thought about these issues before, I think...the reason why the world government wants to send me with him should be more to warn me! Warn me not to participate in this kind of thing!"

After Tsuru said a possibility, he said in deep thought, "As for killing Gion... the world government should have considered our ideas!"

After a pause, Crane continued to explain, "Actually, it doesn't matter to the world government whether or not to kill Gion, as long as Gion's crimes can't get rid of it!"

"They know that Gion has a good relationship with us, and this time it can be said that they are at a loss. If they insist on killing Gion, it will be equivalent to making us discriminate against them invisibly, so they did not send anyone to kill. Gion!"

After listening to Crane's explanation, the Warring States Period was silent for a while, and said, "Maybe!"

As he said, he changed his voice, then hesitated, "Then Gion..."

Crane is silent!

The Warring States period waited for a while, but he didn't wait for the answer from the crane on the phone, and suddenly became a little clear---for this question, the crane at this time probably didn't know what to do!

Therefore, the Warring States period came out with an idea, "Well then, when you come back, we will slowly discuss the long-term plan!"


Crane thought for a while, and agreed!

And just when the Warring States period felt like he was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and said,

"Oh, yes! I know you are blaming Stella, because 80% of the responsibility is on him this time! But, you have to know... he is a member of the world government, we can't touch him!"

With that said, there were waves of helplessness in the heart of the Warring States!

The undercover of the world government is the navy's most troublesome undercover!

Not only can't move, even can't even take apart!

There is no other reason!

Just because the navy is a subordinate organization of the world government, both sides are embarrassed to dismantle it!

"I understand!" He replied.

As an old navy, she naturally knew that she could not move Stella, even if dozens of ordinary navy died because of Stella, she could only be angry, but could not move him!

"Okay, so be it!"

Regarding He's answer, the Warring States period was not surprised. He knew that He, as the chief of staff, must have a number in his mind!


the other side!

As for Crane's call, Stella, who got up early in the morning, listened to it without missing a word!

He's room is next to his room. Although the two people talked on the phone in a small voice, although a wall was used as a barrier, Stella could still hear it clearly with her own ears!

And for that...

In addition to a faint smile, he only sighed that Arthur was so good!

It is really easy for a smart person like Crane to think more!

After a hint from him, he succeeded in thinking that he was the undercover agent of the world government!

But actually...

He is the undercover agent of Saint Martin!

"You thought I was on the first floor and you were on the second floor, but in fact you were on the first floor, and I was on the fifth floor! This sentence of your majesty should be used here!" Terra secretly sighed.

Immediately, he changed his voice and said with interest, "And after this time, I am afraid I will become the most upright spy in history, right?"

Stella knew that the navy would not check up after thinking that he was an undercover agent for the world government.

Because even if this kind of thing is verified upwards, the above will generally not answer!

after all...

Sending undercover agents to subordinate agencies to monitor subordinate agencies is a bit immoral in itself!

Even if both sides know it well, they can't say it!

In this case, Stella is equivalent to entering the blind spot of the Navy!

He will monitor the navy in the future. When the navy finds him, even if the navy finds him, he will think he is a spy for the world government, and he will not feel anything. He will not say anything if he is silent!

At the same time, he will be easier when he gets information in the future!

Well, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com faces the surveillance of subordinate agencies. As long as it is a smarter subordinate agency, it will generally quietly expose some important things, but not critical things, to the spy. Let the superiors have a good idea, and want the superiors to report their loyalty!

However, these sound very wonderful, but in fact it is not easy to do something similar to Stella. If the other party is a Tiehanhan and didn’t recognize it, you can’t do such a thing at all, and even if you do it. Life is in danger at any time!

Because once a subordinate organization has a brain pump someday, if it really checks the subordinate organization, then it will be completely cold!

Of course, since Arthur asked Stella to do this, he naturally had an afterthought to ensure that he would not be completely cold!

He also has a lot of power in the world government. If the navy reports, unless the admiral of the Warring States period directly reports to the five old stars, or else he is confident that he will stop the news and tamper with the news to ensure that Stella will not Exposed!

It is for this reason that he dared to make Stella flicker!

"The most upright spy...it feels very interesting just to hear it!" Stella sighed!


at the same time!

Sky Island!

Angel Island!

Today’s Angel Island is very special!

People come and go on the streets, not only the local people of Angel Island, but also many people from other islands, and most of them are tall men with big builds!

And their goals are basically the same!

Located in the western outskirts of Angel Island, the area is one hundred and five by one hundred, covering a full 15,000 square meters in the Angel Island Wrestling Hall, which is the venue for the wrestling competition!

That's right!

Today is the start of the annual wrestling competition in Kojima!

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