Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1056: Double happiness

"Above the King of Pirates (

What if someone is arrested?

Of course it is rescued!

The Straw Hat Pirates in the original plot did not hesitate to land on Judicial Island, not to mention this time?

However, how to save is a problem!

Now they have no idea about Judicial Island or how to get to Judicial Island!

In this case, no matter how eager they are to save others, they can only inquire about the news first!


At this time, someone gave them an assist and provided help!


A member of the future Straw Hat Pirates in this original plot!

Originally, according to the original plot, the process that he and Luffy and his team met was that after the Frankie family robbed Usopp of the gold that Luffy and his team had taken from the sky island and exchanged 200 million yuan for shipbuilding, I only met after a series of fights and misunderstandings!

But now because Luffy and his team did not get gold in Sky Island, the whole team was poor compared to the poor, and now Luffy and his team did not offer a bounty, so the Frankie family did not act on them, and the process of their understanding was also Very different!

It was during the past two days that Sauron was working out, because he lost his way and strayed into the bar where the Frankie family gathered for a drink. Because they were both bounty hunters, they drank some friendships and got to know each other!

Of course, I met no matter how!

After all, they are teammates of Destiny, they still get acquainted very quickly!

Therefore, the Fran Wizards chose to help Luffy and his party, tell them about the Judicial Island, and also booked tickets for the sea train for them to send them to Judicial Island!


Accidents will happen!

While Frankie offered help to Luffy and his party, an undercurrent that he didn't know was swept toward him quietly!


"What? Inquired about the whereabouts of the Pluto design?" Spandham was crazy happy!

He did not expect the surprise to come so suddenly!

During this period of time, Robin, the son of the devil, who was the only one left in the world to be able to translate historical texts, found out the whereabouts of the Pluto design that he originally thought to be in the Living Year series!

what is this?

Happy double!

Spandam can predict that if he does both of these things properly, then a promotion and salary increase will be in sight!

He can at least transfer from CP9 to CP0, the leading unit that belongs to the entire CP!

"Yes, through our constant search day and night, combined with past deeds and various behaviors of Bingberg, we can basically determine that the Pluto design is in the former Bingshan junior, that is, the one who fell out with him on the face is called Fran. Strange people!"

There is nothing to say!

After hearing the confirmation from the person on the other end of the phone, Spandam was excited while giving an order, "What are you waiting for? Catch, catch me!!!"

"Yes!" the voice on the other end of the phone replied firmly.


One wave is not flat, another wave rises!

Luffy and his party soon got the second bad news after Usopp was arrested-Frankie was arrested!

And this news not only caught them by surprise, but also suffered a blow to their upcoming mission to save Usopp!

Frankie has not given them the sea train ticket to Judicial Island!

"What should I do? Frankie was arrested, we don't have tickets anymore, we can't save Usopp, and there is one more target to save!" Luffy rubbed his temples, said a little irritably.

"I found out, the sea train has just left! Now there is no sea train to Judicial Island. If we want to go to Judicial Island, we have to wait at least one day. Now even if we want to buy tickets, we can only buy them. Tomorrow!" Sanji looked a little ugly!

If you don’t have a ticket, it’s okay to say, the big deal is to buy a scalper ticket.

But it hurts when the sea train leaves!

This means that they will definitely not be able to catch up today!

"Then what should we do? How are we going? Is it possible to set off to chase?" Nami asked, frowning.

Although their boats are still in good condition, according to the boatmaker's statement, they won't last long!

If they insist on chasing after them by boat, I am afraid that the boat will have problems halfway through!

"Just leave the boat, if we really want to chase, let's rent a boat!" Sauron said with a frown.

At this moment, facing such a distressing situation, Robin silently picked up the phone.

"Hey, it's me, get me a boat! What? There is a retired locomotive available? Okay, let's use that one!"

After a phone call, a smile appeared on Robin's face!

"Everyone, I have good news for you!" Robin said sternly, looking at everyone present, "I just asked the intelligence personnel of Saint Martin nearby. They said that the sea train retired a locomotive last month!"

"Although the locomotive is retired, it can actually be used. It is only retired because it is old! If we get the locomotive, we can use the locomotive and hang a car at the back, and then ride Get on the train and go to Judicial Island!"

"Really!?" Luffy looked at Robin and asked with some surprise.

"Really!" Robin nodded.

"Then how do we get this locomotive?" Nami asked, frowning~www.wuxiaspot.com~Bingberg! The Mayor of Water Capital, Bingberg! "Robin said decisively, "This train head is placed in the Water Capital Warehouse next to the Water Capital Maritime Train Station. It is the property of the Water Capital. You can only get the warehouse key from the Water City Mayor. Get the locomotive! "

"Mayor? Will he promise us something like this? Besides, isn't the CP9 person who caught Usopp? He, the mayor, would be willing to give us the key?" Nami asked quickly.

"If it was before, maybe, but now..." Robin groaned, "Franky has another identity, that is, Bingshan's junior. As long as we go to him, he should agree. !"

When everyone listened, their eyes lit up!

"That's great, let's go quickly!" Luffy shouted out even more happily.

At this time, everyone didn't care why Bingshan's junior was such a person who looked like a gangster.

Nor did I think about the relationship between Bingberg and Frankie!

After hearing the news, the people who were anxious to save their partners wanted to find Bingshan in a hurry!

"it is good!"

In this regard, Robin did not hesitate to agree!

Why on earth was Usopp arrested? The previous letter was very clear---it was to lead her over!

Although Luffy and the others didn't blame her for this, she felt somewhat self-blaming in her heart, feeling that she was tired of Usopp!

So at this time, she was more concerned about saving Usopp than anyone else in the team!

So, under the leadership of Robin, Luffy and his team went straight to the center of the Water City. Robin learned from the intelligence personnel that the iceberg is now located, the office building of Carrera!

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