Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1055: Kidnapping Usopp

"Above the King of Pirates (

Uncomfortable, uncomfortable, things still have to be done!

no way!

If you don't do it, you won't be credited, and you won't be promoted if you don't.

So Spandam started to turn his mind!

Don't say it!

As soon as this mind turned, his bad water poured out of his head one after another!

Soon, a bad way to castrate badly appeared!

The other people in the Straw Hat Adventure Group!

Well, after his deliberation, he discovered that using the straw hat adventure team would indeed offend Karp.


The degree of offense will vary depending on the person who moves!

Needless to say Luffy!

It must be the kind that would be offended to death, so the first thing he ruled out was Luffy!

But others are different!

Whether it's Sauron, Sanji, or Nami, Usopp, and Chopper, even if they offend Karp after being caught, Karp may not come to Luffy in comparison to Luffy!

after all...

There is still a little difference between a grandson's friend and a grandson's friend!

After deciding to touch these people, Spandam asked them to investigate their background!

It doesn't matter if you don't investigate, the surprise comes as soon as you investigate!

After learning about his subordinates' intelligence and the anime of Adventure King, Spandham discovered that, except for Sauron and Chopper, the other three were more or less involved with the pirates!

Nami was once a member of the Pirate Group!

Usopp's father is a sniper in the Redhead Pirates!

Sanji's master, Red Foot Zip, was once a pirate with a reward!

What does this represent?

The teacher is famous!

Even if the three of them were caught, they still have a famous person to deal with Karp, leaving Karp speechless!

However, thinking about it further inside, Spandam eliminated Nami and Sanji again!

Nami's affairs are clearly there, and it is broadcast on Adventure King. Many people know that if he catches it, wouldn't it be equivalent to stabbing the navy in the back?

The collusion between the navy and the pirates is not a good reputation for the navy!

And Sanji...

After careful investigation, Spandam found that in addition to being a disciple of Red-footed Zhepu, Sanji had a deeper identity hidden!

He didn't find out exactly what it was for a while, just found some clues!

But that is enough!

There are clues to prove that there is a hidden background behind Sanji, which is enough to make Spandam dare not touch it!

The ghost knows who is behind?

What if it is a big man or someone who can cause him trouble?

Therefore, to be on the safe side, he chose a clear background, and his father was Usopp, a sniper with a bounty of hundreds of millions of red-haired Pirates!

"Get me arrested!"

After thinking of the ultimate goal, Spandam gave the order without hesitation!

In this regard, Rob Lucie agreed very simply!

He doesn't have any quirks that the weak will not kill or bully the weak!


Early morning!

The sun is in the sky, the breeze is smoked!



Along with the impact of the waves and the circling cries of seagulls, Lu Fei and his party landed in the Water Capital again in the morning!

These days they have been playing well in the Water City, and they have met many people, such as Frankie, but the most important thing for them this time in the Water City, that is, the ship change, has not been done yet. That's right!

Therefore, in the early morning, the people in the Straw Hat Adventure Group, except for the necessary left-behind personnel, were arranged by Nami to inquire about shipbuilding!

"Why do we need to handle such troublesome things?"

"I still had a lot of food to buy yesterday!"

"I...I...I can't!"


In this regard, the people on the ship complained!


It's no use complaining!

Under the lewd power of the big sister Nami, they can only act!


On the way!

"Oh... why did you have such a bad job?" Usopp complained with a sigh as he walked!

To be honest, the task assigned to him by Nami is very simple!

Just go to Carrera and other nearby shipyards to inquire about the price of building a ship!

But for this, Usopp still finds trouble!

Although he is not a lazy person, he really doesn't like it in the face of such a task that requires running around!

Simply complaining, complaining, he never thought about being lazy!

Just when my heart is depressed!


A hand suddenly stretched out behind his back, which blocked Usopp's mouth tightly, making him a little confused, at the same time at a loss, he couldn't speak.

next moment!

Before Usopp could react, a burst of medicine surged over his head, making his eyes suddenly black!

I don't know how long it took...

"Has the letter arrived?"

"I threw it on their boat, as long as they read the letter, they know where we are!"

"That's good, now let's get on the train back to Judicial Island, lest there be any accidents!"


Accompanied by a faint voice, Usopp slowly opened his eyes!


As soon as he was sober, Usopp heard the sound of mechanical operation coming from his ear, and the slight shaking sensation he felt!

On top of something that moves!

Usopp had a judgment on his situation for the first time!

And when he glanced at the surrounding environment, he found that he was **** tightly at this time, in an iron box that looked like a carriage carriage, but was several times larger than a carriage carriage, surrounded by neatly arranged tables. chair!

Sea train!

These days, mixing in the Water City, Usopp has also inquired about many peculiar things unique to the Water City.

The sea train is one of them!

Therefore, after he saw the surrounding scene clearly, he immediately knew where he was now!

And at this moment, he immediately thought of a way to save himself...


"Come on!"

"Let me go!"

"You tied the wrong person!"

"I'm just an ordinary sniper!"


Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His so-called self-help method is to shout for help!

In his opinion, there should be a lot of passengers on such things as sea trains, as long as they shout out, someone will definitely come to rescue him!


Usopp was finally disappointed!

"Don't shout, the sea train is wrapped by us. There are only our people on it, and we have not tied the wrong person. We tied you... Usopp of the Straw Hat Adventure Group!"

In such a sound coming from another carriage, Usopp fell into a daze!

∑(っ°Д°;)っFuck! ! !

What the **** did I do?

Am I just an ordinary sniper?

Why is there someone special to kidnap me?


the other side!

After a day's time slowly passed, Luffy and his team returned to the ship!

"Wait, where's Usopp?"

It wasn't until dinner that Nami ordered a circle of people and realized that there was one missing person on their boat---Usopp!

"Maybe something was delayed, right?" Sanji guessed.

"should be!"


"Let's eat first, leave him a serving!"


In this regard, the group did not care much, really thought Usopp was delayed by something!

When it was about to go to bed, the group still did not wait for Usopp to come back. They were surprised that something was wrong this time!

In the end, after looking around, they found a letter in the corner of their boat that looked like a piece of **** discarded at random!

When they opened the letter, they discovered a shocking fact with hindsight-Usopp was kidnapped! ! !

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