Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1043: A sudden change of style

"Above the King of Pirates (

Wrestling hall!

"Fall him!!!"

"Come on, hold on!"

"The last one, throw him!!!"


In the cries of tens of thousands of wrestlers in support of the wrestlers they support, in the wrestling hall divided into thirty-two arenas, sixty-four wrestlers were in pairs under the supervision of a referee. Intense wrestling!

Of these 64 wrestlers, the most conspicuous are nothing more than two!

Webber and Sauron!

One of the two is recognized in this year's Sky Island Wrestling Competition, and if there is no accident, the player will win the championship, and the other is the only person who has participated in the competition and not the Sky Islander since the start of the wrestling competition!

Therefore, almost all the audience present focused on the two of them!

The performance of the two did not disappoint the audience!

Not long after they entered the ring, the two ended the game with one stunned and the other knocked out of the ring!

"Sauron, good job!"

Seeing Sauron walking off the ring without a trace of sweat on his body, Luffy patted his shoulder happily.

"It's just a weak chicken!"

Sauron curled his lips in disdain!

To be honest, he now feels pitted!

Because the opponent is not strong at all, there is no pressure on him at all, and he is completely not as strong as Ennis said!

This does not meet his goal of participating in the competition!

"The real strong are behind!"

At this time, Ennis walked out of the crowd on the side, as if he knew what Sauron thought, and smiled and explained, "The wrestling competition is a recommendation system plus a selection system!"

"Among them are people recommended from various units, and there are also people who won from various competitions!"

"And the people recommended from various units are not necessarily the strongest people, and some rely on relationships, the appreciation of the boss, or simply bought to participate!"

"In general, the organizers will distinguish these people who are not strong from those who are really strong, and then let them match each other in the first round!"

"Finally, after the first round of the game, the real strength is left on the field!"

"In other words, starting from the next round, the people you meet will be countless times stronger than your current opponent!"

Having said that, Ennis seemed to think of something general, shrugged, and added, "Of course, the countless powers here are relatively speaking! With your strength, there is basically no opponent before the final, only the champion. It is possible for Webber to defeat you!"

Beat me?

Listening to Ennis' explanation, Sauron curled his lips and said indifferently, "Hope!"

Taking the current opponent as a reference, Sauron didn't think that Webber was so strong!

And Ennis looked at Sauron's expression and probably guessed what he was thinking!

However, he didn't say anything, just smiled slightly and didn't care!

He knows that some things can only be known by personal experience, and what others say is not counted!

After Sauron realized the strength of other opponents the next day, he could basically understand that what he said was true!

"Speaking of...Webber is also a monster!" Ennis recalled the scene of Webber training he had seen by chance, and couldn't help but shook his head and sighed secretly!


The competition system of the wrestling competition is one game. The competition schedule is very short. Therefore, in order to increase income and extend the time of the competition, the game is played one day!

So, after the game was over, Sauron went back!

the next day!

"Get out!"

After throwing a tall opponent out of the ring, Sauron let out a deep sigh and walked off the ring again!

"How about? Today's opponent is better than before!" Ennis leaned forward and said with a smile.


After Sauron nodded, he turned to fix his gaze on Webber who was not far away from the ring, his eyes were full of fiery heat!

Although he also defeated his opponent today, what he has to admit is that today's opponent is indeed much stronger than yesterday's opponent, as Ennis said, and even brought him a little trouble!

It can be seen from this that he suddenly felt that what Ennis said yesterday was not false, and that Webber is definitely someone who can be his opponent!

And this made him a little excited!

What Sauron likes most is playing against the strong!

"Fang Xin, the next people will get stronger and stronger!" Ennis patted Sauron on the shoulder and said with a smile!

Next, the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, after sixteen-eight, eight-four, four-two and so on, Sauron was careless from the beginning to the last game. After exhausting a lot of effort to win, finally came to the final!

"Come on, Sauron! I have all bets on you to win. As long as you win today, we won't be short of money on board during this time!" Before the game, Nami looked at Sauron with her eyes Said brightly.

In the games these days, because I believe in Sauron, Nami bet Sauron all the way!

And because Sauron has won all the way, Nami has earned nearly one billion Baileys so far!

If you bet a big one decisively, Sauron!

If Sauron wins today, then she will get another billion Baileys!

"I won't lose!"

Regarding this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, after taking a glance at Nami, Sauron didn't care about her betting with her, and said confidently.

"Chlorophyllum, don't speak big words, be careful of overturning!" Looking at Sauron's confident look, Sanji couldn't help but shocked!

Of course, it was a blow on the surface, but in fact Sanji was still reminding Sauron to face his opponent carefully!

"Sauron, we trust you!"

Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper didn't have so much thought, and they all supported Sauron!

No other reason!

Sauron is his own!

Faced with the support of his companions, either overtly or secretly, Sauron didn't say anything. After waving his hand, he walked straight to the ring!

"The Blue Ocean people, your journey ends here!" Webber looked at Sauron in front of him, grinned and said.

"As a swordsman, even if there is no road ahead, I will split a road!" Sauron said in a deep voice after a trace of warfare flashed in his eyes.

"But... this is a wrestling match!" Webber said hesitantly.

I pour!

Sauron heard Webber's words, and he staggered and almost fell on the ground!

"I also know this is a wrestling match!"

"I am a metaphor, do you understand it?"

"Furthermore, which **** stipulates that swordsmen cannot participate in wrestling competitions?"


Sauron barked frantically at Webber.

At this moment!

The style of the whole game has changed suddenly!

The original serious, fierce, fiery wrestling match, I don't know why there is a touch of sand sculpture!

Of course, the people present didn't know what the sand sculpture meant, but they could feel that this originally serious game seemed... to become a little bit unsound! ?

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